IL the truth number 1?


Reaction score
No the original attacks were launched by bibox player Elektra who’s well on her way to the rim. This post is as the people say fake news.

No, IL started with attacking.
Maybe Elektra started a counter on different accounts, but that doesnt matter. :p

Deleted User - 11252347

One week into the ~IL~/BibBox War...

Side 1:
Tribes: ~IL~
Side 2:
Tribes: BibBox

Timeframe: 09/04/2018 20:32:57 to 16/04/2018 17:34:18

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 107
Side 2: 6
Difference: 101


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 877,367
Side 2: 49,914
Difference: 827,453


Shameful Sinner

Greetings my friends ,
So as someone on the outside with friends on both sides how's about the truth about the IL/Bibbox turbulent love affair ?
I have had several long chats with players in, on and around both sides . I'd like to say the IL players were playing with a fair set of dice ,but I can comfirm that they were loaded from the start in IL 's favour .
Now before I ignight the all ready explosive forum topic of 'who did what to who first ' ,Would anyone like to place ther cards on the table first please ?

Don't be shy were all Sinners :confused:
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Shameful Sinner

Oh great, another new account
Mmm yes new but old
Allready for 100

Come on guys ' Will the real slim shady please stand up ' I expected a little bit more than this . I'd like to think 1 of you guys had a spine . Or is it just another case of let's hide blame them and hope that this guy does not have the mails/screenshots/reports and friends it claims .

Popcorn please.....
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I guess IL's barb cap count will go up for the foreseeable future..... Bibbox seems content to press the delete button rather than fighting. No one can take as many barbs as S Rank though so its immaterial I guess.


Points don't always mean strength. Ive seen tiny tribes take out huge ones with good play. Not really the case here though IL destroyed them at every turn. Didn't help that Elektra was suiciding nukes like a crazed woman.

The Evil Organization

Points don't always mean strength. Ive seen tiny tribes take out huge ones with good play. Not really the case here though IL destroyed them at every turn. Didn't help that Elektra was suiciding nukes like a crazed woman.

Yeah that's very true mate.

My tribe Sinister destroyed Gents which was rank 1 in W80.

Size does help a lot because you got more troops but if the little guys know how to use there own troops in can always change .

Elektra Yung

Didn't help that Elektra was suiciding nukes like a crazed woman.

I thought this was all over, dead buried and brushed under the carpet lmao but i keep seeing my name mentioned. :eek:

Isn't it about time the real truths came out from both sides and stop blaiming poor little me lol
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Shameful Sinner

Point is, they're way bigger. No point on defending and wasting precious irl time. Probably would lose.
Yeah that's very true mate.

My tribe Sinister destroyed Gents which was rank 1 in W80.

Size does help a lot because you got more troops but if the little guys know how to use there own troops in can always change .

Woooppw we have a super star on the stage !
Hello Alex !

It's time you Bibbox Dukes/Barons grow a spine !
How many heads ,as your hydra of a tribe Got ?
Playing the idiot in discord laughing at all the IL guys !
You were a Duke/Baron !
At least Elektra fought back , more then you lot did !
Dish the dirt , spill the beans !!


ofcourse, it's weak to just run away. I admit that. But IL was six times bigger + annex who were like our size. So we were just outnumbered + Annex had stacked players in our back and IL had plenty of -removed by moderator- + almost 360º front. To defend ourselves we should have been 24/7 online and the chance that we would lose would still be very big. So we could decide to defend ourselves and maybe survive a 2 month and still lose or we could decide just to give up and don't waste any time here so our RL wouldn't suffer from it. In my opinion an easy choice.

I think that 90% of the tw community here would have done the same in our situation because it was just pointless.
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