How to win a war and become legends!


Thats abit like RT's war declaration on H then? Burrrrn.

It depends on what you define as useless.
It served a higher purpose. This thread... does not.

I didn't make the thread because I was screaming for attention, I made it to put up a smokescreen for the rest of w26 to buy time.

But erm, it seems that you guys merged [H] into Clear!. RT wasn't even planning on taking in that much. But then again, you guys have never doubted one second whenever you can get something merged.


Booza, Booza, he's our man!

If he can't ruin harmless PnP, no one can.


Booza the grouch!


Back to your trash-can, you!


It depends on what you define as useless.
It served a higher purpose. This thread... does not.

I didn't make the thread because I was screaming for attention, I made it to put up a smokescreen for the rest of w26 to buy time.

But erm, it seems that you guys merged [H] into Clear!. RT wasn't even planning on taking in that much. But then again, you guys have never doubted one second whenever you can get something merged.

did any1 notice that RT, t4hs allies, just made fun of CLEAR! for merging?


It depends on what you define as useless.
It served a higher purpose. This thread... does not.

I didn't make the thread because I was screaming for attention, I made it to put up a smokescreen for the rest of w26 to buy time.

not a very sucessful attempt i see :icon_sad:


But erm, it seems that you guys merged [H] into Clear!. RT wasn't even planning on taking in that much. But then again, you guys have never doubted one second whenever you can get something merged.

Are you high? Or just stupid? Really. As THE person that sent out invites to people in H, I can tell you the "merge" does not apply. How many people did I invite in this "merge"? Without looking, how many?

RT? Oh that's right, you guys are the bitches that disbanded because you knew Clear! was coming for you. Gutless.

I have had no problem with you Booza, hell, I don't even know you but after I read this, you don't have a friggen clue. Now you are in the huggiest tribe on 26 and pointing the finger at anyone is truly funny.


not a very sucessful attempt i see :icon_sad:

Yeah, we knew from the start of the "declaration" that it was B.S. and we played along. See, I know Booza does not understand this but to be at war, you have to actually noble villages. Not just claim you are at war.


It depends on what you define as useless.
It served a higher purpose. This thread... does not.

everythin ghas a purpose. for all you know, this pnp could convince 1 person in a tribe that another tribe is good, then he could convince others ect. boom, you have an alliance.


come on leave poor Boozy alone.. :p
no matter what all of you say he was a bloody good leader.


come on leave poor Boozy alone.. :p
no matter what all of you say he was a bloody good leader.

i will agree to that. hes a good leader, made a few bad decisions that lead to RTs downfall, but thats the game.


Just like old times.

But what the heck. I'm up for a good discussion, that's why where all here, right?

The smokescreen obviously failed because I, as you all know, left for 3 weeks.
So the targets weren't assigned, so the villages weren't nobled.
If everything went right Clear! would eventually work it out, but 3-4 weeks preparation was all we would have needed.

The plan was for RT to face BUL (at the time we were winning :icon_confused:), and let Eastern RT & the 10-ish [H] guys deal with Clear!.

Unfortainly that all went down the drain during my absence.

Clear! is a decent tribe, but you can't help noticing that they rule half of w26 without actually nobling their way trough it.

Moogle was initially defeating Clear!, but IMK saved your ass. You then recruited 10-15 (something like that right? Correct me if I'm wrong) ex Moogle.
And also took in some of their perma sits to noble out.
While, tbh, IMK deserved just as much as you guys.

[H] was a slaughter, nothing more, nothing less. The really active core was down to 10 peeps, those then came to me for solutions.
You all know I have an open policy on invites, you can't win a wars without fresh blood every once in a while, so I was open to suggestions from there side.
So we forged a plan, we knew it would be obvious, all we needed was time.

When [H] realised that during my absence there would be no merger, they turned to Clear!.

I'm not blaming Clear! for the merger, hell I was planning something likewise. But you guys now flaming what I tried to pull off is a bit hypocrite.

I also saw some remarks about my current tribe.
I have no leading fuction in T4H whatsoever, I chose the tribe because I like the guys and I like how they finished Risen.
What you guys point out, has probably already been pointed out by T4H council.
I was asked not to take any drastic points about my current tribe, and I plan to play by the rules. :icon_wink:


i congrate itsbillykiller for his right comments.

i think , those girls are rihiter,fullstop,tanelin and mysticalrevan. those are BUL's girls :icon_wink: we all know , what will happen soon ...

they were fighting against BUL, after disbanding RT , they jumped to BULs lap:). how a reasonable players :icon_razz:

or , second guess, nekonormalan,nem0wnz or ademtecumseh... those are the girls . they love chatting and when they had seen some H neighbours members joining to Clear , they jumped to Clear's bed.:icon_razz:

i prefer to lose my all villages and be brave than being like these...


i congrate itsbillykiller for his right comments.

i think , those girls are rihiter,fullstop,tanelin and mysticalrevan. those are BUL's girls :icon_wink: we all know , what will happen soon ...

they were fighting against BUL, after disbanding RT , they jumped to BULs lap:). how a reasonable players :icon_razz:

or , second guess, nekonormalan,nem0wnz or ademtecumseh... those are the girls . they love chatting and when they had seen some H neighbours members joining to Clear , they jumped to Clear's bed.:icon_razz:

i prefer to lose my all villages and be brave than being like these...

The guys you mentioned never intended to leave RT, and they fought hard for the tribe.
But once a war's over, I see no harm in joining the ones you've been fighting.

It's a compliment for both the player and the tribe. The player choses the tribe because they have proven their worth, and the tribe respected the fight the player put up.

Jumping ships in the middle of a war is weak, but once the war's over then why not?