I have a confession...


I have a confession for you all. For some months now I have been playing SupremeJunk of HIRE. Why tell you now? It seemed to be a good time... Thorinor had me right with his words, I should have known an expert would notice I was indeed a HIRE spy. I'd also like to take a moment to inform you all of RMC merging into HIRE, RMC will become HIRE-S and I will lead the old name to new glory. I said it would happen one day. I'd like to welcome back KingRich who will be joining me as co-duke, a relationship I'm sure will remain strong for years to come. It is true I could have disbanded the Order long ago, but I've always wanted to rim Danny, he gets on my nerves, always has. Danny has always been as active as Manoka is at eating barbs, I look forward to sweeping up his inactive villages with ease. I express deep dislike for wardo as well, who's taste in music makes me furious. I'd also like to announce that TW has led me to love, me and Alex, the original hstreeter are expecting our first child in around 3 months. We're going to call the baby either Telisha or Lunik in honour to those that made it possible.

I guess I'll be seeing you all on the field again :icon_wink:. This is SPARTA! We are reborn!
Happy April fools. Much love to everyone I name checked. I hope you all had a great day... As you may guessed, my excursions to the tw forums are infrequent these days.


Awesome post. We need more of this sort of thing in our lives....can I be a godfather?


whoever said 2 guys cant have a natural baby, all i had to do was try 50 times to impregnate you


Shamefully I must say If I ever meet you, I need to punch you :p

But then again its good to know about the baby situation, I will be sharring the news with demon queen!

Congrats to the parents :)


Dam.... Can you name your child after me? After all I was the person who directed your, how do i put it.... Love scene.
I actually lolled at this :p happy easter dude


i really lolled at this, hard :icon_biggrin:

happy april fools day and easter mate!


He's mistaken, As I am sure the rules state the April fools joke must be befor 12pm and seeing as Dom posted this at 10 to 4 we are aloud to punch him XD!!!!


Happy April fools. Much love to everyone I name checked
Even tho you mentioned me being a spy (which im not), it shows that you still love me :icon_redface: Now, bowdown to me :icon_evil: Or I shall cry


He's mistaken, As I am sure the rules state the April fools joke must be befor 12pm and seeing as Dom posted this at 10 to 4 we are aloud to punch him XD!!!!

I was sleep-shifting okay! I couldn't have done it any quicker! :lol:

Even tho you mentioned me being a spy (which im not), it shows that you still love me :icon_redface: Now, bowdown to me :icon_evil: Or I shall cry

It was all playful this time around. People can pick and choose what was fact/opinion and nonsense for themselves :icon_wink:


Your telling me you were sleeping :O :O :O Congratulations you finally discoverd what sleep is XD


Dom you can't sleep damn you get back playing Tw you might turn out normal :|


silly Demon.... >.> Tom said 7 not Demon King7 ^_^ no need for you to comment :D