I cant believe u have even tried to counter my facts.... especially when ive not even bothered to counter yours (of which there are plenty of your points i disagree with).
These are your last 3 noblings.
So Many More Activities (824|854) K88 10,151 Abandoned The gammy 1 [B~N~H] 2010-07-29 08:24:44
So Many More Activities (810|630) K68 6,866 Abandoned The gammy 1 [B~N~H] 2010-07-07 20:48:23
Barbarian village (836|645) K68 1,575 Abandoned The gammy 1 [B~N~H] 2010-06-25 22:50:43
And yes that last one was nobled on or possibly the day u started your attacks on me. If u read my mail to you and what ive written above, my tactic was to let the opening exchanges pass before i attacked. So i decided not to go for that village and stick to my original strategy.
Perfectly sensible play.
Yes u have grown, only cos ur building up your average village points and not through noblings. And the amount u have grown is minimal... especially compared to how much ive grown, and that was my point. I beat u on growth by a large margin. Also bear in mind this... as someone else reminded u of recently (MK i think) anyone with over a 10k average village point score is considered a pointwhore...
You are wrong, he attacked me the second my first clearing attack landed on him... and like i said he sent alot more real attacks at me than u did. He was totally active for approx 3 days against me sending loads of attacks from close range, therefore i had to be online to counter them fast...
Ive not found a single empty village of his so far... so if SF are attacking him its extremely casually.
Dude, u log in daily and that constitutes being active... u might like to pretend ur very casual but in the scheme of things ur way more active than the vast majority of players still on this world...
Yeah i just noticed that... well done!
Still wanna see someone top 1.4mill tho :icon_wink:
What I get out of that is he spent his entire force on you, probably even suicides and all, and you spent your entire force on him, minus the nukes I killed sleeping, to get 1.4mil ODA in one day.
Congratulations on wasting your full offensive force for a measily 1.4mil ODA.
Sauroni's mom would be proud.
I have no excuses, this was my feeling out wave, and I said now I have felt him up. So I'll have to be unentertained and take the candy from the baby, ho-hum.
We'll see how nonchalant mr man will be when the proverbial poop hits the spinny thing that blows air around.
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