How to end the world now if your not XXXX

lord rigby

Disband your tribe, will give XXXX auto 100% dominance and we can get rid of this boring dull world

now i will disband if you will :)


but you are welcome to delete, would make it go faster.

If it's so dull, then why are you still logging in anyway?

XXXX is intent on owning 100% of player owned villages, and we have made a decision that we are not going to conquer via invitation, we have made our final recruitments, and will end the world when it is all Blue and Gray...


intent is fine
hope you have made sure ALL your members are voting for 100% though

all active players get to vote not just xxxx leadership

i for 1 wont be deleting :icon_biggrin:

no more recruiting :icon_sad: poor old dusty still not getting an invite :icon_redface:


Aww... dust - you had one at one point...

the ticket for "early completion of a world" has to be submitted by a duke of the leading tribe, and furthermore, we have asked all our members on our forum what their take is, and it's overwhelmingly 100% completion.

Clearly not going to happen tomorrow...


the biggest mistake ive ever made in this game

i think xxxx have he 85% now for an automatic vote your members total more then 50% of active players so im sure u get the 100%

tomorrow would be nice but not going to happen as you say,hopefully by the end of next year

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you m8 and all w22 players