See, now ur deceiving urself, thats a withdrawal symptom of being manipulated by WET u try to get to their good side instead of accepting the fact that you were lied tooo....
WET is an evil force of mind controlling ingame players, where they look for unsuspecting victim just like you and get manipulated....
I have respect for you as a player but you really do sound insane. I'm one of the biggest accounts in Meh!! and I have, over the course of this entire war, sent 5 DVs to support "the coalition". Not because I'm selfish, but because that's all I've been asked for. In return, when one of their players went inactive they allowed our tribe to internal pretty much all of it, and I took 17. So I gained almost 4 times as many ACTUAL villages as I sent as support to their frontline. If that's your definition of manipulation then please by all means start manipulating me.
I have respect for you as a player but you really do sound insane. I'm one of the biggest accounts in Meh!! and I have, over the course of this entire war, sent 5 DVs to support "the coalition". Not because I'm selfish, but because that's all I've been asked for. In return, when one of their players went inactive they allowed our tribe to internal pretty much all of it, and I took 17. So I gained almost 4 times as many ACTUAL villages as I sent as support to their frontline. If that's your definition of manipulation then please by all means start manipulating me.
This is tactical brilliance on WETS strategies, your reply clearly shows how they play the tactical manipulation gain, Inactives in a tribe is normal but giving your tribe their inactives WET player as food for your tribe secured your tribes loyalty to WET tribe. In return your tribe got no more options but to send support if your being asked by WET, wet pretty much secured MEhh tribe as one of their pawns in this game.
While you can see this differently as an act of goodwill towards your tribe for sending support, this in reality is a tactic that pretty much capture not only you but all of your tribe as well, with your reputation and gameplay respect towards the game you will now incline towards, your tribe towards in FAVOR of WET tribe in everything.
Its a Tactic, throw less to gain more.
throw a brick to attract a jade
give some villas for a tribe loyalty
WET tribe Clearly captured 3 continents because of this...Good work WET tribe we don't know this is happening, now we clearly see how you managed to gain control of strategic territories because of this.
Now that Obey is pretty much done with Defy, I wonder when their attention will heed back to the tribes currently capping against them. Excited to see when their nukes will launch! Don't keep me waiting too long, please.
Side 1:
Tribes: mehh!!, WET, Spyker Side 2:
Tribes: OBEY
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 142 Side 2: 79 Difference: 63
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,125,433 Side 2: 693,700 Difference: 431,733
As a scholar, I find the coalition's statistics manipulation fascinating. What's so interesting about it is the evolution of it over time. Originally the entire coalition was in the stats, which has gradually changed to just WET/Spyker and now adding in Mehh!! as a new participant. What one can notice is a consistency though underlying this seeming randomness. The coalition remove tribes from their statistics when they do not go positive in the war and add tribes which they did not previously as soon as they gain villages as to pad the stats. In the case of Defy, this meant literally removing them from the ingame war. It will be interesting to see how these develop in future.
Regardless, I tried my best to come up with some coalition methodology that made us look good, but I could only come up with posting the entire war out:
Side 1:
Tribes: OBEY Side 2:
Tribes: Spyker, WET, mehh!!, DEFY
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 662 Side 2: 175 Difference: 487
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 5,055,169 Side 2: 1,347,036 Difference: 3,708,133
The most important thing from the coalition methodology of showing statistics is the overall picture. For example, Spyker is slightly losing to Obey in the last week, however the intention of the poster is to make Spyker look good so he keeps them in despite them being slightly detrimental to the overall picture. I've tried replicating that above with WET and Mehh!!, making it look like they are losing in the last week, when most of that is actually Defy.
Now that Obey is pretty much done with Defy, I wonder when their attention will heed back to the tribes currently capping against them. Excited to see when their nukes will launch! Don't keep me waiting too long, please.
Side 1:
Tribes: mehh!!, WET, Spyker Side 2:
Tribes: OBEY
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 142 Side 2: 79 Difference: 63
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 1,125,433 Side 2: 693,700 Difference: 431,733
As a scholar, I find the coalition's statistics manipulation fascinating. What's so interesting about it is the evolution of it over time. Originally the entire coalition was in the stats, which has gradually changed to just WET/Spyker and now adding in Mehh!! as a new participant. What one can notice is a consistency though underlying this seeming randomness. The coalition remove tribes from their statistics when they do not go positive in the war and add tribes which they did not previously as soon as they gain villages as to pad the stats. In the case of Defy, this meant literally removing them from the ingame war. It will be interesting to see how these develop in future.
Regardless, I tried my best to come up with some coalition methodology that made us look good, but I could only come up with posting the entire war out:
Side 1:
Tribes: OBEY Side 2:
Tribes: Spyker, WET, mehh!!, DEFY
Timeframe: Last week
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 662 Side 2: 175 Difference: 487
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 5,055,169 Side 2: 1,347,036 Difference: 3,708,133
The most important thing from the coalition methodology of showing statistics is the overall picture. For example, Spyker is slightly losing to Obey in the last week, however the intention of the poster is to make Spyker look good so he keeps them in despite them being slightly detrimental to the overall picture. I've tried replicating that above with WET and Mehh!!, making it look like they are losing in the last week, when most of that is actually Defy.
Except you know, for the fact that it is different people posting different stats at different times because of obviously, different relevancies.
Couldn't have added Mehh a month ago, stats would have read 0-0 I believe, so what's the point?
The tribes I include are going to be Obey's last challenge if they are to win the world, giving them the most relevancies; currently they are still up on Obey.
I doubt your entire tribe is cleaning up Defy, bring on the OP! its been weeks since you guys used Keita's "offense" to try and clear villages.