How Do You Think People Look

  • Thread starter DeletedUser118771
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The final salute you give someone when you rim them. Although you may have run away for now Artista, you'll be getting a personalised send off very soon.



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I wonder what all the Screw teenagers will get up to when this world ends and they realise they have no jobs and still live with mummy and daddy :(


Well-Known Member
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But you have not kicked my arse this world :(. Ive been absent for the last 4 - 5 weeks come back? Some of us have bigger issues IRL, don't worry, I'm sure your PP will cuddle whilst you sleep as you clearly do not have a gf to do it for you. Dont worry though, Im sure Solo will cradle you to sleep as well little snow flake.

Deleted User - 11252347

But you have not kicked my arse this world :(. Ive been absent for the last 4 - 5 weeks come back? Some of us have bigger issues IRL, don't worry, I'm sure your PP will cuddle whilst you sleep as you clearly do not have a gf to do it for you. Dont worry though, Im sure Solo will cradle you to sleep as well little snow flake.

lmao *clearly* ...... where is the evidence coming from other than your butthurt that you lost this world?


Still will kick your ass next world cause you're a garbage player & it'll be even more sweet because you'll be twice as butthurt :cool: