It's Here o.0


NOTE: If this thread is in the wrong place, then mods, feel free to move it where it needs to be. Just don't break you back. Or your wrist.

That's right. It's here. We all thought we were safe. The cold war is finished. North Korea is quiet. And China is becoming more democratic by the year. Yet, we have all forgotten one man. Mao. Chairman Mao. The leader of the PLA (People's Liberation Army) and uniter of China after decades of civil war.

Yes, he's here. In Tribal Wars.

Communism has arrived in W45 with Mao's face at its forefront. The Red Tide is here.

I shall attempt the unattempted, the unimagined, and the unforseen. I shall turn Tribal Wars into a story. With screenshots, lots and lots of screenshots. ^^

It will try to be historical, but I'll probably go ahistorical later on.

And for Mao's loyal minions I shall create the world's largest family tribe. That's right. Large. Family. Tribe. People all claim skill is more important than numbers, but Mao's Chinese skills shall put all other tribes to shame.

WE will rise up like the Yellow River during its annual floodings. Our heads will blot out the sun, our points will blot out the Rankings, and our troops will be fed well. Come comrades, fight with a vigor unseen since the crusades and jihads! Onwards comrades, release the flood gates. The red tide is here.

In 18 and a half hours, Communism will enter Tribal Wars.


-corpus13, alias of Chairman Mao

In a country where all are equal, he is treated like a God. In a land of no personal belongings...well, he owned that land.


yes, failed thread.
we will feed on ur young and and humiliate ur men :icon_twisted:


yes, failed thread.
we will feed on ur young and and humiliate ur men :icon_twisted:
Gah! Good thing I have a lot of them.

PS. I don't think I'll actually live long in this world. I'm just doing this to practice my storywriting skills and my imaging skills (in which I have none). And I like to roleplay ^^


well thats cool to do ur own thing... just be sure ur ready to get flamed to bits, theres alot of hardcore tw nerds out here :)


No no no. We will use our awesome manpower to create a huge dike. And if that fails we can just pile up bodies to create a human wall.

This is Spartaaaaaaa :icon_razz: lol

Good luck :icon_neutral:


Intro Story:

It is the Chines New Year in 1950 (Chinese New Year occurs in February) and Mao is having a great communist party. Red shirts, red banners, red wine, and rednecks. Very red. Unfortunately, Mao drank one too many and passed out, and along his way to the ground, he bonked his head on a very red table.

Several Hours Later...

Are you okay Chairman?
You sure Chairman? Is there anything I can get you?
Well...there is one thing I really want. TO LIVE FOREVER!!!
What do you...
SILENCE comrade. This throbbing sensation in my head has reminded me of my own mortality. I will live forever! I will lead our glorious nation!
But Chairman...
(lengthly silence)
You have dissapointed me comrade.
No...wait...please don't...I will do better Chairman! I will be more revolutionary! Please!!!
The pit.
Nooooooo (dragged off)

June 14, 1954

Chairman, the cloning device is ready.
You have done well comrade. I hereby nominate you: "Most Revolutionary Comrade of the Week" you my Chairman.
Now work it.
*beep boop flop zap*
*swish (some more noises)* is done.
Well done. Now I shall send my clone into the INTERNET!
Why there my Chairman?
Because pixels don't age comrade...pixels don't age.

And so, Internet Mao has come to Tribal Wars.



I started at the Eastern side because that is where China is located on the world map.

It has started!

Our glorious leader has ordered the construction of a statue in his honor. May he live forever!!! He also hopes to 'foster' economic growth through the governmental takeover of a lv7 timer mill on the SE outskirts of Beijing.

The Red Tide has been created! Release the dam gates! Let none stand in our way!

Our glorious discussion has begun. All may participate and say their mind. ONLY ON THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS!!!

Our glorious leader has been approached. However, there will be no allianced with the capitalists! Long live the revolution!

That's all for now. More pictures later.

PS. To join in on our great revolution PM Mao* in game. Or me in the forums with your in-game name.

Edit - Should I keep this style or would you want
1) less screenshots/more narration (describing how it's going)
2) less screenshots/more story (created up stuff)
3) screenshots with a description
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