It's a good idea. -DIE- could always just disband and get their members to hit delete. Seeing as none of them really do anything anyways
1. what the h*** does ElfW have to do with anything? nobody mentioned ElfW until you just spouted out their name randomly without even referring anything...epic fail?
2. and "hv" is an acronym for "have" you ever use text messages?
Meaning, Ofcourse I meant Pirana. Who else would I be talking about? ElfW :icon_rolleyes:whos the "they" refering to?
if thats referring to PIRANA...then "they" would never get me.
Secondly. No, I hate cutting words short.
HV could mean ANYTHING. :lol:
like i said, its a text message acronym...and if you use text messages on phones, you should know that each text is limited to a certain number of characters. And each text costs money. So, you want to keep ur text as short as possible so that you dont need a 2nd text to finish ur sentence
I have unlimitted texting so I tend to actually spell things out Silent. :lol: