Honorable to Intolerable

  • Thread starter DeletedUser117865
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The friendship . the friendship as you call it What would choose Active account how vlad , Hodgy and William go away from destiny to welcome players from the sin What They Put Feet in the lead and 80 % are inactive ? . If we speak of friendship .

I refer especially to Hodgy and william who were in the tribe for a long time and what did u do ? instead to keep the old friends have them replaced with sin . The friendship as you call it is based on replacing your friends easily? perhaps this is why we have different ideas of friendship . if I was the diplomat . I preferred to lose the world with Honor and with my friends instead have preferred to abandon us and try to win the world but . you have failed in both cases

And ' this friendship you speak of?

This is why you'll always be the fool. We didn't choose to replace them. We chose, AS A TRIBE, to bring our friends from Sin along for the ride. You guys chose to be against this and leave. Your point is completely invalid. Actually you can direct it at your account, Hodgy and Dennis. You chose to replace friends, we didn't.

There's no honour in what you've done...


So when you run a tribe you're going to side with less than a handful of players instead of siding with the majority (when making big decisions)?

Vlad could have been kicked sooner for bringing a hostile coplayer to their account, but no we decided to bite our tongues because they were our friends and we believed they actually valued friendship. Little did we know they were just incredibly selfish :/

Well mate consider for a second that you had to make room for all those SIN players. Also, it is everybodys own choice if he or she wants to end a world he/she has put this much effort in with a stupid merge or with an amazing war, clapping asses of the lazy tribemates you saw not helping you in wars for ages.
I mean Dest. is nearly double the size of regime, even if ou guys were lazy and wouldnt cap much off regime why the hell would you bleed so many villages especially from bigger accounts? Where are your stacks? I can tell you because I know tribes like Dest. it is an egoboosting & selfish tribe where everybody puts his own ego above the greater good for the tribe. I have in the past left my own tribe for reasons like this too. In one case for the enemy tribe as well. I didnt regret it. I won the world with peeps that supported me and became long-term friends while many other from my ex tribe are still having big egos today and always end up losing because of being selfish.

This game is called TRIBALwars for a reason. Not egowars.

You should step up your game:rolleyes:


So Dest players are egotistical now? Lmao

Well at least there have to be either many dead accounts or a ton of egoistical players yes. You have two times the Defenses of Regime. As D is stronger than O in this game and you aint doing much offensively-wise I wonder why you bleed this much.

Care to explain?


Active Member
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As I recall, you "left" Destiny multiple times. Mostly from being kicked off of your account because you're a toxic player who constantly whines and throws hissy fits when you don't get your way. How many chances were you given to come back? Heck we gave you a spot on the council because we felt sorry for you, constantly asking, practically begging. Yet you always kicked up a fuss, you were always the source of our problem, why?

I have not seen Franc whine or throw a single hissy fit in Regime. Not once. He has been a very positive addition to the team. I am not saying you are lying - I know that Franc was kicked off of his own account. I know that there were arguments. And it is very clear that he had strong feelings about the direction in which Destiny was headed. However, I wouldn't accuse him of being the source of all of Destiny's problems.

I also feel it is embarrassing that you gave him a "pity spot" on the council.

Courage has nothing to do with it? Dest killed off inactives and Regime lost villages, now you're doing the same, holy shit you're amazing here's a cookie.

By all means, Ultimate, why don't you tell the class that Regime only hits inactive accounts. Please look at the stats and explain that Fox was inactive, or PNDK. Tell us all that The Devil Machine was doing nothing and that is why we attacked him, that Cwolf is never around so we hit her. Share with us that these were all permasits that were on the offense that our big bad spies sniffed out and attacked as the opportunity presented itself.

You do realise PNDK had personal NAPs with former Dest members? Why would people be inclined to help such a good "mate"? Wait plot twist Regime ate free villages :eek: How dare I suggest such a thing, shame on me :)

We know. We also know that PNDK had a NAP with Wallace and at the same time, was discussing an op with Coco to hit him with him unaware. It was yet another example of how Destiny has problems with keeping their word. As a result, Wallace very politely ended the NAP and went on the offense. Then Jack was disgusted by how things were going and, well, you know the rest, right?

The only tribe with something to hide is Regime, they've been dirty since Hybrid left. Ain't that right Googly :)

So far I haven't seen you name a single thing that Regime has been caught doing dirty. We saw Angelo swear that the whole world and the whole mod team was out to get him because he's clearly that important a target. We saw one of your players banned for cheating and then you blaming Regime for "hijacking" the account when the owner and the main player on the account was the one that was frustrated with how he had been treated. We saw you swearing that PNDK had been hijacked by Regime - even though Jack, the owner of the account, was the one who had been disgusted by what he saw and heard and made his own choices. You've "caught spies," which, believe me, has been absolutely hilarious to us (admittedly, in a dark sort of way). We encourage you to keep up the good work.

I've seen you guys perfectly ok with what you did to Jovis. You did it privately and while lying to a tribe you had a relationship with. I have been very honest and up front about what we have done.

These are the rules you wrote. You said that this was ok. But if you want, you can have Coco sincerely apologize to Googly for how Destiny conducted themselves. After apologizing to him, Coco can contact Regime with a heartfelt apology and let us know what rules she would rather play the game by. We are more than happy to play the world under different terms.

By the way, I don't think you're going to like it when you find out where Googly actually is.

Oh and you Regime guys know that reaching 70% dominance doesn't just end the world right? A tribe has to maintain that dominance for 90 days, and as far as I know Dest are still closest #Winning

Regime is acutely aware of how end game works. We also know how math works. Did you know that a number has to go up to reach 70? Destiny has been rushing to make up ground by nobling barbs. That isn't finger pointing or condemning the strategy, that is simply what is happening. And yet even with nobling barbs, their overall WD keeps going down.

Why would anyone, bar similar peoples to yourselves, want to be your friends?

What an incredibly good question. Do you know who you should ask? The coplayers in Aldegrion that have repeatedly asked Franc to come back to the account and coplay. Repeatedly. Not once or twice: repeatedly. Perhaps you should ask the Aldegrion account why they want such a backstabby, baby-killing, puppy-kicking, selfish player to come back into their account and play in Destiny.

Since you care so deeply about this, I am confident that you will take it upon yourself to find out the answer. When you do, would you be so kind as to share it with the rest of us?

Yes this is a game, but the people, the personalities and the friendships are all real. I would be seriously worried if any of you guys were in my friendship group...

Personally, I'd be worried, too. You've made it acutely clear as to why you're on the other side, and they are more than welcome to you.

This is why you'll always be the fool. We didn't choose to replace them. We chose, AS A TRIBE, to bring our friends from Sin along for the ride.

Well, no, this isn't actually true. Coco sent out a circ about voting for "selective membership" and then went on a long tangent about how Sin deserved to join and so on and so forth. Some players were voted in and were recruited. Then the rest of the list, then the ones outside of the list. Then the entire tribe. It took them forever to get the sits for some of the accounts in order to bring them in.

The "selective membership" vote was done the day after a player in the Vlad account had sat down with Coco and had a talk about whether there would be a war, and Coco assured him that the odds were good that there would still be one.

So she lied about a potential war, sent out a "selective membership" circ, then recruited the entire tribe, then still failed at getting the numbers needed for a cheap win.

But you're right, Vlad had no reason whatsoever to be upset at how things went down.


Well at least there have to be either many dead accounts or a ton of egoistical players yes. You have two times the Defenses of Regime. As D is stronger than O in this game and you aint doing much offensively-wise I wonder why you bleed this much.

Care to explain?

Must be the ego. For the record, O rebuilds faster than D, and some maths makes your point invalid :)

I have not seen Franc whine or throw a single hissy fit in Regime. Not once. He has been a very positive addition to the team. I am not saying you are lying - I know that Franc was kicked off of his own account. I know that there were arguments. And it is very clear that he had strong feelings about the direction in which Destiny was headed. However, I wouldn't accuse him of being the source of all of Destiny's problems.

Okay maybe that was a bit harsh. Maybe 75% of the problems

I also feel it is embarrassing that you gave him a "pity spot" on the council.

Well often with parenting, when a child cries over something repeatedly you tend to give in. At that point we had figured most of the important decisions our council had to make were already done, so he could do little harm. Admittedly we were wrong

By all means, Ultimate, why don't you tell the class that Regime only hits inactive accounts. Please look at the stats and explain that Fox was inactive, or PNDK. Tell us all that The Devil Machine was doing nothing and that is why we attacked him, that Cwolf is never around so we hit her. Share with us that these were all permasits that were on the offense that our big bad spies sniffed out and attacked as the opportunity presented itself.

Boy, it didn't take you long to put words in my mouth.Though, it's you (Regime) who claims Destiny to be inactive, so what is it? You can't keep contradicting yourself...

We know. We also know that PNDK had a NAP with Wallace and at the same time, was discussing an op with Coco to hit him with him unaware. It was yet another example of how Destiny has problems with keeping their word. As a result, Wallace very politely ended the NAP and went on the offense. Then Jack was disgusted by how things were going and, well, you know the rest, right?

I'm sure you were perfectly fine with this personal NAP against an enemy, we weren't, hence the pressure for an OP. Though, I don't understand why Wallace would feel the need to NAP anyone in Dest, especially as he doesn't care about anyone in Dest bar Klara.


I can understand and appreciate people have morals and ideals. What I don't understand is how people can go day to day interacting with people that they would call friends, to then leave as they cannot accept their friends decision.

So far I haven't seen you name a single thing that Regime has been caught doing dirty. We saw Angelo swear that the whole world and the whole mod team was out to get him because he's clearly that important a target. We saw one of your players banned for cheating and then you blaming Regime for "hijacking" the account when the owner and the main player on the account was the one that was frustrated with how he had been treated. We saw you swearing that PNDK had been hijacked by Regime - even though Jack, the owner of the account, was the one who had been disgusted by what he saw and heard and made his own choices. You've "caught spies," which, believe me, has been absolutely hilarious to us (admittedly, in a dark sort of way). We encourage you to keep up the good work.

I've seen you guys perfectly ok with what you did to Jovis. You did it privately and while lying to a tribe you had a relationship with. I have been very honest and up front about what we have done.

Soo basically pics or it didn't happen, i'll keep that in mind. Angelo isn't me, and he swears a lot. As for Jack, he hadn't played for months, maybe before Christmas. The main player on the account was making pacts with enemies. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Might be worth mentioning that I stopped playing before this happened...

Also, as you're in Regime, I can refer to you as Regime, however I do not play, so technically I haven't caught any spies. Even though I still refer to Dest as "we" :x

Ahah, Jovis again. Our ally got passed a sit from our not so friendly NAPs. I was then passed the sit as nobody would touch it, logged in, saw more incs than it was worth trying to defend and logged out. The sit was then either ended or passed along, I cannot remember. Nothing was hijacked, and barely anything was actually done. When you're put in that position, trying to at least make it to endgame, an ally outweighs a NAP. Also, prior to that we could never be sure of Regime and Sin's actual intentions. Were they trying to play us? We had to keep our options open, being sandwiched between both tribes. So that's what we did. Not the classiest move played but there was substantial political pressure which we couldn't ignore. Besides i'm pretty sure we came clean, we weren't that kind of tribe and didn't want that tag.

These are the rules you wrote. You said that this was ok. But if you want, you can have Coco sincerely apologize to Googly for how Destiny conducted themselves. After apologizing to him, Coco can contact Regime with a heartfelt apology and let us know what rules she would rather play the game by. We are more than happy to play the world under different terms.

By the way, I don't think you're going to like it when you find out where Googly actually is.

Apologise for what? Do you not remember how Regime kinda forced this upon themselves.

Destiny and Regime had a longstanding NAP. Sin and Destiny also had a NAP, but it was fairly recent. Destiny had no actual proof of any relations between Sin and Regime and had concerns of being duped by both sides, eventually leading to a 2v1 vs Dest.

Destiny wanted to solidify their NAP with Regime. They knew Hybrid was a classy act, but also knew he would do anything to win. They figured offering Regime an alliance and an opportunity to re-write old terms would answer their doubts, as they knew Hybrid was quite old fashioned in the sense that alliances weren't to be broken (under most circumstances).

However, Regime turned down this alliance offer. They said that they didn't know our team well enough. Fair point. A shared council chat was then made. We talked for a while, but Regime's council always went quiet. This didn't really put us at ease.

At this point there had been many altercations between both sides, nothing major but they mostly came from nobling across certain borders. Whereas things with Sin were going quite nicely.

After weeks of nervous "what ifs" and Regime further testing our patience (in terms of both diplomatic disagreements and not looking to strengthen our relations) we turned to Sin and forged our alliance. We agreed on terms, compromised and setup borders that favoured both sides. Doubts gone, somewhat.

We then declared on Regime, after continuous breaking of agreements and them trying to push us too far. Pretty sure this is all in the declaration, albeit summarised.

Regime is acutely aware of how end game works...

... then still failed at getting the numbers needed for a cheap win.

But you're right, Vlad had no reason whatsoever to be upset at how things went down.
(Cut quotes down because post was too long):oops:

Just going to briefly reply to this as i'm being very hypocritical right now. Kinda funny tbh.

I'm not in Dest, don't agree with nobling barbs in most situations.

I'm quite sure I can guess who asked him to go back, likely someone who didn't know the full story.

Fairly sure the rest of Sin were recruited after it was made clear that certain players would be leaving. At that point why not recruit the rest? Oh right, for honour...


Ryan. My old friend.

You see thing how u want see

I'm not crying for be a council member because i had ben that was saying what council is doing. I really didn't care about be council member when i had my co that was saying all notice on account chat. I asked to join council only to read chat with my eyes and not read council chat with ben's eyes. I hope u understand. My old friend. If you don't know my plan don't say anything. I left council because i was tired of see how sin was using destiny and i said this 10+ times


Maybe i done 75% of problems but with me left seems that destiny have more problems than months ago.


Ryan. My old friend.

You see thing how u want see

I'm not crying for be a council member because i had ben that was saying what council is doing. I really didn't care about be council member when i had my co that was saying all notice on account chat. I asked to join council only to read chat with my eyes and not read council chat with ben's eyes. I hope u understand. My old friend. If you don't know my plan don't say anything. I left council because i was tired of see how sin was using destiny and i said this 10+ times

Sin never used Destiny. That was your opinion. You saw a tribe, who you considered to be worse than ourselves, make specific requests and you wanted them dead. That isn't diplomacy. We made a compromise and worked things out.

Maybe i done 75% of problems but with me left seems that destiny have more problems than months ago.



Soo basically pics or it didn't happen, i'll keep that in mind. Angelo isn't me, and he swears a lot. As for Jack, he hadn't played for months, maybe before Christmas. The main player on the account was making pacts with enemies. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Might be worth mentioning that I stopped playing before this happened...

Also, as you're in Regime, I can refer to you as Regime, however I do not play, so technically I haven't caught any spies. Even though I still refer to Dest as "we" :x

Ahah, Jovis again. Our ally got passed a sit from our not so friendly NAPs. I was then passed the sit as nobody would touch it, logged in, saw more incs than it was worth trying to defend and logged out. The sit was then either ended or passed along, I cannot remember. Nothing was hijacked, and barely anything was actually done. When you're put in that position, trying to at least make it to endgame, an ally outweighs a NAP. Also, prior to that we could never be sure of Regime and Sin's actual intentions. Were they trying to play us? We had to keep our options open, being sandwiched between both tribes. So that's what we did. Not the classiest move played but there was substantial political pressure which we couldn't ignore. Besides i'm pretty sure we came clean, we weren't that kind of tribe and didn't want that tag.

Apologise for what? Do you not remember how Regime kinda forced this upon themselves.

Destiny and Regime had a longstanding NAP. Sin and Destiny also had a NAP, but it was fairly recent. Destiny had no actual proof of any relations between Sin and Regime and had concerns of being duped by both sides, eventually leading to a 2v1 vs Dest.

Destiny wanted to solidify their NAP with Regime. They knew Hybrid was a classy act, but also knew he would do anything to win. They figured offering Regime an alliance and an opportunity to re-write old terms would answer their doubts, as they knew Hybrid was quite old fashioned in the sense that alliances weren't to be broken (under most circumstances).

However, Regime turned down this alliance offer. They said that they didn't know our team well enough. Fair point. A shared council chat was then made. We talked for a while, but Regime's council always went quiet. This didn't really put us at ease.

At this point there had been many altercations between both sides, nothing major but they mostly came from nobling across certain borders. Whereas things with Sin were going quite nicely.

After weeks of nervous "what ifs" and Regime further testing our patience (in terms of both diplomatic disagreements and not looking to strengthen our relations) we turned to Sin and forged our alliance. We agreed on terms, compromised and setup borders that favoured both sides. Doubts gone, somewhat.

We then declared on Regime, after continuous breaking of agreements and them trying to push us too far. Pretty sure this is all in the declaration, albeit summarised.
Wow this is why I hated destiny. We had a op and you knew we were going to hit sin yet backstab us and everything regime sat you didn't recruit off your tribe and just helped you. Why would we go to sin with a alliance god either your completely stupid or making excuses. You guys used jovis against us and then said we are intollerible makes me despise you even more. All you did was hug so what your saying people who sit and don't recruit off you are bad for you guys. So you just used regime make me feel like destiny is scum even more. Well destiny will lose the world that is for sure.
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Sinful Angel

Contributing Poster
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Yeah if you look at actual actions Destiny has been the one kicking Regime in the nuts repeatedly this world. On the theoretical circumstance that they would work with SIN you decided to make an alliance with SIN against Regime. Then your only excuse for breaking ties with Regime is because they didn't want an alliance.

Perhaps there was more talk behind the scenes we all didn't see but that does not matter. What happened is what matters and all we can see is Destiny turning on old friends, nobling their accounts while still maintaining a facade of friendship and then gangbanging them when they were at their lowest with their leaders gone.

You can not say you are the victim in this circumstance. You've had every chance to win and you seem to be throwing it away.

It shows how good of a team Regime is that the most inactive of Destiny (Josiah and I) and troublesome (Franc) have done nothing but kick ass and make sweet love in the chats in our off times. You can attribute this to something else but in truth it is because the leaders their are able to motivate and inspire us all to give our all.


Ryan for someone who claims not to be playing, you are running around in circles way too much my old friend.

I'm sure you were perfectly fine with this personal NAP against an enemy, we weren't, hence the pressure for an OP. Though, I don't understand why Wallace would feel the need to NAP anyone in Dest, especially as he doesn't care about anyone in Dest bar Klara.

Do you think PNKD was the only NAP? Do you think PNKD still the only NAP? Look closely a lot of your members have set up NAPS with Regime. Want me to "show you how deep the rabbit hole goes ?"

Once and for all, let's clear this matter.

Now let's see my basic concept of war in this game... when a tribe is willing to fight another, certain preparation are to take place right ? So Regime by having OP set up vs SIN we totally were planning to war Dest. right ?... (sarcasm)

How can you claim we were planning to back stab you when we had all our def and paladin in k73 ( me included )

this skype extract shows clearly our plans to hit SIN

[22/11/2015 11:01:19 AM | Edited 11:01:45 AM] ~Googly~ -: Operation Crank

Rise Regime!

A circular mail has gone out tribe-wide that holds the current fake script to be used.

Targets: OsoSerious and EpicTribalNoob

A number of players on this world have mistaken our building period as 'inactivity'. Let's show ETN and Oso exactly how 'inactive' we truly are. All members are to send a minimum of 500 fakes today using the script in the mail.

All Op assignments have also been sent out.

Please claim any assigned villages that are to be targeted with your nobles on the landing day. That includes both Real and Decoy - we are hopeful that our move will be enough for even some of the Decoys to gain us villages.

Let's show the world exactly what we do!


While Regime was preparing to war SIN, our lovely NAP (Dest.) who wanted an alliance was doing nothing at the time but stacking OSO against us.

You wanna talk about hypocrites ? Dest. been nothing but a definition of that word. You guys may have fooled your tribe with the lies, but the world ain't a fool my friend, people have brains and can use it to see the truth.

Admit that warring us was the easy way, admit that we didn't break promises or showed any hostility. You wanna twist the truth and make Dest. the martyr in this HELL NO. You think if our old leaders are gone, so was the truth ? Regime is still here along with it's old members who refused to quit, who witnessed the low schemes set up by our "Friends", being strong doesn't mean you are right. I never left and never will, not till this world is over and dest. gone with it.


Well you guys clearly read and understood what I said, good job...

Wow this is why I hated destiny. We had a op and you knew we were going to hit sin yet backstab us and everything regime sat you didn't recruit off your tribe and just helped you. Why would we go to sin with a alliance god either your completely stupid or making excuses. You guys used jovis against us and then said we are intollerible makes me despise you even more. All you did was hug so what your saying people who sit and don't recruit off you are bad for you guys. So you just used regime make me feel like destiny is scum even more. Well destiny will lose the world that is for sure.

How did we know, because you told us? That makes a whole lot of sense Sam. If I told you that I was going to do something you'd just automatically 100% believe what I said to be true? I said Dest had doubts, do you not get what that means? Tribal Wars isn't like it used to be. How can anyone be sure what they're being told is true? I could be lying right now, but like i've said, there's no need for me to lie.

Yeah if you look at actual actions Destiny has been the one kicking Regime in the nuts repeatedly this world. On the theoretical circumstance that they would work with SIN you decided to make an alliance with SIN against Regime. Then your only excuse for breaking ties with Regime is because they didn't want an alliance.

Perhaps there was more talk behind the scenes we all didn't see but that does not matter. What happened is what matters and all we can see is Destiny turning on old friends, nobling their accounts while still maintaining a facade of friendship and then gangbanging them when they were at their lowest with their leaders gone.

You can not say you are the victim in this circumstance. You've had every chance to win and you seem to be throwing it away.

It shows how good of a team Regime is that the most inactive of Destiny (Josiah and I) and troublesome (Franc) have done nothing but kick ass and make sweet love in the chats in our off times. You can attribute this to something else but in truth it is because the leaders their are able to motivate and inspire us all to give our all.

Uhh, what? I don't recall Sara or myself repeatedly apologising to Regime after members broke our agreements and I certainly don't remember us demanding villages from accounts that we recruited. Oh right, that's because it was Regime...

For the record, that account (Dr. Pickles) was going to be left behind, but a certain someone was desperate to bring his food along.

I'll let you off for thinking things were ever friendly between Regime and Dest given you're now in Regime and obviously you have to make sure they can see you spouting "dest is bad" all over the forums, just so you fit in.

Without trying to sound like Tranq, constantly repeating myself, only one member of our council knew about their absence in leadership. Still baffled that Connor continues to fail to put you guys straight.

Seem to recall people voting Coco as Leader of the year in that little popularity contest, also seem to recall you brown nosing quite often. Though i'll let it slip, the whole being in Regime thing (y)

Ryan for someone who claims not to be playing, you are running around in circles way too much my old friend.

Do you think PNKD was the only NAP? Do you think PNKD still the only NAP? Look closely a lot of your members have set up NAPS with Regime. Want me to "show you how deep the rabbit hole goes ?"

Once and for all, let's clear this matter.

Now let's see my basic concept of war in this game... when a tribe is willing to fight another, certain preparation are to take place right ? So Regime by having OP set up vs SIN we totally were planning to war Dest. right ?... (sarcasm)

How can you claim we were planning to back stab you when we had all our def and paladin in k73 ( me included )

this skype extract shows clearly our plans to hit SIN

[22/11/2015 11:01:19 AM | Edited 11:01:45 AM] ~Googly~ -: Operation Crank

Rise Regime!

A circular mail has gone out tribe-wide that holds the current fake script to be used.

Targets: OsoSerious and EpicTribalNoob

A number of players on this world have mistaken our building period as 'inactivity'. Let's show ETN and Oso exactly how 'inactive' we truly are. All members are to send a minimum of 500 fakes today using the script in the mail.

All Op assignments have also been sent out.

Please claim any assigned villages that are to be targeted with your nobles on the landing day. That includes both Real and Decoy - we are hopeful that our move will be enough for even some of the Decoys to gain us villages.

Let's show the world exactly what we do!


While Regime was preparing to war SIN, our lovely NAP (Dest.) who wanted an alliance was doing nothing at the time but stacking OSO against us.

You wanna talk about hypocrites ? Dest. been nothing but a definition of that word. You guys may have fooled your tribe with the lies, but the world ain't a fool my friend, people have brains and can use it to see the truth.

Admit that warring us was the easy way, admit that we didn't break promises or showed any hostility. You wanna twist the truth and make Dest. the martyr in this HELL NO. You think if our old leaders are gone, so was the truth ? Regime is still here along with it's old members who refused to quit, who witnessed the low schemes set up by our "Friends", being strong doesn't mean you are right. I never left and never will, not till this world is over and dest. gone with it.

Mary, please...

I don't know who does and who doesn't have NAPs with your tribe, I knew about PNDK because I was actually playing then. Still not sure how Regime find this acceptable though.

Firstly, take note of what I said to Sam. How did we know for sure? Were we to take your word for it. I wouldn't trust googly, not now not ever and i'm not the only one. It's also plain stupid and naive to not be slightly skeptical, that goes for almost everything in life...

I never claimed you were going to backstab us hun, I said we could never be sure that you wouldn't. How is that not fair? Regime always wanted an endgame war with us and made that pretty clear. That's a long time to trust someone who don't want to be allies with you.

Preparing to war SIN? With your amazingly huge border. K den. Regime warring SIN never seemed logical to me, maybe that's why I had doubts...

Didn't break promises? Okay now that's a good one. Hybrid almost had his own recurring time slot in Sara's diary to apologise and correct something. Do you not remember us ending grace early because you continued to break those promises? Wow, and you say we fooled our members lmao...

As bad as Regime breaking agreements and then treating us like we did something wrong was, no it wasn't easy. Truth be told, many of our council were never that fond of Sin. Myself, Connor and Ben included. Sara as always was impartial, she wants what her tribe wants. If you think that decision was easy then i'm afraid you are wrong.

Also, @Orchestrated Chaos can you please proof read all future Regime posts and remove the parts that you know aren't true, the world is already toxic enough as it is. Next thing you know Destiny kills kids. #TWLIVESMATTER

Oh, I heard it's Ronin vs Infect round 2 now anyways, so Regime and Dest are both forgiven for their accused crimes ;)

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Wow, people do like to try to spin things as best they can despite the whole world knowing better :)

How did we know, because you told us? That makes a whole lot of sense Sam. If I told you that I was going to do something you'd just automatically 100% believe what I said to be true? I said Dest had doubts, do you not get what that means? Tribal Wars isn't like it used to be. How can anyone be sure what they're being told is true? I could be lying right now, but like i've said, there's no need for me to lie.

You would know because SIN told you they had no communication with us. We told you we had no communication with them. And most importantly, our leadership and members were constantly working with Dest. in every way possible (sitting, supporting) whenever asked. Trust issues exist in every relationship - internally is always a good place to start fixing that as a word of caution - but to decide not to trust a group who have gone out of their way to make it clear they are friendly whilst shown respect is more logical than to trust a tribe that only got involved in a war after all other sides were being distracted - waiting for the easy option.

Uhh, what? I don't recall Sara or myself repeatedly apologising to Regime after members broke our agreements and I certainly don't remember us demanding villages from accounts that we recruited. Oh right, that's because it was Regime...For the record, that account (Dr. Pickles) was going to be left behind, but a certain someone was desperate to bring his food along.

Let's set the record straight.
Regime and Dest. agreed that neither tribe would recruit ANY ex-Gents accounts. This was suggested by Dest. Regime was contacted by almost every account that Dest. recruited before they went to Dest., asking to join us. We rejected them all out of respect for our agreement and knowing that our word means more than our temptations.

Dest. then recruited a bunch of Gents players with very little discussion, before it had been discussed diplomatically. We were at the point of agreeing to Dest. recruiting all members they wanted aside from Dr. Pickles but before Coco got online to handle it, someone else invited Pickles and co and started trying to blackmail Regime into agreeing to an alliance so that we had room to grow - Dr.Pickles blocking our entire route to Sin, the tribe we intended on attacking together.

Regime, myself in particular, took this as one of many kick-in-the-ball moves by a Dest. leadership who was more interested in personal greed than honouring their word and their integrity. Our entire reaction and the downslide of our relationship started the moment Dest. backstabbed Regime by breaking that agreement and suggesting that Dr.Pickles should be used as an argument for an alliance - essentially: "agree to an official alliance with us, which we already have in everything but name, and we'll start honouring our word again". That was Dest.'s message to Regime, loud and clear. And Regime didn't accept it because Dest. had shown they were not able to have a leadership who worked in harmony, some more interested in personal interests than their duchess's leadership.

I'll let you off for thinking things were ever friendly between Regime and Dest given you're now in Regime and obviously you have to make sure they can see you spouting "dest is bad" all over the forums, just so you fit in.

Things were very friendly between the two tribes until Dest. leadership showed they could not stick to their word and that their goal of having the easiest possible win (recruiting the people who they claimed to hate and wanted to rim, insulting all the members who joined their tribe non-stop right up until they joined, and some continued to do so afterwards behind their back) mattered more than anything else in this world.

Firstly, take note of what I said to Sam. How did we know for sure? Were we to take your word for it. I wouldn't trust googly, not now not ever and i'm not the only one. It's also plain stupid and naive to not be slightly skeptical, that goes for almost everything in life...

Fair enough, don't trust me. I wouldn't blame you, I'd tell you that you are an idiot if you trust me as I will openly admit I did a few things to help further Regime's pemission I am not proud of - mostly inside of Gents (which funnily enough helped ensure Dest.'s survival when they first formed). However, you were all aware I came here to work alongside Hybrid and Focalor and help follow through with their intentions. And you trusted them. You chose to use me as an excuse to turn against Regime, as Regime was in the weaker position out of the 3 major tribes and you didn't like that I wouldn't let Dest. walk all over Regime.

I gave you no excuse to distrust my word - I stuck to all agreements made during our NAP period, enforcing it as best I could on Regime's side whilst dealing with my own personal situation that Dest. leadership was made aware of. I passed on when Gents members tried to join Regime, so that you were aware they were applying and that we were being true to our word to Dest. and were not going to recruit any members. You chose to take my reactions to your backstabbing as a reason to not trust me, and turned me into a 'justification' for Dest. to continue to take the easy road.

I never claimed you were going to backstab us hun, I said we could never be sure that you wouldn't. How is that not fair? Regime always wanted an endgame war with us and made that pretty clear. That's a long time to trust someone who don't want to be allies with you.

Preparing to war SIN? With your amazingly huge border. K den. Regime warring SIN never seemed logical to me, maybe that's why I had doubts...
End-game war means war between the two tribes. Which means SIN had to go.

Regime warring SIN wasn't logical when Dest. tried to recruit everybody between us. That was not our fault, the entire 'let's not recruit from Gents' was suggested by Dest. in part to ensure we WOULD be able to move south and get a border with SIN. We were, prior to Dest. declaring, moving down south incredibly fast and had all our def moving to prepare to fight the SIN players and the proxy accounts we knew would align with them.

Didn't break promises? Okay now that's a good one. Hybrid almost had his own recurring time slot in Sara's diary to apologise and correct something. Do you not remember us ending grace early because you continued to break those promises?

Things do get broken from time to time by individual members - that happens. And we tried to fix it every time - you have highlighted how important it was for Regime to 'apologize and correct something'. Thanks for backing up my point about us being intent on sticking to our word.

I ordered Regime to begin nobling isolated villages Dest. had ignored in their region for weeks despite promising to noble them asap when you dropped the NAP agreement as our security was more important than sticking to an agreement that we considered to be violated the moment Dest. cancelled our NAP - why show respect to an agreement Dest. never showed any respect for at all?

You can dress things up as nicely as you want Ryan, but recruiting Gents members (while a strategically clever move) was a huge diplomatic backstab done deliberately by leadership of Dest. Regime leadership never did such a move to Dest., so try as you like to paint us as the 'dirty party', our many small violations will never add up to the betrayal your leadership chose to do that caused the relationship to collapse.

You haven't changed - you are still determined to lie through your teeth to try and make your tribe look to be harmonious, loyal and trustworthy. Some of your members are honest, hardworking and respectable, and I feel truly sorry for them to be subjected to such pathetic, vile leaders who think that dishonesty, rule-breaking and foul play will win them a world. They deserve far better.
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Wow, people do like to try to spin things as best they can despite the whole world knowing better :)

Firstly, best post i've seen on the topic so far and you make fair and valid points. Probably because you were here and actually knew what was going on, unlike those who've joined recently and got a Chinese whispers version of events. I appreciate the time and effort.

However, everyone is guilty of trying to spin things in their favour, that's what these forums are for, no?

You would know because SIN told you they had no communication with us. We told you we had no communication with them. And most importantly, our leadership and members were constantly working with Dest. in every way possible (sitting, supporting) whenever asked. Trust issues exist in every relationship - internally is always a good place to start fixing that as a word of caution - but to decide not to trust a group who have gone out of their way to make it clear they are friendly whilst shown respect is more logical than to trust a tribe that only got involved in a war after all other sides were being distracted - waiting for the easy option.

That would imply we fully trusted both sides and didn't suspect them of foul play. Certain experiences from previous worlds can make people cautious and skeptical. I know this is it's own world, but surely you can understand why we had our doubts?

Let's set the record straight.
Regime and Dest. agreed that neither tribe would recruit ANY ex-Gents accounts. This was suggested by Dest. Regime was contacted by almost every account that Dest. recruited before they went to Dest., asking to join us. We rejected them all out of respect for our agreement and knowing that our word means more than our temptations.

Dest. then recruited a bunch of Gents players with very little discussion, before it had been discussed diplomatically. We were at the point of agreeing to Dest. recruiting all members they wanted aside from Dr. Pickles but before Coco got online to handle it, someone else invited Pickles and co and started trying to blackmail Regime into agreeing to an alliance so that we had room to grow - Dr.Pickles blocking our entire route to Sin, the tribe we intended on attacking together.

Regime, myself in particular, took this as one of many kick-in-the-ball moves by a Dest. leadership who was more interested in personal greed than honouring their word and their integrity. Our entire reaction and the downslide of our relationship started the moment Dest. backstabbed Regime by breaking that agreement and suggesting that Dr.Pickles should be used as an argument for an alliance - essentially: "agree to an official alliance with us, which we already have in everything but name, and we'll start honouring our word again". That was Dest.'s message to Regime, loud and clear. And Regime didn't accept it because Dest. had shown they were not able to have a leadership who worked in harmony, some more interested in personal interests than their duchess's leadership.

Personally I wasn't involved in the recruitment of these players, I was however there to see the impact it had. I can't argue with you on this. Never realised you felt Dest. had backstabbed however.

Things were very friendly between the two tribes until Dest. leadership showed they could not stick to their word and that their goal of having the easiest possible win (recruiting the people who they claimed to hate and wanted to rim, insulting all the members who joined their tribe non-stop right up until they joined, and some continued to do so afterwards behind their back) mattered more than anything else in this world.

The goal is to win, nobody said it was going to be easy. We have always acted with our tribes survival and success as our goal, is that wrong? Also, not everyone disliked SIN. Mainly a select few who disliked certain players from previous worlds and experiences. I myself fell into that category, I didn't hate them, there were a few members who annoyed me.

Fair enough, don't trust me. I wouldn't blame you, I'd tell you that you are an idiot if you trust me. However, you were all aware I came back to work alongside Hybrid and Focalor and help follow through with their intentions. And you trusted them. You chose to use me as an excuse to turn against Regime, as Regime was in the weaker position out of the 3 major tribes.

I gave you no excuse to distrust my word - I stuck to all agreements made during our NAP period, enforcing it as best I could on Regime's side whilst dealing with my own personal situation that Dest. leadership was made aware of. I passed on when Gents members tried to join Regime, so that you were aware they were applying and that we were being true to our word to Dest. and were not going to recruit any members. You chose to take my reactions to your backstabbing as a reason to not trust me, and turned me into a 'justification' for Dest. to continue to take the easy road.

Not true, we turned on Regime because of the deterioration between our relations. We had always respected Regime's quality, in fact i'd say Dest. were in the worst position of all three tribes, hence we felt action was needed. We had a choice between a tribe who we weren't exactly getting along with, and a tribe who we hadn't really had any issues with. Yet we still approached Regime first. Your rejection of our alliance made it clear it wasn't meant to be. Granted now I can see why you denied it.

For the record, I may not trust you, but I do respect you.

End-game war means war between the two tribes. Which means SIN had to go.

Regime warring SIN wasn't logical when Dest. tried to recruit everybody between us. That was not our fault, the entire 'let's not recruit from Gents' was suggested by Dest. in part to ensure we WOULD be able to move south and get a border with SIN. We were, prior to Dest. declaring, moving down south incredibly fast and had all our def moving to prepare to fight the SIN players and the proxy accounts we knew would align with them.

^Valid point, no argument

Things do get broken from time to time by individual members - that happens. And we tried to fix it every time - you have highlighted how important it was for Regime to 'apologize and correct something'. Thanks for backing up my point about us being intent on sticking to our word.

I ordered Regime to begin nobling isolated villages Dest. had ignored in their region for weeks despite promising to noble them asap when you dropped the NAP agreement as our security was more important than sticking to an agreement that we considered to be violated the moment Dest. cancelled our NAP - why show respect to an agreement Dest. never showed any respect for at all?

Again, fair point. Though from our point of view these breakages were seen as you pushing for whatever you could get, seeing how far you could push us before we snapped.

You can dress things up as nicely as you want Ryan, but recruiting Gents members (while a strategically clever move) was a huge diplomatic backstab done deliberately by leadership of Dest. Regime leadership never did such a move to Dest., so try as you like to paint us as the 'dirty party', our many small violations will never add up to the betrayal your leadership chose to do that caused the relationship to collapse.

I'm not trying to dress anything up, i'm giving you my point of view, people interpret things differently. Saying this, it would be interesting to know what Regime planned to do if we didn't declare. What you said, makes it seem like you weren't planning on keeping our diplomatic agreement for much longer.

You haven't changed - you are still determined to lie through your teeth to try and make your tribe look to be harmonious, loyal and trustworthy. Some of your members are honest, hardworking and respectable, and I feel truly sorry for them to be subjected to such pathetic, vile leaders who think that dishonesty, rule-breaking and foul play will win them a world. They deserve far better.

Hope you're not referring to me specifically. Shame you had to stain such a classy post. I guess things just weren't meant to be <3

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Thank you for being the first Dest. leadership member to actually accept that Regime's decisions were all merely responses to Dest.'s actions. I hope this means that any future comments from you will reflect this.

I'm not trying to dress anything up, i'm giving you my point of view, people interpret things differently. Saying this, it would be interesting to know what Regime planned to do if we didn't declare. What you said, makes it seem like you weren't planning on keeping our diplomatic agreement for much longer.

We would have stuck to our word, as we always did.

We would have taken out ETN and OsoSerious to set up our frontline with SIN, where all Regime players would have frontline villages down south. I personally had friends in SIN ready to join Regime, we intended on contacting Dest. to discuss it as we opened fire on SIN and then moved them across following negotiations regarding SIN recruitment (which we intended to be 2-3 accounts going to each tribe).

We then would have set up an agreement between our leaderships for an end-game war once SIN was removed enough from the picture to make it clear that Dest./Regime were the final two tribes, as we had always made it clear we would not merge with another tribe under any circumstance.

That is what Regime had always intended on doing, we never made any move that was against Dest.'s interests on this world and we had no intention of ever doing so. It was always a shame in my eyes that Dest. made choices that ended up fracturing our relationship and turning yourselves against your loyal friends.


Thank you for being the first Dest. leadership member to actually accept that Regime's decisions were all merely responses to Dest.'s actions. I hope this means that any future comments from you will reflect this.

We would have stuck to our word, as we always did.

We would have taken out ETN and OsoSerious to set up our frontline with SIN, where all Regime players would have frontline villages down south. I personally had friends in SIN ready to join Regime, we intended on contacting Dest. to discuss it as we opened fire on SIN and then moved them across following negotiations regarding SIN recruitment (which we intended to be 2-3 accounts going to each tribe).

We then would have set up an agreement between our leaderships for an end-game war once SIN was removed enough from the picture to make it clear that Dest./Regime were the final two tribes, as we had always made it clear we would not merge with another tribe under any circumstance.

That is what Regime had always intended on doing, we never made any move that was against Dest.'s interests on this world and we had no intention of ever doing so. It was always a shame in my eyes that Dest. made choices that ended up fracturing our relationship and turning yourselves against your loyal friends.

Yet still nobody can accept that Dest. never set out to backstab you. We aren't and never were a malicious tribe, yet everyone finds it easy to dismiss our point of view.

Either way, i'm done arguing here. I was only posting to try and balance the one sided flame fest which painted Dest. as something it wasn't. I gave my point of view, I didn't lie or attempt to cover anything up. I was merely trying to show people that there are two sides to this story, though clearly some people are too simple minded to acknowledge that not everything is black and white.


I vote for an unmerge. Sin go back to Sin and there be a 3 way war. Yay or nay?


Active Member
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Ryan, while I don't mean to offend, you are either dishonest, have memory issues, have low-level basic comprehension skills, or a combination thereof. You have lied repeatedly on this forum and each time you have been called out, you have either dismissed it, called someone a hypocrite (because it is possible for someone to have not done what they were accused of, and simultaneously have done it, so the other person can't call them out on it due to it being hypocrisy. Logic is not your forté).

I don't know who does and who doesn't have NAPs with your tribe, I knew about PNDK because I was actually playing then. Still not sure how Regime find this acceptable though.

Funny, I'm not sure why Destiny finds this acceptable. Most of the players who bordered the ones that walked away set up agreements. In fact, didn't Fox lament about how Vlad ended his agreement which was set up so that Fox could eat through Wallace without Vlad challenging him? And Destiny's response wasn't, "Fox, why did you have a NAP with Vlad when there have been repeated tribe-wide ops on Vlad that you could have participated in that would have helped break the account?" it was, "Wow, Vlad is such a jerk."

We know about the agreements. Given the way they came into the tribe, we respected that they had past ties and while we urged players to end those ties, we also did not push the matter too hard. In the end, a smaller tribe can't war everyone at once, so we worked around the agreements as best we could.

Not ideal, but spare me any high-horse rubbish about how Destiny immediately did away with any NAP it found out about (especially since there were _many_ - including Aldegrion's on-again, off-again weird relationship with Vlad that has been sort of embarrassing for the Aldegrion account). When you are opping someone heavily, and a key active player is not hitting them, then anyone should be able to put two and two together and figure out that there is something going on.

Yet still nobody can accept that Dest. never set out to backstab you. We aren't and never were a malicious tribe, yet everyone finds it easy to dismiss our point of view.

Perhaps not at the beginning, but you did set out to backstab them. As has been pointed out, Destiny was privately working against Regime while relations were still in place. This is not painting a picture of an evil tribe, this is simply a fact: Destiny was actively working against Regime while pretending to still be willing to work through challenges that may have occurred.

Either way, i'm done arguing here.

I doubt that.

I didn't lie or attempt to cover anything up.

Yeah you did. Repeatedly. And each time you were called out on it, you shrugged it off, blatantly ignored it, or said "Well Regime was ALSO mean so what we did was ok!"

I was merely trying to show people that there are two sides to this story, though clearly some people are too simple minded to acknowledge that not everything is black and white.

Nothing is black and white - neither tribe is the shining star of the world. Both sides have their flaws, both sides have done things. But where Regime may have held out its foot and tripped people on occasion, Destiny stabbed Regime over and over in the back, then, in a shocked voice, pointed at the gasping body and went, "Look! A suicide! Regime has 37 stab wounds in their back! What an awful way to try to commit suicide!" Then you grumbled and huffed when Regime didn't actually die from those wounds and was able to explain what happened.

You smeared Regime's name around while pretending like you were the plucky little tribe that beat the odds when in reality the vast majority of the tribe proved itself to be anything but.

Also, @Orchestrated Chaos can you please proof read all future Regime posts and remove the parts that you know aren't true, the world is already toxic enough as it is. Next thing you know Destiny kills kids. #TWLIVESMATTER

Hello, Pot, have you met Kettle?

Hypocrisy be thy name, Ryan.

Oh, I heard it's Ronin vs Infect round 2 now anyways, so Regime and Dest are both forgiven for their accused crimes

Part of that might be true. This has been, and always will be, Regime. The players are Regime players: we do not see them as players from past or present worlds. This tribe began this world as Regime and will end this world as Regime. However, given the identity crisis Destiny has had throughout this world, I would not at all be surprised if they changed themselves into yet another tribe.

Regime has Infect and Ronin players in it. Destiny has Infect and Ronin players in it. Both tribes have a very low percentage of W70 players in the grand mix. Trying to turn this into a W70 do-over is demeaning to players in both tribes.

They lost. It happens. Move on.