Hmmm.. to mine whore?


I was just sitting in my little troll whole debating what to do with my account when i thought... why not just ask w43!
They're sure to give me a well thought out a reasonable answer.

So guys here goes.

Ok after 3-4 days as i don't have piles and pile of barbs around me and i know of two players to also be actively farming in my 7x7 and so using my physic abilities i am going to say there will be near nothing left in any barb no matter how far away i look. So i am debating if it might well be worth while started mine whoring over the 3rd-4th day before i push for a stable on the 4th-5th.
What do you guys this? To mine whore or to keep on plugging with the groups of spearZ and just send smaller groups farther away with swords/axes.


well spear whoring is all well and good when you have enough barbs, to be honest i have never been in the situation of not being able to farm something in my 7 x 7 and but i bet it sucks although if you minewhore and it may work but you will not have any troops to Defend or Backtime ...

If you choose to mine whore please tell me how it goes ;)

love you long time aidan :p


Spear whore in the beginning even if you have like only one barb near you. But when it dries up and you don't actually need more spears, then mine whore for a while. Barbs usually pop up as you go so make sure you have enough spears to keep them empty. On this world, with 5 days BP, mine whoring will benefit you more once you have enough spears for your number of barbs.

But then you also have to make sure you have enough troops to start farming any small point players around you when BP ends. And from there you just have to try get that perfect balance between troops and points.


I knowz you hatez meh Ston3d, but I would mine whore if you are struggling with resources, especially with 2 other active players in your 7x7. The resources can just help you build those troops that you need for farming when BP ends. Then you can get right in on the action and get some very good hauls (but only if you haz some nubcakes in your 7x7 :icon_wink:).

Just my 2cents :icon_biggrin:


You can try either ways but long-distance barbs are a good idea if you are going to sleep and don't want your troops to be sitting in the village. Or a more harder way, you can just try to take the brbs away from those two farming them, asking the general forum to mine-whore is kind of letting people know if you will be a good resource resource(funny word lol) or not. Just my opinion =)


You can try either ways but long-distance barbs are a good idea if you are going to sleep and don't want your troops to be sitting in the village. Or a more harder way, you can just try to take the brbs away from those two farming them, asking the general forum to mine-whore is kind of letting people know if you will be a good resource resource(funny word lol) or not. Just my opinion =)

Minewhoring and complete pointwhoring is very different. For the first, you minewhore with just a few troops at first. But you plan so that you start making troops and have enough for when BP finishes. Pointwhoring players are the ones that are the good farms :icon_wink:


If you catch them off guard, minewhores can be made into good farms, too. :lol: