Homer has Caught a Disease!


Lovely stats so far. I must say congrats {I} on taking vills from a player who gifted them all to you. 25 of your takes were from a player who backed stabbed ~EPIC~. GOOD JOB!

And we have more than just one good player two of which posted already. I stay off externals as a general rule. But considering your gross misrepresentation of facts I thought I would come say at least that I stand by what I said. On skype and in mail. Which by the way I like how you had to put messages out of order to make your convo look bad on our part. I still say arguing over a village is a ridiculous excuse for a war but whatever. Do what you gotta to sleep at night :) LOL I know what I did and said. I don't regret nor will I take back anything I said.

On a side note though. As I told Shadow may the best tribe win..... :)


(or.argent here) you guys are just whining. stupid war declaration. We have 99% of the K in our control, why would you even think you could noble there?

I think that you either over-estimated your tribe, or else you under-estimated {I}. Looks like your tribe just lost quite a lot of villages in K62. Maybe they were crazy to noble in there, but that crazy seems to work :icon_wink:

One Last Shot...

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Lovely stats so far. I must say congrats {I} on taking vills from a player who gifted them all to you. 25 of your takes were from a player who backed stabbed ~EPIC~. GOOD JOB!

Actually, you will find that the player we hit, was being sat by your duke when the first of the incomings were launched (from what I was told), who then even put premium on to the account and began defending it. Not {I}'s fault that RoyalRain was a poor defender. Maybe try not twisting facts, but instead own up to the fact that you had 48 hours of knowing who was being hit, to stack the player, and to make use of all the inbound trains your duke could see :icon_wink:

Which by the way I like how you had to put messages out of order to make your convo look bad on our part.

Actually, as someone who's studied Classics and specifically the Iliad, I chose to re-order two of the snippets purely to make the story work better with the theme chosen for the PnP. It would have just been a less interesting post if I hadn't of done that, and you would have looked exactly the same either way.


Hah, excuses lol.

I am top of the war caps today with 7 :D

Side 1:
Tribes: ~EPIC~
Players: damdirtyape, Ghost of Sins
Side 2:
Tribes: {I}

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2
Side 2: 51
Difference: 49


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 11,228
Side 2: 409,190
Difference: 397,962



Looking forward to seeing an offensive from epic's side. All Im hearing at this point is excuses it seems. Let the real battle begin.


Well Rossy, one was recapped, but its ok, I made them waste a few nobles, plus that village had 2 more nukes coming at it after they took it :D.


Well Rossy, one was recapped, but its ok, I made them waste a few nobles, plus that village had 2 more nukes coming at it after they took it :D.

N'aww, I wasn't digging at you Joshy! I loves mah Joshy :3

But yeah, I am routing for EPIC to win!


Epic seems to be failing pretty hard so far, yes Infections op was on an inactive player (being sat though!), epic tried to attack our player who is behind their lines thinking he would actually not be stacked or something lol, bunch of nukes dead with little cost of troops for us lol, nice try :p, lashway is lucky with all that free new odd :)


N'aww, I wasn't digging at you Joshy! I loves mah Joshy :3

But yeah, I am routing for EPIC to win!

Lol. I have had messages from them asking me to cancel the war. They should not have been so rude :icon_biggrin:


The list goes on.

665 - Almost Evil today at 01:09
The whole leadership of the tribe has been changed i have now become duke wat insult did they give you cause i speak for most members in this tribe that we would rather have you as a strong allie than a enermy ull probs....

But im sure this does ross?

Side 1:
Tribes: {I}
Side 2:
Tribes: ~EPIC~
Players: damdirtyape, Ghost of Sins

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 130
Side 2: 112
Difference: 18


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 66
Side 2: 8
Difference: 58


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 937,627
Side 2: 673,984
Difference: 263,643


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 514,866
Side 2: 55,366
Difference: 459,500

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One question, whereeeeeeeeee do you see the the affiliation between damdirtyape and ~EPIC~ ?
Including Ghost of Sins, I can somewhat understand, damdirtyape however, I can not. :icon_eek:


Big factor in them disrespecting us.

They recruited him, check his tribe changes.


Big factor in them disrespecting us.

They recruited him, check his tribe changes.

6 days prior to your declaration, he got kicked out or left.
According to the stats, ~EPIC~ is still presently on the losing side, so why bother boosting the stats any further?

It kind of gives me the impression that you just like looking like a couple of pro kids :)
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6 days prior to your declaration, he got kicked out or left.
According to the stats, ~EPIC~ is still presently on the losing side, so why bother boosting the stats any further?

It kind of gives me the impression that you just like looking like a couple of pro kids :)

I include him because he was a member of epic. We launched an op on him, treating him, as a member of epic.


I include him because he was a member of epic. We launched an op on him, treating him, as a member of epic.

Exactly, was. Thanks for pointing that out. :)
- He was a member prior to the landing of your nobles and
- He was a member prior to your declaration.

And so were a couple of other former WtC tribe members, perhaps they have been kicked out for a different reason? :)

At any rate, thanks for making this clear :icon_wink:
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