Honorable Creasthive (it FIT)


Even in that case, you have a whole bunch of "zero" in "total conquers against opposite side."

Meh I joined the account like a week ago. Anything before that are not my stats. And even in that case, valour has performed much better than you in every single way even before I joined. Yup they lost some vills cus you decided to trick them into trusting a scumbag like yourself lol.

You definitely seem to be too much proud after sniping few lousy trains lol. You aren't the pressing concern for us right now. Just some nub handling 1.2mill pts account who only knows how to send 50 fakes from a single village and then move to other village and send another 50. Don't worry your time will come :)

Anyways stop wasting time here and start sending more fakes, IL has probably hired you as their fake man lmao.

You are trying to get away from my "horribly slow murderer" with these talks, but you cant run from him. He is gonna chase you with "a spoon."

Too much...Calm down. You suck.

Floyd Mayweather Jr

Asalamualikum Ali bhai :)

Glad to see another brown playing this game, sad you're on the other side that will get trampled myself :)

And a bit of history of the Valour account, great farmer got a lot of coins. Grew fast because they nobled their bashers, got gifted villages on the rim and then made another basher tribe to rival ADON. When ADON started beating that basher tribe, the account ate the whole basher tribe as a whole when the basher tribe had no troops. Learn the difference between the 2, ADON was never a basher tribe. Just a tight knit family who will probably still be alive whereas Creati and you all will not :)

You guys probs need 5 more co players on the account, how many players on that account already 6? Must be very desperate to keep me at bay, no matter I will be moving my front very soon and push from there to create "Havoc"

Wa Lai Kum As Salam

Settle down tough guy


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
Asalamualikum Ali bhai :)

Glad to see another brown playing this game, sad you're on the other side that will get trampled myself :)

And a bit of history of the Valour account, great farmer got a lot of coins. Grew fast because they nobled their bashers, got gifted villages on the rim and then made another basher tribe to rival ADON. When ADON started beating that basher tribe, the account ate the whole basher tribe as a whole when the basher tribe had no troops. Learn the difference between the 2, ADON was never a basher tribe. Just a tight knit family who will probably still be alive whereas Creati and you all will not :)

You guys probs need 5 more co players on the account, how many players on that account already 6? Must be very desperate to keep me at bay, no matter I will be moving my front very soon and push from there to create "Havoc"


Wa Lai Kum As Salam

Yeah it was pretty funny but luckily i dont hold grudges (winners prerogative), i've even been chatting to war lately and we all know how salty he got :D


Meh I joined the account like a week ago.

A bug comes and claims to be great in losing villages. Continue doing your pathetic stuff.
Seems I am very good at drawing the attention of losers.

Don't worry your time will come :)

Should be before your time, and you don't have it much.

I asked him to login occasionally because i knew how triggered it would make you and omar. Delicious :D

Yeah, your dog barks a lot. But we are wolves, you know? Dogs run from us.
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All the Muslim teams except Senegal <3 have been losing their games and some even in the last few minutes of the game.

InshAllah IRAN will beat Spain and Morocco will Triumph Portugal!

Go Belgium!


Asalamualikum Ali bhai :)

Glad to see another brown playing this game, sad you're on the other side that will get trampled myself :)

And a bit of history of the Valour account, great farmer got a lot of coins. Grew fast because they nobled their bashers, got gifted villages on the rim and then made another basher tribe to rival ADON. When ADON started beating that basher tribe, the account ate the whole basher tribe as a whole when the basher tribe had no troops. Learn the difference between the 2, ADON was never a basher tribe. Just a tight knit family who will probably still be alive whereas Creati and you all will not :)

You guys probs need 5 more co players on the account, how many players on that account already 6? Must be very desperate to keep me at bay, no matter I will be moving my front very soon and push from there to create "Havoc"

Trampled by you?

First learn how to send attacks in a right way buddy :)

History of Valour account is not my concern. Anything that has happened before I joined here is none of my business.

You guys definitely talk way too much but unfortunately cant see you shining when it comes to actual fight :(

And good luck to you on 'moving your front' lol.

And whereas you quoting my half year old statement about Minty. Just so you know, he was in my enemy side on that world. So yup a bit of talk fight was expected back then :D

Whereas Kul, lol mate all you can do is talking big. That continues in every world you play. So keep talking. Hopefully ~IL~ will take you in at the end of world. Provided they live that long.

Dont stop faking though. Keep yourself busy otherwise you will rot your brain.



Even the puppy knows that IL is gonna win. So, why even barking?

There you go. Now you dont even understand english. Sorry I cba translating my sentence into Turkish meh.

P.S. You got it all wrong my friend. Im the master and you are my bitch on a leash ;)


Did you write this in 5 minutes puppy? I edited it 5 mins ago.

Let's give your sixth sense a good use. Who will win the world cup you feel?
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Did you write this in 5 minutes puppy? I edited it 5 mins ago.

Let's give your sixth sense a good use. Who will win the world cup you feel?

So you had to use translator to understand what I wrote? Lol


Shah İsmail was talking too much about politics. Then, his army got smashed by Sultan Selim Han in August of 1514, and he lived a peaceful life afterward in his city far away from my lands.

I' ll let you have that peace for sure. But not today.

By this time, you play with the ball.
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Guys, do you not think the game's two biggest failures and shit talkers, Kul and Omar being friends is pretty understandable? I bet how they met each other started with:

Omar: "Hey Kul do you fail every world you play and talk shit whilst doing it?"
Kul: "Yes I do"
Omar: "Oh, me too, lets be friends and do it on W97."


Tsar, aren't you the guy that wrote to Valour or unluck3y saying "Just give up now and give us your villages and stop wasting your time." :eek: I can't wait to make you dance, boy :p


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
are they losing tho?

You're the expert on losing so you should be able to read the signs pretty easy

w80/84/88/90. Wow how bad do you have to be to lose 4 times in 10 worlds :D