Hugs! Hugs! Everywhere!

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Depends entirely on how the nuke was used. Say the village was stacked for example, 100k ODA would have required alot more than 1.5 nukes.

You could also gain 100k ODA using less than 1.5 nukes.

Have to take weapons, walls, church, troops and morale into account.

Jeez. Stop making ridiculous excuses/explanations to justify your piss-poor account.


100k ODA is 100k unit, so your math is wrong... Please think logically before posting


100k ODA is NOT 100k units.

The ODD and ODA Points :

Troop Type : when attacking / when defending

Spear: 4 / 1

Sword: 5 / 2

Axe: 1 / 4

Archer: 5 / 2

Scout: 1 / 2

Light Cavalry: 5 / 13

Mounted Archer: 6 / 12

Heavy Cavalry 23 / 15

Ram: 4 / 8

Catapult: 12 / 10

Paladin: 40 / 20

Nobleman: 200 / 200


Jeez. Stop making ridiculous excuses/explanations to justify your piss-poor account.

I'm going to assume you didn't read the thread properly, and you're not completely stupid, as my account had no relevance, nor was it ridiculous to suggest it isn't straightforward to determine how 100k ODA is obtained.


I'm going to assume you didn't read the thread properly, and you're not completely stupid, as my account had no relevance, nor was it ridiculous to suggest it isn't straightforward to determine how 100k ODA is obtained.

Your account's stats are sufficiently poor for the comment about your account to be accurate.


Jeez. Stop making ridiculous excuses/explanations to justify your piss-poor account.

Bolded to put extra emphasis on the parts of your 'accurate' comment that show you are infact, completely stupid.

The 'ridiculous excuses/explanations', or more commonly known as 'the facts', weren't used to justify myself or anybody for that matter.

If by 'piss-poor' you meant more along the lines of mediocre, then fair enough.


Care to explain??




Aahhh right, now I understand. You're passing judgement and forming opinions on things you know nothing about :).


Aahhh right, now I understand. You're passing judgement and forming opinions on things you know nothing about :).

Well then explain to us, as to me it seams as as* spanking by someone with you can't doing a thing or - Merge ;)


Well then explain to us, as to me it seams as as* spanking by someone with you can't doing a thing or - Merge ;)

If you are too incompetent to play and keep your account going and so have to merge in to another person, that says it all :)


Well let me point out that just because you feel annoyed that i dont spend my days researching on who is fighting who I may post whenever i feel like and about whatever i feel like at the time. If you feel that this is not how it should be then by all means come pay me a visit and tell me to my face. Last im gonna post, i dont like argueing over the web Cya.

I would just like to state that this idiot is not me.


@topic- Hug world yay!


My oh my, this thread has been derailed. :icon_neutral:

Probably because this thread shouldnt have been put up in the first place.

I know your probably still sour about DA's fall, but that isnt an excuse for a thread, trying to rub the top 2 tribes on the world.
You were never going to get a positive response on this thread, and instead of slating you for putting it up (which stopped after page 1, i believe) they started arguing amongst themselves.

The main problem with this thread is simple: It has no truth in it what so ever, if you had ever lasted long enough in a world to see, huggers never hug till the end, you pass judgement on tribes which are still developing, you take a shot at tribes recruitment (when you, yourself had horrific judgement on recruitment when you ran DA). All in all this thread shouldnt have been started to get derailed.


I agree. Locked. PM me if you have a valid reason it should be reopened.
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