Hey every1 i've got some trouble, this [guy] here (elronddavros) (Dromael 01) (152|539) says he's gonna attack me every day until I quit, so if you could sent some support or supplies to help me it would be much appriciated.
I'm guessing you're new to the game, here. In the spirit of retaining and educating the playerbase, I'ma go out on a limb here.
Firstly, I should say that you should not expect support from anyone on this forum. I've only seen this sort of plea work two or three times, and that's only when the individual is charismatic or very amusing. We're all completely heartless, and puppy dog eyes don't work on us. In fact, they fuel our pent-up rage at the world. We're more likely to attack you ourselves to watch you rant at the injustice of it all.
Something you'll hear said a lot, is that this is called Tribal
Wars. If you're a completely average player, you'll be defeated by half of the people who you get involved with in a military sense. So, you can expect to be destroyed ('rimmed') every now again, unless you know what you're doing. Get used to it, and try not to have a mini-breakdown when it happens.
Starting over may not be such a bad idea; try to go with good grace, it's unhealthy and self-destructive to hold grudges, especially when the grudgee is just playing the game as it should be played.
Now, some advice for your next time out.
1) Be active. You can happily dodge attacks all day long if you know they're coming; that way you build up your troopcount until you are capable of defending your village. At 1000 point he cannot take your village away, but he can bash your troops down and steal your resources.
2) There is no way on God's green earth that it should be profitable for a 1000 point player to attack a 800 point player. At 800 points you should have a high-level wall, and a defence force of around 6-800 defensive soldiers, weighted between spears and swords. I'm guessing you probably didn't have those things. Next time, maintain
at least 75-100% of your points in troopcount, evenly spread between spears and swords. This is not a village-building game; it's a diplomatic and strategic game.
3) You're in a tribe for a reason. You've been in your current tribe for a long time; the player who is attacking you left the tribe not so long ago and joined another. I'm guessing it is not a brilliant tribe. Nonetheless, have you posted on your tribe's forum? Asked for support from whomsoever can give it? Mail any of your tribemates or allies nearby asking for the same. If you get no response, you are in a rubbish tribe.You want one that's active, has members near enough to you to help out, and that you enjoy talking to; else you'll go nowhere.
4) If this happens again (I think it probably will unless you learn very fast), don't bleat about it on the forums. Take it like a man.