Jeik wrote:
sd.kjfnvsl kfa ñaklrhAL-KFº dsklF>a_lskFº HJali TFN_aª lkfJ kqjFNº-alis RFD_aldªjkGFHakJF Ha :kFJHa SLKJ FFJASDLRIFJ alrkdnªASM Nbcf ÄPOSJE´ÔDF
a)ihw F: askdjf äpoIRFalsofJDAPdsIF
Tushaar wrote:
You reply was not accepted by the SL management. It has been seen before that intellectually and grammatically deficient persons have had problems with having their queries processed.
The SL management can only process queries by persons with an IQ higher than 15 and it seems you do not quailify for that criteria. I, your humble servant, has tried his best to make head or tail of your message, but alas, even my highly efficient brain has been unable to understand what you are saying.
Please visit to get an intelligent translation for your thoughts.
Only yours,
Tushaar and Juicee
Your friendly K61 neighbours
jeik wrote:
you you do not create it nor your