I declare...Fighting!


CBK, watch out, hes coming for you next. Then you Flipman, then pwman, then anyone else from Dust/Sunny

Whats the real point gammy? I hope this was meant to be a joke and everything. Because you shouldnt be fighting eachother, you should be fighting the enemy. And since you made this public, C2 are going to sit back, relax, and then get the nukes and nobles out to noble you whilst your all tied up with ende. Its also going to make ALOT of support be pulled from the SF front lines. All of endes, and probably all of yours. I dont think that you think before you act.

1) I have zero issues with anyone you listed. Unless they attacked me for some reason, they have nothing to worry about. I don't attack tribemates or former tribemates for no reason. If they do me no wrong, I wont do them any wrong. Ask Runen if you don't believe me. He was in Dust when I was asked to attack him, but refused. :)

2) This wont change anything, I believe, with the current world standings. Ende isn't doing anything to C² and neither am I. I have quite a few support troops still occupying SF vills up front, as Im sure he still has some Support in CBK's vills :lol:. My support is staying, why can't his?

3) I asked C² beforehand if they would allow me to redirect the support I had in my K76 vills. They told me yes. I have no reason to not believe them. Asking and being up front in this game goes a long ways, maybe you should try doing that someday.

4) The real point is just for fun. I don't plan on fighting him forever...Im sure we can arrange a stopping point. Then, you never know. I may wish to fight someone else! I think player vs player fights would be fun for this world, plight did it. I bet some of them had a blast. Who knows. He may even kick my butt...did you ever think of that?

5) Ende has made zero attempts to move forward and fight C² and every attempt to address his loathing for former =HRV= and any members henceforth. How you can say he is fighting the enemy is beyond me. He is supposedly an ally to SF and yet refuses to support any former =HRV= player. Plain and simple that is unacceptable to me.

6) picking images from google, to convey the message I was trying to convey, was taking too long so I had to settle for the braveheart pics.


So, you would betray your former leader, who gave you an account, brought you up in world 16, protected you and let you join Dust. Then you would support gammy, who you have a laugh with in the forums. wow. I used to like you.
Also, if no-one from Dust/Sunny supports ende, then i dont see the point of probably about a year or at least 6 months of him being your tribe leader, giving you advice, using his time for you and giving you support. If i still had my account, i would be supporting ende with whatever i could, and attacking gammy with whatever i could.

Alex, here is a quick small bit of my history. I joined Shroud after I was rimmed by LS (to which I am loyal to now) and about a month later, Ende actually kicked me from Shroud from an account he was sitting. When his sitting of that account was over the owner invited me back in. Also, Ende never posted in our forums much from what I remembered. And he never actually did give me very much advice at all. CBK was the leader I was loyal to and still am loyal to. That will never change. Basically everything you listed above Alex is what CBK did for me, not Ende.

Also, gammy and I`s friendship extends beyond the public forums. Including tribe forums, skype, and IGM. So I know gammy very well, way better than I know Ende.


ooo sweet just noticed this :)

I noticed u hadnt been nobling anything for a while and was probably stacking up... so ur not supporting SF in any way atm is a fair guess. I got my support which will get pulled, and ofc ive already been told by those who are gonna stand up....

At the end of the day the worst thing SF can do is stand by and let this take its course, players will pick sides whether they like it or not... Im happy to entertain Gammys bit of fun, im finally gonna see if hes got any warrior in him :icon_wink:

PS I hope uve got a good account sitter cos i have :lol:


I hope you won`t be getting support from other players Ende. That would be very cowardly of you tbh. The deal is for just you and Gammy.

Also, why do you have an account sitter? Are you so afraid to fight gammy you have to get someone else to do it?


What can SF do to stop it? Gammy has his mind made up, he knows this will only hurt SF but hey, i guess attacking an ally(well i guess partial ally) is more fun then attacking the enemy.


I noticed u hadnt been nobling anything for a while and was probably stacking up... so ur not supporting SF in any way atm is a fair guess.

you guess that he is not supporting SF after he stated that he intends to keep it all there and wont pull any. :icon_rolleyes:

hardly a fair guess on your part i think


ooo sweet just noticed this :)

I noticed u hadnt been nobling anything for a while and was probably stacking up... so ur not supporting SF in any way atm is a fair guess. I got my support which will get pulled, and ofc ive already been told by those who are gonna stand up....

At the end of the day the worst thing SF can do is stand by and let this take its course, players will pick sides whether they like it or not... Im happy to entertain Gammys bit of fun, im finally gonna see if hes got any warrior in him :icon_wink:

PS I hope uve got a good account sitter cos i have :lol:

I have a decent amount of support out still, that will remain out. I don't plan on pulling anything.

I hadn't been nobling anything for several reasons, you weren't one of them.

That is one great difference between you and I...you would abandon a friend/former tribemate and pull out support from their vills, where as I will not. I will be using what I have and if that isn't enough, so be it.

Be careful on whom you intend to lure in to help you, willing or not. If any members of SF now come to your aid and/or attack me...I guess I was right all along and the merge should never have happened, as we would then truly see where some folks loyalties lie.

Account sitter? Nope, don't have one or plan on getting one. Like I said, this will be casual on my part, you can take it as far up the intensity scale as you want. Mores the pity though...I was hoping to fight you and only you, with the exception of current sunny members lending some defense.

But alas, just as I suspected, you wish to bury yourself behind as many folks as you can to prevent the inevitable.

I guess I'll take that as a no, in response to my surrendering demand? :)


Be careful on whom you intend to lure in to help you, willing or not. If any members of SF now come to your aid and/or attack me...I guess I was right all along and the merge should never have happened, as we would then truly see where some folks loyalties lie.

Gammy talking about loyalty lmao

This move only does one thing and one thing only, hurts SF hugely. And i wasnt the one who cried off and quit the tribe cos the leader pulled my privs...

You would rather take your personal grudge to the next level than consider the tribe thats tolerated and supported u throughout. Dont talk to me about loyalty or responsibility because ur not in a position to preach about either.

As for your dec on me, go for it. Im happy to take u on... im just sad this could be the beginning of the end of SF who've worked so hard. C² are not only lolling right now but im sure theyre already making plans to take advantage of an egotists personal grudge which offers them a huge tactical advantage...


Gammy talking about loyalty lmao

This move only does one thing and one thing only, hurts SF hugely. And i wasnt the one who cried off and quit the tribe cos the leader pulled my privs...

You would rather take your personal grudge to the next level than consider the tribe thats tolerated and supported u throughout. Dont talk to me about loyalty or responsibility because ur not in a position to preach about either.

As for your dec on me, go for it. Im happy to take u on... im just sad this could be the beginning of the end of SF who've worked so hard. C² are not only lolling right now but im sure theyre already making plans to take advantage of an egotists personal grudge which offers them a huge tactical advantage...

I disagree. SF will carry on as usual. If Former members of Sunny who are in SF now 'stand up' for you and abandon their current tribes initiatives, then we'll truly see where their ties have always been. And if helping you is what they choose, they have no business being in SF. You aren't in SF, you hate any former =HRV= members, yet almost all of former Sunny that's in SF now has done their part in helping fight C², even conquering vills.

Your problem is you want to be left alone to run your mouth in your little corner. Too bad you aren't man enough to handle your own business.

If you think I solely left because of privileges, you are once again sadly mistaken.

You still have until the 21st to change your mind. :)

edit: question though...how is me attacking you going to ruin anything for SF? Like I said, if former Sunny members all of a sudden stand up for you and abandon SF...I was right all along. You're not that special...lol!
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well gammy you annoy me some times but i don't think you are that bad, so good luck. i will honor c2's agreement to not help you in any way or attack you. If you win however hhmmmm well then things can change again. lol though i believe our closest villages are 100's of hours apart.


sorry cbk gotta post, at the end of the day gammy is no longer part of sf, (=hrv=/ls/what ever!) he left us and that is disloyale, ende is part of the majority of sf's tribe as we have worked with him and consider sunny and sf,therefore sf should support ende and attack gammy, i know i will be!


i have been ordered to stay neutral and as much as i don't want to i must, but can the sf leadership ask them selfs this? ........

Gammy has betrayed our tribe, he lft to fight on his own but stay allied but doesn't help with ops, he then declares on a player who is in a tribe which is pretty much sf's academy/family tribe 99%, this is betrayal which is an act of war by most players terms so why are we not acting?


sorry cbk gotta post, at the end of the day gammy is no longer part of sf, (=hrv=/ls/what ever!) he left us and that is disloyale, ende is part of the majority of sf's tribe as we have worked with him and consider sunny and sf,therefore sf should support ende and attack gammy, i know i will be!

1) Why make this into a bigger deal than it needs to be? This is supposed to be 1v1, nothing more. Other than him getting support from current Sunny members.

2) Ignorance is not bliss in your case my friend. I didn't leave LSHRV, I left Salvkas and CBK's scheming ways. (No offense to either of you, for what it's worth).

3) Up until I decided to do this, I was still helping some folks in SF. Nothing has changed, this just seems like more fun right now.

4) Maybe you failed to look at the scoreboard, but C² has already won this world. Suck it up, chew it around a bit and wash it down with your favorite beverage. (all things being equal and staying on their current path)

I've said numerous times I don't play favorites with anybody, not even my own (former) tribe. I look at things how they are, and right now C² has a commanding lead and unless 30 of their players suddenly fall off the face of the map...things probably won't change.

Does that mean everyone should give up? Of course not, but to me, the repetition of doing the same thing over and over with the same result gets old after a while. SF has zero leadership, other than the individual players who actually step up to fill the roles that the current leader does not. If Axl and capo and msterjake and everyone else who puts together ops and attack regularly suddenly stopped and asked Salvkas what to do...you'd probably hear a bunch of crickets chirping followed by a bunch of uuuhhhhh's. Too many cooks in the kitchen, trying to make too many different meals. There hasn't been a single consistent focus for a while and that's why things are the way they are, despite all the other factors.

It may sound like I am against SF or Plight, but believe me when I say, that is not the case. Right now, for me and only me, the thrill of the game has diminished considerably and unless I can find some fun here shortly, I'll have to bow out. If Ende was a main contributor to the tribe...if he attacked C² regularly...if he made an attempt to move forward and fight them...any of those things I would never do this. But I am loyal to my tribemates, current former whatever. I see my former tribemates losing villages and being attacked and I see Ende, who is supposed to be our ally, berating former =HRV= members with disdain and contempt. The worst part about that is it is majority of information that is heresay (about Suncraft). So he sits back in his little corner, supports CBK and maybe a few other former Sunny vills here and there, while anything former =HRV= and ~LS~ suffer. And you call that an ally or a friend?

No sir. Anybody that's is ok with that has some issues.


So you think Ende is a big contributor to SF? You think I'm wrong for doing this? SF is made up of majority former =HRV=/~LS~ members. Go through the members list and mail each one of them and ask them how much support they have in any of their vills (if up front). Then get back to me. Wow, I'm already tired of talking about this and it's only been a day. It is seriously not that big of a deal.
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Just had to share a quote I like. And btw, nice declaration.

The Gammy 1 said:
Of course not, but to me, the repetition of doing the same thing over and over with the same result gets old after a while.

The quote:

Albert Einstein said:
Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


1) Why make this into a bigger deal than it needs to be? This is supposed to be 1v1, nothing more. Other than him getting support from current Sunny members.

An example of gammys ignorance... there r plenty of people in this world with strong feelings about this even if u choose to ignore them... I dont ask for help, i get offered it.... U think when a tribe declares on another that allies dont come to their aid?... thats the diplo part of TW, something u truly dont understand.

2) Ignorance is not bliss in your case my friend. I didn't leave LSHRV, I left Salvkas and CBK's scheming ways. (No offense to either of you, for what it's worth).

Flipping the finger at SF yet again right there...

3) Up until I decided to do this, I was still helping some folks in SF. Nothing has changed, this just seems like more fun right now.

Yep, cos its all about numero uno... no surprises there also...

4) Maybe you failed to look at the scoreboard, but C² has already won this world. Suck it up, chew it around a bit and wash it down with your favorite beverage. (all things being equal and staying on their current path)

Nice to see u have faith in your 'tribemates'.

I've said numerous times I don't play favorites with anybody, not even my own (former) tribe. I look at things how they are, and right now C² has a commanding lead and unless 30 of their players suddenly fall off the face of the map...things probably won't change.

Reading between the lines here, that means u have basically given up on this world and u just wanna entertain numero uno, and screw what anyone else thinks. And the reason u dont play favourites with anybody else is that your ego only has room for one person, and thats yourself...

Does that mean everyone should give up? Of course not, but to me, the repetition of doing the same thing over and over with the same result gets old after a while. SF has zero leadership, other than the individual players who actually step up to fill the roles that the current leader does not. If Axl and capo and msterjake and everyone else who puts together ops and attack regularly suddenly stopped and asked Salvkas what to do...you'd probably hear a bunch of crickets chirping followed by a bunch of uuuhhhhh's. Too many cooks in the kitchen, trying to make too many different meals. There hasn't been a single consistent focus for a while and that's why things are the way they are, despite all the other factors.

More finger flipping @ SF...

We dont even have to read anymore, sounds to me like u just wanna insult as many peeps as u can and then get erased from W16 in one big bang... im happy to act as the instrument of your demise, im actually flattered u had so much feeling for me u wasted 10mins of your life writing up this dec :icon_wink:


well I do declare...oh wait, that was too much!!!

chirp chirp....uhhhhhh



i have removed the previous post as it was not fair on the person that i directed it at, no hard feelings?
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Sorry, i just looked at this post, and started laughing. I think tense is the only person whos got this right!

at least someone can see sense ay gammy? yu are just ignorant mate!#

many thanks by the way alex, much appreciated :)


but C² has already won this world.

(all things being equal and staying on their current path)


1) You dont have any faith in Plight or SF.
2) Maybe if everyone contributed *points finger at gammy* we could take villages off them quicker
3) You contradicted yourself. Do you honestly think everything will be equal and stay on its current path?
4) Have you seen the inactive/sitters status of all major tribes contributing in this war? There are lots in C², lots in SF and some in Plight. It just depends on: if they can get others to take over the account, if the owner is coming back or if they are being left to go barb.