blue banana
So I’m speaking from Hugs/Hush perspective.
We had an alliance with both FF and Slap. At that point we we’re grown into each other already and the options were to become allies or probably go to war at some point in the near future, we chose to go for the first option. It was mostly Slap pushing for attacking BCT family, while we had other concerns at the time: attacking Uruz, where we successfully capped like 3 villas I think.
In the meanwhile Slap family had two tribes, but they were kinda constantly losing villas to BCT family and of course also capping some back, but mostly just losing ground. I think the war stats with Slap and BCT is 4 villas gained for Slap and 12 for BCT. While losing villas Slap kept recruiting more small players (also some good ones, but most of them were just food in our area)
Hazard is talking about that Alt contacted him about a merge and he accepted. Alt weren’t stupid and of course they didn’t say that Hugs opped them and took 5 villas from them right before. They were just running away from us and looking for protection at Slap. It’s kinda our bad that we didn’t tell Slap about this but at the time we already knew people in Slap couldn’t all be trusted and would likely have forwarded it to some Alt people (that we were attacking them), so we decided to keep it to ourselves to gain the best result. We were almost ready to send for wave 2 when suddenly most of our targets/food joined our allied tribe, which we weren’t happy with of course but we didn’t want that alone to ruin our alliance so Slap just kicked like 2 of them and we put it behind us. Proof of this is that we took 5 villas from Alt, about 2 days before they merged into Slap.
After that we get like random messages from people that Hazard is trying to recruit them by telling they are allied with us and are going to hit BCT, to make his already shrinking tribe look better and get more members to replace the ones that leave/get nobled. We already didn’t tell him much of our plans after that and got more annoyed by Hazards decisions.
We talked with FF and asked if they maybe wanted to merge Slap into them so we would get rid of Hazard leadership. Hazard didn’t go for it and said something like ‘’I’ve worked too hard to make this tribe and to get it where it is now so I don’t want to do it’’. Which I can understand, but since we wanted him gone we were not glad with the answer. His family tribe already went from 2 tribes to 1 tribe at this time.
Also we already had many requests from people in Slap that wanted to join Hugs, even tho they knew we were allied, but they just saw their tribe was dying and wanted to leave the sinking ship. We at Hugs knew Hazard didn’t want to merge into FF for ‘’all the hard work he put into it’’, but he still decided it would be fine to ask Hugs if he can join us instead of FF. He’s suddenly not caring for his hard work anymore, and wants his entire tribe to merge into a different one, even tho we are allied with FF.
After that we kinda just had no mercy and let FF recruit the targets they wanted, and Hugs would op the remains of Slap including Hazard. Sad ending for him and I understand that he’s upset but this is how the game goes and I would do everything we did again if we had to.
We had an alliance with both FF and Slap. At that point we we’re grown into each other already and the options were to become allies or probably go to war at some point in the near future, we chose to go for the first option. It was mostly Slap pushing for attacking BCT family, while we had other concerns at the time: attacking Uruz, where we successfully capped like 3 villas I think.
In the meanwhile Slap family had two tribes, but they were kinda constantly losing villas to BCT family and of course also capping some back, but mostly just losing ground. I think the war stats with Slap and BCT is 4 villas gained for Slap and 12 for BCT. While losing villas Slap kept recruiting more small players (also some good ones, but most of them were just food in our area)
Hazard is talking about that Alt contacted him about a merge and he accepted. Alt weren’t stupid and of course they didn’t say that Hugs opped them and took 5 villas from them right before. They were just running away from us and looking for protection at Slap. It’s kinda our bad that we didn’t tell Slap about this but at the time we already knew people in Slap couldn’t all be trusted and would likely have forwarded it to some Alt people (that we were attacking them), so we decided to keep it to ourselves to gain the best result. We were almost ready to send for wave 2 when suddenly most of our targets/food joined our allied tribe, which we weren’t happy with of course but we didn’t want that alone to ruin our alliance so Slap just kicked like 2 of them and we put it behind us. Proof of this is that we took 5 villas from Alt, about 2 days before they merged into Slap.
After that we get like random messages from people that Hazard is trying to recruit them by telling they are allied with us and are going to hit BCT, to make his already shrinking tribe look better and get more members to replace the ones that leave/get nobled. We already didn’t tell him much of our plans after that and got more annoyed by Hazards decisions.
We talked with FF and asked if they maybe wanted to merge Slap into them so we would get rid of Hazard leadership. Hazard didn’t go for it and said something like ‘’I’ve worked too hard to make this tribe and to get it where it is now so I don’t want to do it’’. Which I can understand, but since we wanted him gone we were not glad with the answer. His family tribe already went from 2 tribes to 1 tribe at this time.
Also we already had many requests from people in Slap that wanted to join Hugs, even tho they knew we were allied, but they just saw their tribe was dying and wanted to leave the sinking ship. We at Hugs knew Hazard didn’t want to merge into FF for ‘’all the hard work he put into it’’, but he still decided it would be fine to ask Hugs if he can join us instead of FF. He’s suddenly not caring for his hard work anymore, and wants his entire tribe to merge into a different one, even tho we are allied with FF.
After that we kinda just had no mercy and let FF recruit the targets they wanted, and Hugs would op the remains of Slap including Hazard. Sad ending for him and I understand that he’s upset but this is how the game goes and I would do everything we did again if we had to.