In Need Of A Co-Player?


My Personal Experience:

. I play over on .Net and i am on a large account. I am in the council of the tribe and i am very active both there and here. Stats:

. I played this account for a while but we stopped as we were going to win anyway. Stats:

Skills I Can Provide:

.Getting personal scripts. ( I know certain people )
.I can dodge. ( Wouldn't bother if my Co-Player cant ) ( This applies for all these skills )
.Back Timing.
.I can do everything that is need for either an account under attack or an account that is on the offensive.


You get the general idea. I can play anytime and am open to how much you want me to play. I am a nice guy and i use Skype so i can easily speak to you. I hope people are very interested. I am a veteran and have been around playing this game for some time. Thanks all :icon_wink:. Please contact me if anyone is interested. :icon_biggrin:

My Times:

20:00 server time to 9:00 server time- Europe Zone :)

Although these times are flexible within 2-3 Hours :)