This thread was pretty useless.
Silly me, expecting something of actual worth from you.
Thats abit like RT's war declaration on H then? Burrrrn.
This thread was pretty useless.
Silly me, expecting something of actual worth from you.
Thats abit like RT's war declaration on H then? Burrrrn.
Booza, Booza, he's our man!
If he can't ruin harmless PnP, no one can.
Meh, I had to endure BUL's PnP, I'm trying to stop others from following in your footsteps. :icon_wink:
Booza the grouch!
Not bad. But I think you can do better!
Not bad. But I think you can do better!
It depends on what you define as useless.
It served a higher purpose. This thread... does not.
I didn't make the thread because I was screaming for attention, I made it to put up a smokescreen for the rest of w26 to buy time.
But erm, it seems that you guys merged [H] into Clear!. RT wasn't even planning on taking in that much. But then again, you guys have never doubted one second whenever you can get something merged.
It depends on what you define as useless.
It served a higher purpose. This thread... does not.
I didn't make the thread because I was screaming for attention, I made it to put up a smokescreen for the rest of w26 to buy time.
Meh, I had to endure BUL's PnP, I'm trying to stop others from following in your footsteps. :icon_wink:
But erm, it seems that you guys merged [H] into Clear!. RT wasn't even planning on taking in that much. But then again, you guys have never doubted one second whenever you can get something merged.
not a very sucessful attempt i see :icon_sad:
It depends on what you define as useless.
It served a higher purpose. This thread... does not.
come on leave poor Boozy alone..
no matter what all of you say he was a bloody good leader.
i congrate itsbillykiller for his right comments.
i think , those girls are rihiter,fullstop,tanelin and mysticalrevan. those are BUL's girls :icon_wink: we all know , what will happen soon ...
they were fighting against BUL, after disbanding RT , they jumped to BULs lap. how a reasonable players :icon_razz:
or , second guess, nekonormalan,nem0wnz or ademtecumseh... those are the girls . they love chatting and when they had seen some H neighbours members joining to Clear , they jumped to Clear's bed.:icon_razz:
i prefer to lose my all villages and be brave than being like these...