Holmium - The World 67 Blog



Welcome to Holmium #2! Thank you everyone for your kind words about Issue #1. I'm honored that nobody turned this thread into a bashfest or a massive derail. Good job World 67 - despite what everyone says, you are allowed to have nice things! In this issue we will pay a visit to the rank 1 tribe, learn about your fears, and attend a meeting of the barb munchers club. Some of the data I used for stats was taken on Saturday, I'll try to point those out when they happen. Enjoy!


Finally World 67 has settled in after Matt Curr broke up the band. Nobody is happier than me to see a healthier world that is a lot more competitive. Any of the top tribes today could be rank 1 tomorrow - you never know. But for now -?- has taken that spot and the world is definitely going to make them work to keep it.

Tribe Name: Undecided
Tag: -?-
Members: 42
Rank: 1
ODA: 24 Million (Rank 10)
ODD: 22 Million (Rank 1)
Founded: 20 April 2013
Location: K46,56,65, and 66.


-?- is at war with Cheers and ~P~



War Stats for past 30 days (Stats are from the date of this post):



-?- has struggled early with it's two wars but is now rallying. In the above graph you can see that for the past 30 days they have a net loss of 7 villages in their two wars. While this isn't exactly exciting, it is a good thing for -?-. If you break down their conquers and losses on a week to week basis you can see they are slowly gaining more ground against Cheers each week and losing less villages per week to ~P~. If this trend continues we can expect them to show a net gain for their two wars very soon. The past 7 days in particular have showed a marked improvement in their play. Their enemies are giving them hell though, having Rank 1 ODD (in game stat, not TWstats) means that they've gained all those ODD points since they were founded. While impressive, it may mean they are starting to run low on defense if they aren't stacking wisely and distributing their losses. Is -?- running low on defense or is it playing smart and replenishing troops efficiently? Teamwork, communication, and smart troop usage will make or break -?-.

A Brief Interview with Lesbe Friends:

FFE: -?- is a tribe made of members from Glow and Purr, are there any other places you gained members from?

Lesbe: Currently all members are ex Purrr & Glow, we haven't picked anyone else up yet. Personally I like to keep the member count as low as possible.

FFE: -?- is still a young tribe, so it's too early to say whether you're doing a great job or failing, but i see growth is a little stagnant. Two days ago I'd have said your wars with Cheers and ~P~ weren't going very well, but you seem to be turning those around. In general do you feel that your tribe is turning a corner and going to start growing soon?

Lesbe: Well the strength of a good tribe isn't shown in the first battle but how it handles the war as a whole. I'm sure this will become evident in the coming days and weeks.

FFE: Are you the sole duke of -?-

Lesbe: No, I have a very handsome co-duke Chris, or Caglen as some will know him.

FFE: He's probably not as handsome as me but then, who is?
FFE: Do you have plans to change your tribe name? I would imagine you're at a crucial stage right now and people in general need a banner to rally behind. Are you working to create an identity for your tribe?

Lesbe: We had planned to when we first formed, but left to the suggestions of our members "Sausage Fest" was the most popular option. Still might see a change in the near future yes.

FFE: Good. I like an interesting world :) For me, it's a relief to see a normal world and a good healthy competition to be the Rank 1 tribe. Early on this world seemed a bit lopsided and wasn't very exciting. Do you have any comment on that?

Lesbe: Yes well from what I've seen so far this world has been slow to kick off in terms of large tribes competing and warring each other, but that seems to be changing now. Indeed the competition for rank 1 and the point gaps between the top tribes are closing. Will be interesting to see what happens next.


I see tribes getting bashed on the externals for their nobling habits. But who really in the Top 10 nobles the most barbs and internals? You may have a guess, but you might be wrong! These stats are 5 days old but are mostly still relevant. Manic is now in the Top 10 and gets a free pass. I will get you next time Manic.





Mental and 0000 are the two tribes most likely to noble a "free" village. Barb oddly enough is the tribe least likely to be caught nobling barbs. Change your name already! Did your guess match up to reality? Are you tough enough to join the Barb Munchers club?


Hi urFear! So glad to talk to you. You were one of the very first members of Se7en, you've been there since you joined the world. Are you among leadership?

urFEAR: Hi! Good to be here. Yes, I've been with Se7en since the beginning. The majority of our members came over from World 63 after FOOLS won the secrets aspect of the world so we wanted to try our way with a domination winning world so we came here. I'm a Baron in Se7en at the moment and I do occassionally organize our aggression, but mainly I am in charge of diplomacy within our tribe.
urFEAR: We are kinda an unannounced premade.

FFE: Diplomacy is my favorite part of the game. Are there any other worlds you've played and made a name for yourself besides 63?

urFEAR: I played World 25 under the name KINGZOR but I was not really impressed with out I played there. I did a fair bit of internalling over there, but I was apart of Viagra which was a top 10 tribe, and then later on was in the top tribe in the world at one stage, WHNC. I took a break after W25, and played 63 and tried to stray away from internalling as such, and I am doing the same on this world so I can be more proud of my play style.

FFE: I think you're doing great, you should consider what you're doing successful. You're ranked 1 for ODA and you're the only player in the Top 20 who isn't in one of the Top 5 tribes. Is there any secret to your success? Farming hard? Do you have a coplayer? Was it just good location? I'm sure you work hard though, rank 1 ODA doesn't come easy.

urFEAR: Well, we in Se7en have been at war numerous times. ~P~, -HC-, ~N~, Apache and now IR are just a few tribes to be named. I try to always participate in whatever way I can. My spread is between two continents so I am nowhere short on any action and I have been participating in all wars that we have add. I have a co-player, Sean and he does his best as well and we are just really aggressive and we always plan ahead from the get-go.

FFE: So many wars, and you're beating IR pretty handily. Did any of the wars so far really test Se7en? Are you finding the competition to be challenging yet?

urFEAR: So far I think the only war that tested the tribe as a whole was the Greek family (~N~ and ~P~) probably due to the fact of their sheer size. Not only that, but Se7en were being hit from the east by -HC- as well so we were kinda being sandwiched in. That is where coordination, communication and great team work comes into play. Whenever nobles are enroute to a tribemate, everyone goes out of their way to snipe those trains, or stack. We are a core tribe, so we are not too far away from each other individually so it is really key that our communication within the tribe excells the rest and I think we do that.
urFEAR: But we came out on top, we caused Nike to disband and BARB helped us apply pressure on -HC- enough for them to disband, especially after an op we coordinated against them.

FFE: I've noticed you work with BARB really well. Is that an alliance you see lasting for the long run?

urFEAR: Well so far things between us two are great - they respect us, we respect them. They do not in any way influence what we do and vice versa, so I think that's the great thing about our relationship. We respect each other as tribes, and we recently we have had similar enemies which has helped enhance our relationship in my opinion. Time will tell.

FFE: Do you think you'd ever use any of the new "Pay to Win" features on w68?

urFEAR: I'm not too familiar with the features, what do they consist of?

FFE: I've not used it but you can spend premium points to buy flags, speed up production, etc. It's not exactly game breaking but it can be a huge advantage for someone who wants to spend a lot of money.

urFEAR: Well I don't exactly find that satisfying. I like to play on an even playing field, and I think that it is more gratifying becoming at the top of the game through your own effort without any additional benefits made through paying. What happens when you get rimmed and all that money and effort has went down the drain? It's just a waste of time and I don't think I'd ever use any of the "Pay to Win" features.

FFE: Do you have any tips for up and coming players?

urFEAR: Always plan ahead. Work out who you want to attack, which villages you want to prestack and always make sure you have good relations with EVERYONE in your tribe, because they will be the ones to help you when you most need it and vice versa. Know your lag when sniping and coordinating your attacks, because one mistake can and will be damaging to your villages.

FFE: I've had my share of bad timing this world. Lag was so very unpredictable during the first two months - good advice! I may have to write up a tip for the new players to describe how to learn their lag time, thanks for the idea!

urFEAR: Sounds good. :)

FFE: Good luck with your war with IR (not that you need it with your landslide on them) - do you have any parting words?

urFEAR: Thanks for the interview! This world has exceeded my expectations and has been really fun so far. Hopefully more wars will be coming up within the next couple of weeks.

FFE: Wow, ready for more wars already! So ambitious. Thanks for your time Fear.


In this issue I'll be writing up a couple of tips that help with tab management in Opera. If you're new to the game and using Firefox or Internet Explorer I recommend you give Opera (or Chrome) a try. Both are really good with having a lot (25+) of tabs open at a time and both run scripts that you need on a larger account very well.

Reloading all Tabs

Have you ever opened 25 tabs and half of them are bot protection screens? Or have you ever opened 50 rally point tabs only to realize you have the wrong script on your quickbar? After fixing the problem (bot thing or the quickbar) you have to reload all those tabs. You can either close them all and start over OR you can reload them one at a time. No more! We will be adding a new hotkey to Opera to add some new functionality.


Step 1 Go to Tools->Preferences and click on the Advanced Tab. Then in the left pane click on Shortcuts. In the bottom right pane select the keyboard setup you are using (in the example above it is Ttrain). Then click "Edit..." to the right of the keyboard setup pane.


Step 2 In this window you need to click on "Browser Window" and then click the "New..." button.


Step 3 You will now be in an input box at the bottom of the pane. Type in F5 Ctrl as I've done above. Then hit the tab key and type in "Reload all pages". Then finally hit the OK button.

Step 4 Test it! Load 10 tabs or so and then hit Ctrl+F5 to see if they all reload. It should work!

Closing Multiple Tabs

Other browser will give you the option to close the tabs to the left or right of the current tab. Opera does not have this but with an easy to install extension you can have the power!

The above link will lead you to the extension you need. Install it and you will get a handy button like so on your toolbar:


When you click this button every tab to the right of your current one will close. The extension can also be changed to close tabs to the left if you swing that way. Just go to Tools->Extensions->Manage Extensions and you can from there find the page where you edit this.

Speaking of extensions, if you don't already have it - install the Snaplinks extension. I won't get into it here unless people request it but Snap is the power tool of choice for Opera use. Lots of people use it so finding help shouldn't be hard.


Thanks for reading! I do believe this is the layout style I will be using for future issues. It is easy to do and I think it looks acceptable. I hope to release a new issue every 2-3 weeks. Due to how long this takes and how few tribes there are to spotlight I think a 1 week release schedule would make a bad blog. As usual, if you have questions or whatever mail me here on the forums or in game. I don't mind. Honest. Thanks to Lesbe Friends and urFear for their time. Adios!


Again a fantastic job ffe! I love the unbiased opinions on some of those things and the interviews too. If there were some way for you to be less biased with mm it'd be fun to see an interview with one of the leaders of mm in the next one.


Thank you Earl. I think I *have* to interview or spotlight MM, there's no way around it if i want to be a decent blogger. Unfortunately I'm among the leadership so I may have to interview myself. Or Garrock. Either way it will probably be full of pithy sayings and swagger. That's just what we do.

edit: And probably a lot of toilet humor. We also have a lot of that. Tons really.


Good read and thanks for the interview. :)

Great work as usual, looks very clean and appealing to the eye. Keep it up.


Thank you Earl. I think I *have* to interview or spotlight MM, there's no way around it if i want to be a decent blogger. Unfortunately I'm among the leadership so I may have to interview myself. Or Garrock. Either way it will probably be full of pithy sayings and swagger. That's just what we do.

edit: And probably a lot of toilet humor. We also have a lot of that. Tons really.

lol well the pithy sayings and swagger are always welcome...toilet humor can be fun too as long as there are not a lot of potty words...(did you see what I did there?)

ba dum dum.

Great blog FFE. It has been the most enjoyable posting I have read in a long time...except my post of having to wait 70 hours for my nobles to get home. sniff!


Ha ha I thought that's what ragneur was for...

Just thought of one more idea: maybe screenshot the rankings in each post so when people look back at this world they can see the full top 20 rankings as well. Just a thought though as I said. I love looking back at old worlds and seeing where the tribe which ended up winning was at at different points of the world.


Seems like a good idea and a way to add content with minimal effort. I also really enjoy when someone saves maps for long periods of time and then plays them back in an animated GIF. Something to think about. Thanks.


Great read.
Darn those BARBs not doing their job and eating the one true enemy...


I can't give you any more positive rep :D but its a great read, thanks for putting in your time and effort.


Once again very nicely written, and really informative on all aspects. Great stuff A+++ :)


Seems like a good idea and a way to add content with minimal effort. I also really enjoy when someone saves maps for long periods of time and then plays them back in an animated GIF. Something to think about. Thanks.

In the players map thread there is a link to the album where I have all of the tribalwars maps saved from the beginning on the world. They're there for anyone's use, so if someone has the time and knowledge to create the gif then they're there for whomever it may be.

Edit - Link to album for reference: http://imgur.com/a/yIdYi#0


Thanks FFE, gives me something interesting to read while at work :)

I appreciate the time you take to gather research and all. I love seeing stats On tribes and players.

And yes please, interview Garrock or let me interview you hehe MM


Wow FFE, not only real fun to read but you also managed to do a real nice layout.

Loved it from start to end.


Great job FFE!

losing less villages per week to ~P~

You have to remember a lot of our villas were taken in k45. majority of k45 players left -?- hence the reduction of conquers from ~P~ side.


Fantastic. A great amount of time and effort is going into these posts and everybody appreciates it. Keep it up!


Great! thanks for very nice blog. always waiting for next posts =)