My oh my, this thread has been derailed. :icon_neutral:
Probably because this thread shouldnt have been put up in the first place.
I know your probably still sour about DA's fall, but that isnt an excuse for a thread, trying to rub the top 2 tribes on the world.
You were never going to get a positive response on this thread, and instead of slating you for putting it up (which stopped after page 1, i believe) they started arguing amongst themselves.
The main problem with this thread is simple: It has no truth in it what so ever, if you had ever lasted long enough in a world to see, huggers never hug till the end, you pass judgement on tribes which are still developing, you take a shot at tribes recruitment (when you, yourself had horrific judgement on recruitment when you ran DA). All in all this thread shouldnt have been started to get derailed.