Well at least there have to be either many dead accounts or a ton of egoistical players yes. You have two times the Defenses of Regime. As D is stronger than O in this game and you aint doing much offensively-wise I wonder why you bleed this much.
Care to explain?
Must be the ego. For the record, O rebuilds faster than D, and some maths makes your point invalid
I have not seen Franc whine or throw a single hissy fit in Regime. Not once. He has been a very positive addition to the team. I am not saying you are lying - I know that Franc was kicked off of his own account. I know that there were arguments. And it is very clear that he had strong feelings about the direction in which Destiny was headed. However, I wouldn't accuse him of being the source of all of Destiny's problems.
Okay maybe that was a bit harsh. Maybe 75% of the problems
I also feel it is embarrassing that you gave him a "pity spot" on the council.
Well often with parenting, when a child cries over something repeatedly you tend to give in. At that point we had figured most of the important decisions our council had to make were already done, so he could do little harm. Admittedly we were wrong
By all means, Ultimate, why don't you tell the class that Regime only hits inactive accounts. Please look at the stats and explain that Fox was inactive, or PNDK. Tell us all that The Devil Machine was doing nothing and that is why we attacked him, that Cwolf is never around so we hit her. Share with us that these were all permasits that were on the offense that our big bad spies sniffed out and attacked as the opportunity presented itself.
Boy, it didn't take you long to put words in my mouth.Though, it's you (Regime) who claims Destiny to be inactive, so what is it? You can't keep contradicting yourself...
We know. We also know that PNDK had a NAP with Wallace and at the same time, was discussing an op with Coco to hit him with him unaware. It was yet another example of how Destiny has problems with keeping their word. As a result, Wallace very politely ended the NAP and went on the offense. Then Jack was disgusted by how things were going and, well, you know the rest, right?
I'm sure you were perfectly fine with this personal NAP against an enemy, we weren't, hence the pressure for an OP. Though, I don't understand why Wallace would feel the need to NAP anyone in Dest, especially as he doesn't care about anyone in Dest bar Klara.
I can understand and appreciate people have morals and ideals. What I don't understand is how people can go day to day interacting with people that they would call friends, to then leave as they cannot accept their friends decision.
So far I haven't seen you name a single thing that Regime has been caught doing dirty. We saw Angelo swear that the whole world and the whole mod team was out to get him because he's clearly that important a target. We saw one of your players banned for cheating and then you blaming Regime for "hijacking" the account when the owner and the main player on the account was the one that was frustrated with how he had been treated. We saw you swearing that PNDK had been hijacked by Regime - even though Jack, the owner of the account, was the one who had been disgusted by what he saw and heard and made his own choices. You've "caught spies," which, believe me, has been absolutely hilarious to us (admittedly, in a dark sort of way). We encourage you to keep up the good work.
I've seen you guys perfectly ok with what you did to Jovis. You did it privately and while lying to a tribe you had a relationship with. I have been very honest and up front about what we have done.
Soo basically pics or it didn't happen, i'll keep that in mind. Angelo isn't me, and he swears a lot. As for Jack, he hadn't played for months, maybe before Christmas. The main player on the account was making pacts with enemies. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Might be worth mentioning that I stopped playing before this happened...
Also, as you're in Regime, I can refer to you as Regime, however I do not play, so technically I haven't caught any spies. Even though I still refer to Dest as "we" :x
Ahah, Jovis again. Our ally got passed a sit from our not so friendly NAPs. I was then passed the sit as nobody would touch it, logged in, saw more incs than it was worth trying to defend and logged out. The sit was then either ended or passed along, I cannot remember. Nothing was hijacked, and barely anything was actually done. When you're put in that position, trying to at least make it to endgame, an ally outweighs a NAP. Also, prior to that we could never be sure of Regime and Sin's actual intentions. Were they trying to play us? We had to keep our options open, being sandwiched between both tribes. So that's what we did. Not the classiest move played but there was substantial political pressure which we couldn't ignore. Besides i'm pretty sure we came clean, we weren't that kind of tribe and didn't want that tag.
These are the rules you wrote. You said that this was ok. But if you want, you can have Coco sincerely apologize to Googly for how Destiny conducted themselves. After apologizing to him, Coco can contact Regime with a heartfelt apology and let us know what rules she would rather play the game by. We are more than happy to play the world under different terms.
By the way, I don't think you're going to like it when you find out where Googly actually is.
Apologise for what? Do you not remember how Regime kinda forced this upon themselves.
Destiny and Regime had a longstanding NAP. Sin and Destiny also had a NAP, but it was fairly recent. Destiny had no actual proof of any relations between Sin and Regime and had concerns of being duped by both sides, eventually leading to a 2v1 vs Dest.
Destiny wanted to solidify their NAP with Regime. They knew Hybrid was a classy act, but also knew he would do anything to win. They figured offering Regime an alliance and an opportunity to re-write old terms would answer their doubts, as they knew Hybrid was quite old fashioned in the sense that alliances weren't to be broken (under most circumstances).
However, Regime turned down this alliance offer. They said that they didn't know our team well enough. Fair point. A shared council chat was then made. We talked for a while, but Regime's council always went quiet. This didn't really put us at ease.
At this point there had been many altercations between both sides, nothing major but they mostly came from nobling across certain borders. Whereas things with Sin were going quite nicely.
After weeks of nervous "what ifs" and Regime further testing our patience (in terms of both diplomatic disagreements and not looking to strengthen our relations) we turned to Sin and forged our alliance. We agreed on terms, compromised and setup borders that favoured both sides. Doubts gone, somewhat.
We then declared on Regime, after continuous breaking of agreements and them trying to push us too far. Pretty sure this is all in the declaration, albeit summarised.
Regime is acutely aware of how end game works...
... then still failed at getting the numbers needed for a cheap win.
But you're right, Vlad had no reason whatsoever to be upset at how things went down.
(Cut quotes down because post was too long)
Just going to briefly reply to this as i'm being very hypocritical right now. Kinda funny tbh.
I'm not in Dest, don't agree with nobling barbs in most situations.
I'm quite sure I can guess who asked him to go back, likely someone who didn't know the full story.
Fairly sure the rest of Sin were recruited after it was made clear that certain players would be leaving. At that point why not recruit the rest? Oh right, for honour...