It's Been an Experience Guys


if the account is set for deletion, how come he changed tribes to WLE?


Nice to see you too, but yes you're right - we do dominate the north and there's no denying that you put up a good fight and almost stopped us from doing it. But the fact is that we're still here and you're not, and K24/34 will soon be Warlord-dominated.

At this stage in the game it's not down to how good a player you are or who has the most points in K24 (come on, you can hardly boast about your ops against WLE in K24 when we had at our peak probably less than 100 villages there - knocking me from 15 down to 4 villages is hardly an achievement for four 6 mil point players!) - but pure commitment and ability to stick it out against the odds, not hitting delete as soon as we lose a few villages, and this dedication and resilience is the speciality of the Warlords.

And I ditto Seren in my disappointment that Icey didn't hang around to put up a fight - we may as well be nobling abandoneds, and Sylvia can tell you that it gets boring after a while (or maybe it doesn't, never stopped T:V/TW doing it?) Another good player who's had enough - can't blame him!

Anyway, hope all you ex-players are/will be enjoying a TW-free RL, but the rest of us continue to fight and plan to continue - for those of us, Onwards to Victory!

Dear... mormon, the fact is we fought our way into K24, against active players of WLE and SL and conquered it [we had more than 2000 villages there at one point] in less time than you were able to noble back the abandons.

barbar CONAN

hi sylvestru:) we had good wars with you. and dont forget the who stopped you in k14-24:)


Mr Grey always wins in the end

Truest thing ever said on these so very biased forums.

On a side note, gl in Grepolis, Ice.

As for the people flaming him here who currently play W1... shame on you. My ally, friend, neighbour, enemy... if any of them, who I would have known for so long, suddenly announces he/she quits I would respectfully wish them good luck and even if I hated that player I would probably eventually come to miss him/her. I believe seren is the only respectable fellow W1 player, to Ice, here.

And no, I don't play W1. Just got bored with my own externals.

barbar CONAN

I am orginal:) I have always been orginal. I know its hard to believe for you but we never used multi accounting


i had one conversation with ice before being added to his ignore list. maybe he was having a bad day or something, but he came across as straight up disrespectful. i thought that was rather out of order, and i lost a remarkable ammount of appreciation for his acomplishments in tw.


Eh. I've had a few good conversations with him. Maybe he justs loves me more :icon_redface:


Eh. I've had a few good conversations with him. Maybe he justs loves me more :icon_redface:

heh yeah maybe :p
but to me, someone who responds to compliments with arrogance needs to sit down and have a cookie :icon_wink:


World 1 is dead and and all the smart players have moved on
I have chosen to join them, so stop criticising my decision

I don't think they are going to be happy about that one!

Anyway, I can't say you've been the best player TW has ever seen but fair do's I guess for lasting so long at #1 as you did.
It was fun seeing DVADER take you and ashame Jaspirr/DVADER couldn't have completed it before he left.

As much as your inability to take on real targets was the talking point of most of w1, (for obvious reasons) you still deserve some credit, only a microgram though. You put up some good defenses and dodging during DVADER's onslaught which of course is noteworthy.

So, adios Iceman.
Either way, wou still suck because taking greys to get to #1 is a pussie's way of playing. FACT!

Ciao, bella.


So, adios Iceman.
Either way, wou still suck because taking greys to get to #1 is a pussie's way of playing. FACT!

Ciao, bella.

It's really none of your business how I got to #1, as long as i didn't cheat to get there :)

Do you really think that your opinion of me is important, or carries any weight?

Oh! and.... what was your claim to fame again? that gives you the right to stand in judgement of my efforts in this game

You come across an a real bitter and twisted individual, that quit, as soon as the going got tough in K15

I find it quite sad that you only came back to this forum to flame me :lol:
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I think something just bit then...

No need to get your knickers in a twist about it, Ice. You're right, who cares what I think?
The important thing is that you feel good about your efforts, that you bask in your retirement and enjoy yourself. Enjoy the real world and all it has to offer.

Just don't let someone who posts every few months get to you. There, there. Isn't that better you big girl?



I think being number one is a challenge in itself and anyone that can do it without cheating is doing a good job in my eyes.

A village is a village, point blank. If he can take 500 barbs without losing a single troop, all the while turning those 500 barbs into his own troop filled empire...more power to him and shame on everyone else for letting him do it.

I don't begin to claim I am a world 1 history buff, but every box has viewers from the outside.

If he can actually break away from this ridiculously addictive game, he deserves another pat on the back.


I love how Sylvestru's changed his signature just for me, I feel loved :)


It's really none of your business how I got to #1, as long as i didn't cheat to get there :)

Do you really think that your opinion of me is important, or carries any weight?

Oh! and.... what was your claim to fame again? that gives you the right to stand in judgement of my efforts in this game

You come across an a real bitter and twisted individual, that quit, as soon as the going got tough in K15

I find it quite sad that you only came back to this forum to flame me :lol:

my goodness i cant believe taht YOU ARE STILL PLAYING in W1..where is your word that you are going to delete your acct? is it really comin? or you are just getting some attentions here?WE are still waitin for your word ICON in GRAY!
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