This whole discussion is largely mute since the OP is probably long gone, but I'm apparently a sucker for feeding the trolls...
No, people who target small vills like that, aren't much to worry about, I won't get into the tactics of eary game play and how to survive and grow... But taking little villages that will consume more resources then they are worth, are not the way to go.
When you are starting out, and you have a 2500 point village conquered, you don't care if the n00b that took it isn't using a viable long term strategy. All that matters is that now you have to start all over. The original suggestion, (Don't be a point whore; build troops) also applies to 7000 point villages. Troops win wars and skirmishes, not points.
No, the best offense is not to use a single unit. That is entirely wrong, I don't know who told you that or how you got that idea, but it just doesn't work for me.
Play with the simulator more. Compare troop costs when clearing a village with different troops and see which strategy is best.
My simulator tells me that for a village with a 1:1 ratio of spear : swords, if you attack with equivalent pops, you loose 89% using light cav alone, 75% using the standard "nuke" of 9 axe : 3 light cav ratio and only 73% using Axes alone.
Likely, the person who originally came up with the pre-defined formula (with the simulator) knew that this benefit of a single troop type is not significant considering you can produce the axes and lt cav at the same time reducing the build time.
Understanding how it works was my point in the first place. However, if the person you are attacking is a little heavy on spears, are the numbers the same? No.
If you didn't use the simulator, and you don't understand why your formulaic nukes always have 9000 axes and 3000 lt cav, you are at a disadvantage to those of us who do know how to use it.
Don't take my word for it. Try it. What troop is the best against 8 spear: 2 hc? Against 4 spear : 3 swords? 3 spear : 4 swords?
Use the simulator and whatever strategy that works for you. Which was my whole point. How can that possibly lead to utter failure?