It is cool looking, but I feel it deserves some music or something :lol: Maybe bring in that over-used INCEPTION theme music. Plus, using the blue on that map makes it more difficult to see what the blue tribe is nobling.
couldn't you just take a tw stats map shot everyday of top 5 tribes.
Then compare that to the ennoblements and find them on the map and edit all the pictures together. With the flashy bits if wanted/needed?
Just so you all know
Rep did set this task up
obviously not as good as the one FNF posted however i still like so far
Watch in HD or you won't make much out
Once it goes blank that's it. It isn't finished. The was just the dominance map. There was supposed to be more to it. Just never got finished. James got busy and I went poof.
Made me miss the days when Facepalm and !UN! were still going strong. SYN still had Link and the original budL around, when Robin wasn't a giant sea monster that swallowed k33 whole... you know, WAY BACK
It made me miss my powerhouse, no D, account of Puttah also.... Not to mention talking with Link and Budl, and my friendly competition with you Bama..... the good ole days...