Add me on LoL. Username: UncleLu. Just cause we're enemies on TW doesn't mean we can't be teammates on LoL ;D
I play the NA server. Don't look at my rankings though, i play ranked games with my room mates and they're all terribad
No need to blame care x losing on bad leadership. Remember, my tribe didnt have a Duke for
WEEKS. Leadership cant get any worse than that, and we still came out on top. The ex-Agency guys bit off more than they could chew. In retrospect, the taunts we received from guys like MagicalCloud were hilarious
Speaking of KoNH, I for one am glad he quit by the time I took over. KoNH never contributes to the tribe and never posts on the tribe forums except when requesting support. The original owner (tannie) also gave instructions to his co players to not waste troops helping the tribe. No clue how someone like that made it into pacman. Actually, I hope s/he is reading this.