Hey family tribe, yeah you there


Invite me to your dysfunctional mom pounding group for my tutorial res. I know you want to. I need res, you need a cousin Droid, Rick Droid, in game name 'Droid 2.0'.

I'll probably leave you, but it's nothing personal, it's just I got out of a family relationship recently and I'm afraid of being hurt again.

I know your busy, figuring out whether to go with double or triple digits after your tribe name, I can help with vital decisions such as this (triple btw) and more, and it's all just an invite away.

Your thinking, "Why would I invite this attractive but socially awkward guy? It's just going to help him to get big and sexy and noble our faces." Well, your right in thinking this, I am going to noble your faces like drunk chicks passed out at Mardi Gras, so I'll tell you what, I'll gain what, 250 res? Consider it a loan that costs you nothing! I'll repay the 250 res with compounded interest at a fluctuating market rate that could possibly net you up to 500 res in 2 months time! That's right! Double your res, nay, you invest nothing and still receive a whopping 500 res by no later than March 16th, 2012!

Don't pass this offer up! Invite Droid 2.0 to your craptastic tribe today!


Everyone knows 2.0 is better than 1, but 3.0 is a POS and even after 3.2 is out you still want to go back to 2.0 but you can't because 3.2 syncs your spotify with your ham recipes, and you can't live without that shit. Then 4.0 rolls out and yea pics of your nugs look like the fortress of solitude with that new 34megapixel camera, but that stupid push to talk key / voice activation key on the side goes off in your pocket when your readjusting your junk and the sound of your genitals rubbing against silk apparently translates to "Catfish McGee", which happens to be the name you've given your girlfriend which is a whole different story, now she's pocketdropping on your call listening to your lame attempts to hit on Rachel, the hottest girl at your work, so hot she gets to work drive thru every day. Now you gotta go home and talk your overweight depressed girlfriend out of chugging a bottle of vicos, not that she can't live without you, but if she can't keep a loser like you on lock down then what hopes does she have.

Then sitting in the hospital while she gets her stomach pumped, and waiting for them to admit you for a fork she jabbed into your thigh, you say to yourself, dude...I could be playing COD in my underwear right now if I woulda just kept that 2.0.


Lol COD.
But atleast you had some Skyrim references in there(not that they were any good, but....) ^.^