Happy Fourth of July!!!


haha, hope everyones 4th was awesome!

(hint: dont touch fireworks that you lit but failed to go off) lol


haha, hope everyones 4th was awesome!

(hint: dont touch fireworks that you lit but failed to go off) lol

lol my dad did that on bonfire night (its a bit like independance day in the fact there are massive fireworks displays and we have an excuse to blow shit up) with a rocket XD

he was proper drunk, he lit a rocket, it didnt go off so he picked it up and lobbed it into next doors garden where it exploded XD

anyway, hope that america had a good 4th of july


Lets celebrate every other national holiday too

Yes...try to keep politics out of this game.. and if we celebrate a national holiday of a country ...we HAVE to celebrate others countries national day .... to be democratic.
Or some contries are "more equal" :icon_razz: than others.

Happy 4th july for all our W32 players from USA !
I hope you had a nice party !
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I am not in the US nor am I an American: still ended up at a 4th of July Party and a hangover today: happy 4th, y'all (sic)


To address the history of the colonies...

The American colonies were not giving Great Britain very much money. In fact, the Brits were hemmoraging money on us. We weren't giving them any valuable materials. But the Brits kept investing in us because they hoped that we would be like India, which would be Great Britain's lifeline for money for almost 200 years.

Indeed citizens of Great Britain did pay higher taxes than the American colonists did. But they had a say in the matter. We American colonists didn't. We had our own local governments levy taxes on us. Then Great Britain defended us in the French and Indian War which we Americans started. So they wanted us to help pay for our damage. We said no.

Great Britain only made around 2000 pounds from the colonies... YEARLY. We didn't make money. So Great Britain wanted us to make a little more. We didn't. So we got mad and declared independence.

The entire story is America shoving a foot up Great Britain's ass... and the French helped us.

So yes, we did fuck over the guy who was trying to help us. But we became independent. And yes, we did have slavery, but we would soon get rid of it. We were one of the first nations to do so.

Wow... someone who does indeed know history. Am impressed.


I think we should have a holiday thread. The title could be "Happy Holidays" and whenever some country has a holiday worth saying "Happy Whatever" and somebody wants to, they can just post in that thread when it happens.

Makes the game less political and more sharing of world heritage don't you think?