Hello i am new and i am looking for a tribe to help me out please message me in game if you want to help thank you. I am at 460/705 K74
This would be the section you are looking for:
Good luck and have fun!
As quick as a turtle Shlomzi
Don't be mean. I'm on my iPhone >.>
As soon as you got some decent (50'ish) amount of troops, then start attacking the ones who haven't grown and the barbarians around you. Gives nice resources. That'll be speed things up for you
Farming should commence at 11 spears, looooong before 50.
Farming should commence at 11 spears, looooong before 50.
Didn't the turtle beat the bunny? :icon_wink:
[spoil]Turtle did not beat the T-Rex though.. raaawwr :icon_rolleyes:[/spoil]
Actuallt the turtle beat the hare, which is like a bunny X hamster :icon_razz:
Exwuse me for my primitive English :lol: