ok.. the jokes over close please?
We were sure (more or less) you would actually react the way you just did ..... so we couldn't resist the temptation to see you making a fool of yourself one more time :icon_twisted:
AifoS your inactive and you deleted please don't post here "HUN"
That was a suckish April Fools!!!
A suckish one indeed.
Last year was way better...
If you guys still remember it.
That was a suckish April Fools!!!
A suckish one indeed.
Last year was way better...
If you guys still remember it.
I remember you joined in without an invite :icon_razz:
Hey, my Tribe was on the Top 20 at that time.
So, I should've been invited anyways!!!
Hey, my Tribe was on the Top 20 at that time.
So, I should've been invited anyways!!!
what happened to PWO?
As many people have posted nowhere as good as last years april fools joke .
Maybe people forgot about the fun in this game and sine they think off themselves as some gaming god this gam wil never be fun .
Funny how some noobs survived up to this stage and they suddenly become good players when infact their alliance bailed them our on all ocsions and the only way they survived was because they got lucky enough to be in watever alliance they are in.