Hmm, Hate it


Whee! People posting forever stats 4 hours after declaration, that tells everything about brightness of mass recruiting peeps aka TDL and its family branchess.


Its because several of are members and their members have nobled into their territory or into 7x7 and they were nobled back by either tribe.

Honestly, pterry isnt a diplomatic sort. I just came on to see this and im quite astonished as I didnt see it happening for awhile, but when you constantly invite refugees, theres really no other way to go about it. But again, it would have been nice to have the war 2-3 months down the road.

Pterry likes to think he can make everyone bow down for him. The fact is iv done it, I tried to help the relationship. Made several deals where TDL got more then what PLG was getting from the deal because I wanted to make it work.

But when we went to him with offers he wouldnt budge and it looked more and more like he almost wanted war between us. I honestly believe that he wanted to push PLG to declare, but as we were already at war, they knew we wouldnt unless it was imperitive.

Pterry777 stopped the war with smile! because he had plans for us. Its about as bright as day now that those were his intentions. He wanted to get ready for war against PLG so he stopped his war. However, as much as PLG would like to stop war, we are not about that. We finish the job in other words.

Goodluck TDL you may need it,


Why is the timeframe forever?

This stats doesnt prove anything at all. How about putting stats when the war is on-going not this kind of crap.:icon_idea:
That's exactly what he was warning us about. Read his post again.:icon_rolleyes:

Whee! People posting forever stats 4 hours after declaration, that tells everything about brightness of mass recruiting peeps aka TDL and its family branchess.

Another one. Read his post again :icon_rolleyes:


Why is the timeframe forever?

This stats doesnt prove anything at all. How about putting stats when the war is on-going not this kind of crap.:icon_idea:

She was showing everyone why the forever stats would be skewed to reinforce her point that forever stats should not be used for this war.:icon_wink:

Well, PTERRY, are you happy with your diplomatic concessions now? :icon_rolleyes:

Good luck, PLG.


PNP to me is just fine forget all the picture crap, it's as effective.
Terry you have been talking now show us you can walk also.

GL to both but i am rooting for PLG, not that i know them i just don't like TDL.



if you guys fancy any k93 villages in the near future just igm me


You forget there is TDL, TDK and a few good players such as me in TDL2... put that up to PLG, dead PLG!



I have quotes from ~TDL~ players that those academy tribes are just filled to the brim with noobs and would rather they were all rimmed because they just took villages that those ~TDL~ players would take.

Tip: Merging a lot of tribes together makes the chance of having spies increase massively.


Points don't win wars, skill does PLG have proven that TDL are yet to do so, it is a bit cowardly stab in the back after an alliance was made but meh whatcha going to do. I reckon PLG can pull this off, will probably see Pterry in PLG in few months. Good luck to both sides either way.


Points don't win wars, skill does PLG have proven that TDL are yet to do so, it is a bit cowardly stab in the back after an alliance was made but meh whatcha going to do. I reckon PLG can pull this off, will probably see Pterry in PLG in few months. Good luck to both sides either way.

I doubt that personally. From the looks of it no one but Pterry started this and I don't think he will be invited.


Oh boy. Great job TDL, now it's gonna be a while before KOF vs PLG hits off...


You forget there is TDL, TDK and a few good players such as me in TDL2... put that up to PLG, dead PLG!

Yes, because we all know that Quality > Quantity

Oh, wait. That doesn't work in favor of the family of merge whores, does it. :lol:

I doubt that personally. From the looks of it no one but Pterry started this and I don't think he will be invited.


Here's a lesson for tribal leaders. If you are war us, you will go down with your ship. I'd love to have ~TDL~ players join us, but don't expect it to be the Duke; that goes for any tribe that wars us.


Glad to see everyone else has this all figured out lol especialy the part about ending smile1 war to attack PLG? Hmm, that would have been a good plan but was never my intention.The simole fact is I do not like people nobling directly beside my tribe members villages and PLG seems to want to ignore that.


Turns out when you invite players in our area it makes it inevitable that we noble next to them. Anyone with a basic grasp of this game would understand that.