Granny's Application to join ur trib.


Hello there my dears. *pours a nice cuppa*
Well Oh dear It seems none of Granny's old pals are here so it falls to plan C.

Can I pls join ur trib... whoever you are. (or account)

I promise a minimal to mediocre quantity of effort.

Here is my CV.

Good things about Granny.
1. Like many long time players who often return, I play TW to the point it becomes detrimental to my mental and physical health.
2. I can send trains but didn't check server settings to check if that's even relevant so I'll just go with 1 noble per vill if you dont mind.
3. I am copious amounts of fun and shenanigans are inevitable.
4. I start random conversations with the common folk so that they know I care.
5. The account I am on with always have a new mail notification.
6. I have a tedious job so I can play TW at work.
7. I have several GCSEs in various non consequential subjects.
8. I sometimes buy premium points for your dad.
9. I will convince your enemies that script farming is inefficient and that it should be done manually BUT I will also teach your dad to farm and he will be on the account by end of January.
10. I lied about being a Granny but dont ruin my persona, it defines my personality and daily interaction with other players. Its all that I have. *rocks in chair*

Bad things about Granny.
1. Like many long time players who often return, I play TW to the point it becomes detrimental to my mental and physical health.
2. I can send trains but didn't check server settings to check if that's even relevant so I'll just go with 1 noble per vill if you dont mind.
3. I am copious amounts of fun and shenanigans are inevitable.
4. I start random conversations with the common folk so that they know I care.
5. The account I am on with always have a new mail notification.
6. I have a tedious job so I can play TW at work.
7. I have several GCSEs in various non consequential subjects.
8. I sometimes buy premium points for your dad.
9. I will convince your enemies that script farming is inefficient and that it should be done manually BUT I will also teach your dad to farm and he will be on the account by end of January.
10. I lied about being a Granny but dont ruin my persona, it defines my personality and daily interaction with other players. Its all that I have. *rocks in chair*

As you can see it's so evenly matched of a decision for you that everything that's good about me is also bad.
Doesn't it prevent complication when things aren't so black and white?

Your sweet old Granny doesn't like things when they are black and white. ... This sweet old dear prefers the world a different colour...
...blood red.

-Gramma Evelyn
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Oh goodness me deary, you are just adorable.
Here you go sweety, have a cup of tea. *pours irresponsibly hot caffeinated beverage*

-Granny Evelyn


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
Ikea is looking for people that can answer all random PMs since literally no one wants to read PMs, especially not me. Up for the task?


How do you not love mailing everyone?
I mean sure I can handle IKEAs PR if you like,

I think I have IKEA memes and P&P pre-written from when I was in an IKEA in w73 :eek: