How to send multiple attacks quickly in a speed round (multiple villages)

duck that quacks

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A lot of players in speed rounds do not know how to send a good amount of attacks in a short amount of time.
Currently, this is the best (and legal) method to organize and send a group of attacks in an efficient way. As there is a lack of something better, for now this is what we have to rely on.

1st step - collecting the target coordinates

If your objective is to attack barbarian villages, for example sending multiple nobles at a time, use this script, as it will collect all of the coordinates of the barbarian villages in the radius you opened your map on.
If your objective is to attack players, you can use this script, made with the objective of collecting coordinates from a player’s profile (note - if a player has more than 100 villages it is important to click on the “show the x remaining villages”, or else it’ll only collect the first 100) or you can use this script, which extracts coordinates from any page (you can even extract coordinates from your own groups on the overviews, script has some strange bugs when you use it with the "hide villages that are being attacked" script).

2nd step - add the coordinates to the script of filling commands
To start using the script you add it to the fast access bar, and you edit the coordinates for the ones you wish to target.

Be careful, do not delete the ‘ symbols, or else it won’t work.
After that, to define the maximum quantity of troops per attack, you can change the “0” with “true”. This script can also be used to send fakes, as you can change the values by an exact quantity of troops, but the objective of the topic is not that.
Save the script, I’d even suggest adding in a keybind to it as it makes the whole process way faster.

3rd step - prepare and send the commands
Use this script. From the overviews, by clicking on that script, any of the villages you click on will automatically be redirected to the rally point. To be more effective you should use the link clump extension as it will allow you to open the tabs faster, making it so you don’t have to open all of the villages one by one. With that, all of the rally points of the villages you wish to attack with will be opened.

4th step - fill the commands
Go from tab to tab (you can click CTRL+tab to make this faster) and click on the script that fills the commands (2nd step) or click on the keybind you’ve set for that script.

5th step - send the commands
Now that all of the tabs have the commands ready, you just need to hit confirm on all of them and send the attacks, I don’t think i have to explain how to send attacks xD

Other useful scripts related to this kind of rounds (lots of villages):
Collector of coordinates on the map - this script can be useful if you wish to attack a specific area on the map.
Collector of attack origin coordinates - if you run this script on the incomings screen, it will give you the coordinates of the villages from which you are being attacked from. It can be very useful to counter attack specifically those villages.
Hide villages with incoming attacks - this script lets you, in a player’s profile, hide all of the villages that have the attack icon beside them. Basically, it makes it so the villages that are not being attacked are highlighted, and you can use the script to collect specifically these coordinates so you can keep pressuring your opponent.

Good luck speeding!
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