

thank you all and that has really made my day double "D" another world and yet the big monster still checks in... thanks "mutley" really does mean alot to me and from all who have posted.. sorry for my sudden absence though.. ~(was unplanned) but im back now.. ;)


You did for a few days there Bert,Liz was worried sick about you.


sorry.. i did'nt mean harm mikey.. and i am sure me cohorts looked after her yes?


We tried Bert but its you she loves not me.You must go round and give her a big kiss and im sure she will make you very welcome indeed.



me baby incase anyone is interested.. the little dark kid is me niece, she lives in the states with me sister.. she has a cancer although it has and is being treated..
i dont know why but i feel i can let things out of me here, yes me head is up me poop shoot, but i do also know there is genuine people at the other end and in some cases they are friends also, there is not a day or an hour where i dont wana be with me baby, her mama was a bitch and me little girl had lived with me from when she was seven, i had full and sole custody, yes im a single papa.. she was everything to me, she was always there to listen and talk too, she had no political beliefs nor any hate towards another, she was a junior hairdresser, thats why i sent her to the states (my sister owns a salon in LA) but she missed home too much and came back (me thinks she missed the money i was giving her) my baby seen alot of crazy things here in belfast, me as a papa done me best to make sure she was ok, she never wanted for anything apart from shopping money... (i gave 27 pairs of shoes and countless bags to the cancer shop that she owned to resell, she wore everything once practically) i guess i am just bullshitting here talking and dont know if anyone is even interested, but as i say.. it is and has been a form of release for me.. so please just bear with me...


my thoughts and prayers are with you. may you find the answer you seek


W31 checkin in here after reading your post there. We lost a great player and friend (caz84) due to suicide, and whether enemies or friends in game, unfortunate the circumstance, it is always good to see the individuals come togeher in the tw community with moments like this. Whatever decision you make, will be the right decision. My heartfelt prayers with you and your family in your time of need. MrD