I quit. Err again


When TW gets in the way of your real life it's time to quit man. I see no cowardice.


Thanks for the advice. Dont be offended if i choose not to take it tho:icon_cool:

Im not offended in the slightest. It is your choice whether you chose to take any advise anyone gives you or not. All i am, is a little disappointed

When TW gets in the way of your real life it's time to quit man. I see no cowardice.

thnx :) im glad some people *COUGH*sandy*COUGH arent going round, saying im running from incomings, even in jest :p


I have always found that relations cool over time. This is why I am not posting...soon, no-one will know me...


nemesis, no matter how good you are, or how long you wait, you will always be known as the guy who nearly killed [H] from the inside. Even if you hide under another new alias, someone will figure it out, like they did with that swordsmith (cant remember it exactly) one that you used for a while


nemesis, no matter how good you are, or how long you wait, you will always be known as the guy who nearly killed [H] from the inside. Even if you hide under another new alias, someone will figure it out, like they did with that swordsmith (cant remember it exactly) one that you used for a while

dont you mean DragonForce.? anyways, good luck again eh? this time i actually know you a little bit as opposed to before, lol.


i got in a bad car accident.. some drunk ass ran a red light and tboned me on drivers side., i ended up in hospital with a concussionfor a couple day.. my whole left side hurts bad.
anyways, looks like alot has happened. while i was out... not sure what ill do with acid acct atm. im gonna get off before i pass out


o_O wth youve been reading the forums. i didnt think any old rivea mems ever did that... lol.. Though i must ask, what do you have against tiger? if you actually talk to tiger hes a really nice person
yeap. i alway keep myself updated within forum. tiger32k ? had a few of conversation during SKY time, yes he's really super nice person. he has created history in W32.


dont you mean DragonForce.? anyways, good luck again eh? this time i actually know you a little bit as opposed to before, lol.

no, i mean sword smith, dont you remember it? i dont remember a dragonforce one lol

and tiger, you did know me a bit last time, cause i did have u added on skype, this time we just talked a lot more :p

i got in a bad car accident.. some drunk ass ran a red light and tboned me on drivers side., i ended up in hospital with a concussionfor a couple day.. my whole left side hurts bad.
anyways, looks like alot has happened. while i was out... not sure what ill do with acid acct atm. im gonna get off before i pass out

Jesus Zak im so sorry. I wish i could do something to help. Basicly, what happened is ive quit, cause i was letting tw interfere with my life, and cause of your car accident, everyone else thought youd quit, or disappeared or somethin, so basicly all the ex drift mems we recruited to free them of the crap they were with have left to go to FearUs because, to quote one of them, 'the leadership is dead, but the tribe members live on' and they wanna go somewhere yada yada yada i cba to explain

yeap. i alway keep myself updated within forum. tiger32k ? had a few of conversation during SKY time, yes he's really super nice person. he has created history in W32.

Tigers created history? i like him but i can hardly say hes done anything to be put down in the history books


Bye bro hope you the best in rl.

You quit for the right reasons and it is a game. Those villages are not your kids ;-) or anything and RL is always top priority.


yeah i believe the members can decide what the best thing they can do to save themselves in case leaders werent responding. and yeah ive read everything on the skype chat so basically caught up with what went on. i did know that i got jumped on by like 5 or so members from fearus before i left,... which afterward i got in an accident... a run of bad luck i guess.
im alright needless to say, banged up and bruised lol as for my decision about playing more, im not sure if i could be assed to play tw anymore for a while. i might as well take a break from TW to recuperate and such. might make a comeback in a latter world.

[SPOIL]im where the firemen is at,.. putting me on the bed good thing my friend is ok..(whom took the pic)


nemesis, no matter how good you are, or how long you wait, you will always be known as the guy who nearly killed [H] from the inside. Even if you hide under another new alias, someone will figure it out, like they did with that swordsmith (cant remember it exactly) one that you used for a while

Nice guess, but completely incorrect. Hardly anyone remembers me for my stint in [H]. Actually, I think you are the only person that cares. Even greenmonsta doesnt care. Even fewer people remember me for the stuff I did in past worlds, even though some of them were worse than what I did in [H] and more controversial. The average player is stupider than you take them to be, they forget and forgive easily if you screw up. There will be a time that you will forget my name or forgive me. How far that is in the time line, I do not know but it will happen.


I didnt exactly hide under sword smith and you didnt exactly figure it out, I told you I was using the alias because of a new account with that name in a new world. In a way, you did figure it out, but only because I gave the answer to you, I signed at the bottom of my posts as Nemesis and explicitly stated who I was. Even then, it took you a while to figure it out.

Anyway, I will give you a little time to think that over.


yeah i believe the members can decide what the best thing they can do to save themselves in case leaders werent responding. and yeah ive read everything on the skype chat so basically caught up with what went on. i did know that i got jumped on by like 5 or so members from fearus before i left,... which afterward i got in an accident... a run of bad luck i guess.
im alright needless to say, banged up and bruised lol as for my decision about playing more, im not sure if i could be assed to play tw anymore for a while. i might as well take a break from TW to recuperate and such. might make a comeback in a latter world.

[SPOIL]im where the firemen is at,.. putting me on the bed good thing my friend is ok..(whom took the pic)

All i can say is wow, and its a miracle you didnt break any bones, or are even dead with that man. im just glad ur ok

tbh, when something like this happens, i take it a sign. as soon as you get in a car crash, NoFear jump ya. Maybe, it would be best if you stayed away for a while, or return and kick NoFear's ass

Nice guess, but completely incorrect. Hardly anyone remembers me for my stint in [H]. Actually, I think you are the only person that cares. Even greenmonsta doesnt care. Even fewer people remember me for the stuff I did in past worlds, even though some of them were worse than what I did in [H] and more controversial. The average player is stupider than you take them to be, they forget and forgive easily if you screw up. There will be a time that you will forget my name or forgive me. How far that is in the time line, I do not know but it will happen.


I didnt exactly hide under sword smith and you didnt exactly figure it out, I told you I was using the alias because of a new account with that name in a new world. In a way, you did figure it out, but only because I gave the answer to you, I signed at the bottom of my posts as Nemesis and explicitly stated who I was. Even then, it took you a while to figure it out.

Anyway, I will give you a little time to think that over.

Nemesis, all i am saying is that no matter what world you play, there is bound to be someone from w32 lurking, or from some other world where you did some weird stuff, and regardless of whether they care or not about what you did, it is fairly probable that they will expose you for what youve actually done.

i do understand what you are saying, but im more than sure you understand where i am coming from


Yes, you are right. I am sure that they would probably say something. They would, that is, if they actually remembered me...


Bbye again, Bobby! All good reasons for taking off...again. We'll see you back in a couple months ;)

/waves to Rickyson


Bbye again, Bobby! All good reasons for taking off...again. We'll see you back in a couple months ;)

/waves to Rickyson

No, you wont see me back in a couple of months. Well, maybe, i hope not, but ill still be on skype regardless for a long time to come. and then ill still pop in probs a fair amount

oh, and, errr ill still be trollin the forums
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No, you wont see me back in a couple of months. Well, maybe, i hope not, but ill still be on skype regardless for a long time to come. and then ill still pop in probs a fair amount

oh, and, errr ill still be trollin the forums

it will be almost like you never left......wait a second, why do you need this thread again?? :icon_eek:

heh heh.

/pokes fun :icon_twisted:


bye rob. :icon_sad: it was nice playing with you. enjoy your life man.