HC Strat: Pros and Cons


i just gotta ask this to make sure i completely understood the meaning of turtle for TW if someone is willing to elaborate? :lol:

Build only defense, noble lots of barbs because of it. Grow slowly, but be a pretty sizeable force due to the fact you're a B*tch to kill off.


oh gotcha now lol. yeah i think ive met a few turtles somewhere sometimes. kind of annoying because u know theyre munchin barbs and might munch the barbs around u


oh gotcha now lol. yeah i think ive met a few turtles somewhere sometimes. kind of annoying because u know theyre munchin barbs and might munch the barbs around u

Just gotta baffle them with fakes and hit their new villages.

The kid south of me was about to get rimmed and is doing some hardcore barb nobling now...I find that to be the best strategy


lol or send a several nukes at the same village and fake others either ways works lol

lol well i must admit when i was gangbanged by [H] a long ago i was nobling my way from K33 over to K15 takin a few barbs to start it off with and grow so i dont get completely rimmed learned it from someone who i was rimming and he went up to K14,.. petit-jean ;) lol


dam the discussion ended so quickly:icon_cry:

not many people contributing... can have a big debate with only 2 or so people, lol. i was hoping to get more opinions on it as well....:icon_confused:


heres my opinion: i didnt know that there was a named straty for tw, and i didnt know people actually stratagized in this game. it was like checkers to me. move around your area until you get kinged (noble a vill) now of course i only nobled an actual player twice, and only a few hours away, but named stratagies, i didnt think there were any.

now we can all debate this because i know u all regard my opinions so highly


I have tried lots of different troop strats on w32. I switched over to a full HC strat at some stage, but I did not like the HC offence. While it sounded good to be able to snipe from anywhere, I simply did not need it. I was able to snipe trains from 20+ hours away, which made the HC offence a little redundant for me.

When I started w32 I was still using sp/sw defence. I made the change somewhere around the 500k point I think. I have not gone back since.

Now that I have played TW enough, I know what a good ratio of def:eek:ff is. The more efficient you become at backtiming and sniping, the less defence you really need.


to me the HC strategy , is most usefull when your sorounded and/or in the frontlines.

but when you far away and there is only small cluster in the frontlines, it is better to use the slower stronger troop build.

ofcouse the HC strategy works at best when your very active and constantly under attack, that is when it shines.


HC Start, the defensive side is the best one for me, offensive is if you are getting hit really HARD.

Why is it amazing?

Simply because it takes half if not even less time to build than the usual run to the mill nubby 10k sp/sw build, which is both time consuming and the swords move at the speed of oxen.

It's still effectively despite having such a small build time and effective, fully build defensive village provided HC strat is used could rebuke 1.3-1.5 nukes, albeit the sp/sw has more strength, the other pros greatly outweigh the possibility of using Heavy Cavalry instead of the swords, the HC allows you to snipe if you're a lazy bugger and missed the times while being preoccupied elsewhere.

The HC travel ALOT faster than the swords, allowing swift stacking provided the area is clustered, the HC also offer some of the offensive power which is greater in comparison with the swords, granted the drain on the Iron is great, but when you're at the later stage in game it pays off greatly, seeing as you have versatile units which are able to move between villages quickly. Some nub tried to attack me by noble, 4 hours away, when they came the village had over a 50k HC in it and not as many spears, I was bored and wanted to reduce the shock as well as make him sweat for his ODA :p

Who would use SP/SW?

The nubs and the turtles, same thing those are.

It's kinda ghey on tech worlds as some of the tribes insist that sw are level 3 as well, which is kinda lame so you have to compromise and restore tech levels on EVERY damn village you take.


HC Start, the defensive side is the best one for me, offensive is if you are getting hit really HARD.

Why is it amazing?

Simply because it takes half if not even less time to build than the usual run to the mill nubby 10k sp/sw build, which is both time consuming and the swords move at the speed of oxen.

It's still effectively despite having such a small build time and effective, fully build defensive village provided HC strat is used could rebuke 1.3-1.5 nukes, albeit the sp/sw has more strength, the other pros greatly outweigh the possibility of using Heavy Cavalry instead of the swords, the HC allows you to snipe if you're a lazy bugger and missed the times while being preoccupied elsewhere.

The HC travel ALOT faster than the swords, allowing swift stacking provided the area is clustered, the HC also offer some of the offensive power which is greater in comparison with the swords, granted the drain on the Iron is great, but when you're at the later stage in game it pays off greatly, seeing as you have versatile units which are able to move between villages quickly. Some nub tried to attack me by noble, 4 hours away, when they came the village had over a 50k HC in it and not as many spears, I was bored and wanted to reduce the shock as well as make him sweat for his ODA :p

Who would use SP/SW?

The nubs and the turtles, same thing those are.

It's kinda ghey on tech worlds as some of the tribes insist that sw are level 3 as well, which is kinda lame so you have to compromise and restore tech levels on EVERY damn village you take.

I completely agree. In my tech worlds, swords are level 3 in D villages, but only lvl 2 in O villages.


I completely agree. In my tech worlds, swords are level 3 in D villages, but only lvl 2 in O villages.

Oh my god, high 5, that's exactly what I do :icon_redface:

3 spears, 2 swords, 3 axes, 3 LC, 1 ram, 3 HC in offensive amirite? :D


HC has its uses. Its great for snippage. LC SUCKS for it. I need 3k LC to do what 600 HC Can. HC are just more efficient for snipage.

Ok. Techs wise? if we go axe/LC we are looking at axe/lc 3 -6 techs leaving you with the option of 9 left.

If we go Axe/HC 3? Still 6, but the option to build D anywhere you may need it increases. HC is its own defense where as LC is a target waiting to get hit.

If youve ever seen an army hit on your axe/lc army, you cringed cause it folded like a piece of paper. That same army hitting an axe/hc army'will' take much more significant losses. Means they have to rebuild. You have to rebuild as well, but at least they didnt get a bunch of free odA at no cost to them.

Defensively, everyone goes sp/hc def or straight sp/sw def on the comparisons. We all know sp/hc rebuilds faster, where as sp/sw takes forever. Tack on HC to the sp/sw defense method and its a hybrid. Its got some strength ( swords rock) and its got mobility cause of the HC.

Than again, it all depends on your style of play. Stackage or sniping, they both have thier pros and cons.



HC has its uses. Its great for snippage. LC SUCKS for it. I need 3k LC to do what 600 HC Can. HC are just more efficient for snipage.

Ok. Techs wise? if we go axe/LC we are looking at axe/lc 3 -6 techs leaving you with the option of 9 left.

If we go Axe/HC 3? Still 6, but the option to build D anywhere you may need it increases. HC is its own defense where as LC is a target waiting to get hit.

If youve ever seen an army hit on your axe/lc army, you cringed cause it folded like a piece of paper. That same army hitting an axe/hc army'will' take much more significant losses. Means they have to rebuild. You have to rebuild as well, but at least they didnt get a bunch of free odA at no cost to them.

Defensively, everyone goes sp/hc def or straight sp/sw def on the comparisons. We all know sp/hc rebuilds faster, where as sp/sw takes forever. Tack on HC to the sp/sw defense method and its a hybrid. Its got some strength ( swords rock) and its got mobility cause of the HC.

Than again, it all depends on your style of play. Stackage or sniping, they both have thier pros and cons.


in simple tech system i prefer Hybryd:)


Let's just introduce archers and mounted archers to the world so we can go la la weeee defense yayyyy......... :)


I like my defense :D Hense the turtle in my sig.

Anyways, I build my techs the way I do cause if im under heavy attack? i can convert to Defense fairly rapidly if I need too. Converting to offense takes a little longer. However, the advantage of HC in that case is I can make it 'anywhere' and use it to attack, or defend. Sure. Im gonna take hits, but its really hard to beat the versatility of HC in a combat situation.

LC is to specialized. Sure its fast and has great offensive power. All that offensive power comes at the cost of being a target for just about everything else defensively.

HC: Really good offensive power, speed and 'defensive' capabilities. I can farm, attack or defend with the same unit.



not many people contributing... can have a big debate with only 2 or so people, lol. i was hoping to get more opinions on it as well....:icon_confused:

what did you expected? those who are using HC strat are minority in TW. only they know pros and cons. others doen't have competence to discuss in this thread.

if you never played it you can't tell if it's good or not, if it's suits your playing style or not, if you like it or not.

find somewhere Openeye's TeachU thread, read basics about HC strat, start using it for at least 2-3 months, adapt troop counts / off:def ratios for your own personal taste and your knowledge on subject will come from experience.


i vastly preffer slow powerful defense, but somtimes you got to build spear/Hc villages, especially when you are rebuilding defense and under attack, you can build an entire defense village of spear/HC faster then you can build a nuke, while a spear/sword village takes twenty-some days,

everyone needs some HC in my opinion, so i do build a percentage of my defense villages with HC, just i preffer the strength of spears/swords

it is hard to argue with the build time on a HC/spear village though, so in big drawn out wars where you take heavy loses, it is really the way to go when replacing your defensive troops
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what did you expected? those who are using HC strat are minority in TW. only they know pros and cons. others doen't have competence to discuss in this thread.

if you never played it you can't tell if it's good or not, if it's suits your playing style or not, if you like it or not.

find somewhere Openeye's TeachU thread, read basics about HC strat, start using it for at least 2-3 months, adapt troop counts / off:def ratios for your own personal taste and your knowledge on subject will come from experience.

I agree...when I first started I just assumed the HC strategy would suck simply because it has less firepower. Personally, I'd rather be the fastest fighter in the world than the strongest fighter in the world. I consider it sort of the same deal here