There is a tribal wars 2 now? Huh, who knew.
Looks like you guys are doin' great there
which name are you playing under dom i will send a invite as rawdeath21.and add bloodz2 aka master of the rangers/mahaips snafumaster an the rest of teh wild bunch with players from 30 70 as well.
Wait pat..bloodz2 and master of the rangers is mihaip??
Wow new year and i looked at this game but could we make the magic else where ? its like your first Blue Jelly its the best and you chase it over and over but guys i am not sure if we could do it again as that was a savage laugh but most of us are late 20s now hahah
you domk u little muppet haha
yeah they were both co playing together as bloodz2 now no more with us to bad I liked having them both with us.
Omg...this is news to me..when I was 26 points in World 6, Mihaip was at like 3 million points lol
Well, there's my quote of the week :lol:
Glad to see you haven't changed dear Celtic
we never went to tw2 its all pay 2 win there on everything from generals an what not no way am i spending good money buying fake generals.