I don't really see the point in getting a huge amount of scouts per offensive villages. Yeah, 3 scouts by my standards is too low, and I usually keep a max of around 40-50 just for intel fakes or to send out with the nuke. You usually have scout villages at mid-game anyways.
Early game troop builds don't matter. If you have time and are waiting on nobles, go for more axes (considering you can actually get a full nuke before nobiling). If not, just keep stables/rax 24/7. Later in the game you usually don't op people every week or send out all nukes weekly. So I tend to do higher axe counts, at around 7.5k axe 2.95k lc 300ish rams. It all comes down to personal preference. If you are able to keep sending out nukes every week or so (well, every time you can send out all full nukes in one go). Then go for the quicker build. If not, go for the tougher build.
I personally dislike heavy cavalry units because I find them to be sub-par at defending. The only use I see is 300-500 hc per defensive village for sniping and removing a few extra hours of rax buildtime.
For players that enjoy math. A sp/sw/hc would be 28% more efficient (and note that that is for a single D, when you stack it increases) then a sp/hc. So, for every 100D you end up getting 28D more. Takes like 4 more days to build.
General defence 1332000
Cavalry Defence 1145000
Defence Archer 1226000
General defence 1042000
Cavalry Defence 1119000
Defence Archer 1055000
General defence 1562000
Cavalry Defence 1678000
Defence Archer 1581500
General defence 780000
Cavalry Defence 1351500
Defence Archer 864000