Jager Vs. TDA



Go Jager!

On a serious note, good luck to both sides ^^ finally something interesting on this world!


More than 400k ODA from greys. I must be hacking somehow. None of the newbs commenting can disclose their ingame, because none of them have more oda than I do. All they can do is show how ignorant they are by downplaying 10% pop bonus villages =)

I think you misunderstand what people are saying, It's your strategy which is poor not the nobling of barbarians as some barbs are logical to noble, not just for churches but especially on church worlds.


With 17 villages, 12 of which barbs and 1 known internal, that leaves you 4 player owned villages for 400k worth of ODA. That to everyone posting against you says I am a reptile that can't play tw. Your strategy, It's not logical here's why.


With 15 villages, all of which hard earned player owned villages who did treat me to some ODD too,I have nearly half your ODA and man, you don't even wanna know how much I've been farming. For all we care and know you could have gained your ODA nuking Jager internals.

So on that bomb shell I have come to the conclusion that you suck, I never want to see you chat about ODA here again. Especially while your tribe's current war status will allow you to gain some god damn ODA too. I really don't have a problem with you posting on behalf of your tribe but don't talk shit about how good you think you are.

If the skype mojis were integrated into these forums, Sherlock Holmes would have a few words for you too, unforunately, they aren't.


Feel free to neg rep Jager at will, shouldn't take long before we're calling them the red bar crew :lol:


I'm still waiting for the other 4-5 declarations Nubz promised to do.. Cmon you guys are so good it's not that much for you to handle

Deleted User - 2849885

****Some mental gymnastics to explain why he's a do nothing ......****

I still hold most of colour in high regard.

If you look at the map you will notice we've done a fairly decent job of rimming or quitting nearly everyone in our area, pickings are slim and anyone left in my area is there for a reason. How about instead of making excuses about why not clearing villages is a good thing, you actually.... clear some villages, kill some troops, do some... warring?

I don't mind doing the dirty work to make it easier for the front lines to noble up these players. And that shows in my stats. As much as you want to make excuses, fact is I've caused twice as much destruction as you. I have more war oda than anyone in se7en and their silly coalition. But these things don't matter because you haven't managed to contribute as much or in that way, but when I delete that many nukes and clear that much support it does indeed make a substantial difference.

What have we learned today? That stealthy should start a club for folks that have been around more than a couple rounds and haven't yet learned to be effective players, and how to play a round without getting frustrated resorting to childishly searching for things that you can try to dig at people, regardless of if it is actually a negative. =)

I've got to admit, you guys have exhausted me a bit. Time for a shower and Netflix, anyone want to come over and "chill"?

don't talk shit about how good you think you are

Never claimed to be good, simply more effective and destructive than the people actually talking shit. How does one shit-talk themselves about how great they are?

Glass houses bro, calm down and tone down the hostility.
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Your ODA means nothing, side-note your tribe are actually at war. Other tribes have to respect their dukes diplomatic decisions (we are currently not at war) therefore people won't get ODA spikes like several of Jäger will be experiencing. It really is nothing to gloat about. I do truly understand it's the only thing that makes you seem a half decent player but let it go, everything about your account is solid proof your nothing short of an average nub.

I can almost taste your egocentricity, average for these rank 1 tribes?
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Other tribes have to respect their dukes diplomatic decisions (we are currently not at war) therefore people won't get ODA spikes

So basicly you are saying that you have nap/ally with every tribe in this world? lols.

Or why can`t you just attack other players? Why do you need ongoing war to nuke your targets?


So basicly you are saying that you have nap/ally with every tribe in this world? lols.

Or why can`t you just attack other players? Why do you need ongoing war to nuke your targets?

I see basic tw logic escapes you also, worry not though. you'll get there one day.

When a tribe has declared war, It is common for many of the tribe to send their nukes anywhere and everywhere. This will cause a spike in ODA and give people like Cekseh a reason to come to these forums and shout a little. It is usually an advantage, tribemates can time trains around such nukes etc but a lot of the time it is just reckless send anywhere nuking with nothing to follow, can be beneficial but imo all nukes should be guiding nobles really. Whether that be pre-nukes anti-snipes or w.e obviously if your a backline player or for whatever reason not in a position to noble the enemy then you will be expected to nuke for tribemates. This is why Cekseh has high ODA and it just means that their tribe is at war, all trbes will experience this at some point.

While a tribe is not at war individual players will save their offence until they can noble, rather then repeatedly nuking targets, cos the aim of the game is to keep as much offense as possible meaning you eliminate your target and can farm the next set of nobles for your next target. If all you offense dies it's gunna be a long wait before your ready to launch again. That's why ODA early game is bad, how can you eliminate players if you have high ODA meaning you lost all your troops?

This is were .Next went wrong, I was attacked numerous times but only once with a train. when their offense finally hits a stack they have to rebuild and have no escorts to send with nobles.

And before you say why don't Colour go to war take a loot at the map and see who we can realistically war, we've already taken 2 tribes and many players out of the game and for 16 players that's pretty darn good :D


its funny i have been reading the forums letting others gives their thoughts..kinda laying back if you will, and i'm not saying much at all..just enjoying the read, it's funny because all cekseh or some others has done in these discussions has brung my name up in their arguments with other players...discussions i have no part in. what i think is i left a lasting impression on cekseh brain..all he does is think xxstealthyxx!!!! I think he has nightmares about me...is he obsess when it comes to little old me? i think so. he talks about how good he is..well i kill his lame ass nuke he sent me...and i just love eating up his fakes on a daily bases:icon_twisted: but really why is he stalking me..i mean this guy went out his way to find my personal information even...lol I think cekseh from jag needs to get a grip..he is a bit strange..i would advise all players to stay clear before he stalks you as well. my personal message to cekseh "for the last time" my little booger eater cross eyed friend...i know you worship me...you think of me daily even when i don't post on here..

i know you stalk me bring me up in topics or discussions that has nothing to do with me and this eases your mind..maybe your doing it to catch a little fame...or perhaps your just mentle and need attention from me...but i assure you..ive played this game a very long time..and i will say you suck at it..your not even worth my time to even speak to because your thoughts or feelings here don't matter to me one bit! ive seen much better players then you any day..your average thats it nothing more. but please go stalk some one else...you mean nothing to me and you simple waste my time and bore me to death! but feel free to say my name..pray to me at night..even slobber all over your self when i come to mind..what ever, but at least try to get some help..your a bit strange in the head and you might need a doctor assistance to help fix your brain. you need some help!:icon_eek: Now good bye fan boy! this will be the last time i speak to you..no matter how many times you bring my name up. enjoy your pathetic life!:icon_twisted:


its funny i have been reading the forums letting others gives their thoughts..kinda laying back if you will, and i'm not saying much at all..just enjoying the read, it's funny because all cekseh or some others has done in these discussions has brung my name up in their arguments with other players...discussions i have no part in. what i think is i left a lasting impression on cekseh brain..all he does is think xxstealthyxx!!!! I think he has nightmares about me...is he obsess when it comes to little old me? i think so. he talks about how good he is..well i kill his lame ass nuke he sent me...and i just love eating up his fakes on a daily bases:icon_twisted: but really why is he stalking me..i mean this guy went out his way to find my personal information even...lol I think cekseh from jag needs to get a grip..he is a bit strange..i would advise all players to stay clear before he stalks you as well. my personal message to cekseh "for the last time" my little booger eater cross eyed friend...i know you worship me...you think of me daily even when i don't post on here..

i know you stalk me bring me up in topics or discussions that has nothing to do with me and this eases your mind..maybe your doing it to catch a little fame...or perhaps your just mentle and need attention from me...but i assure you..ive played this game a very long time..and i will say you suck at it..your not even worth my time to even speak to because your thoughts or feelings here don't matter to me one bit! ive seen much better players then you any day..your average thats it nothing more. but please go stalk some one else...you mean nothing to me and you simple waste my time and bore me to death! but feel free to say my name..pray to me at night..even slobber all over your self when i come to mind..what ever, but at least try to get some help..your a bit strange in the head and you might need a doctor assistance to help fix your brain. you need some help!:icon_eek: Now good bye fan boy! this will be the last time i speak to you..no matter how many times you bring my name up. enjoy your pathetic life!:icon_twisted:

He's the weird one though you wrote a bible about him.. I think someone needs to look at themselves and reevaluate.

- Nubzz


He's the weird one though you wrote a bible about him.. I think someone needs to look at themselves and reevaluate.

- Nubzz

i would not call it a bible...but i would say a mental health book indeed! i mean i don't go up looking for a players personal info out side this game..do you nubzz? all i'm saying is, i think he is a bit obsessed with me...I don't like internet bully's. if he thinks i'm scared of him due to him trying to look up my personal real life info out side of this game he is mistaken..their are avenues i can take on that as well.

I respect all players rather if their in-game enemy's or allies. but when a player keep bringing my name up when im not even in the discussion and looks up my personal info out side this game...thats a different story. I have had a few playersw like that in my time of playing this game..and TW has ban their IP from this game and they went bye bye. its against the rules to harrass or stalk other players like that..and i wont tolerate it. but if you want to stick to the game fine...but going out side of it because cekseh thinks he can spread my personal info around is not called for or allowed...end of story nubzz! but i know just because he is in your tribe you'll defend him...im sure if some one did that to you it would concern you as well. I would advise all players to just stay clear of him..he is blocked! due to being a simple internet stalker. end of story!:icon_cool:


So basicly you are saying that you have nap/ally with every tribe in this world? lols.

Or why can`t you just attack other players? Why do you need ongoing war to nuke your targets?

Just to clear things up.

Colour have fought the following tribes:

You will notice that they are no longer anything near their old size (V collapsed just 4 days after one of our members attacked, and within 24 hours of me rimming one of their members.

I believe what Cool was mentioning, was that despite these all being 'large' tribes (EV were rank 2 when we began), we do not consider them proper wars. We did not declare(this is why we have 0 war stats as a tribe-yet most people consider us to have fought quite extensively so far), we were merely expanding and sorting out our area. We have not run a full tribal OP on anyone yet. Merely a couple of our players co-ordinating.

How about instead of making excuses about why not clearing villages is a good thing, you actually.... clear some villages, kill some troops, do some... warring?

If you consider the above 3 skirmishes to be 'wars' then Cool has 11 'war' caps out of 14 conquers. Pretty good going in my opinion.

As for your personal conquers, personally I am not a fan. But I am glad atleast you are laying down prenukes for your tribemates. Which shows you are a team player, which is a massive plus in my opinion. However I still think you need less barbs :p

Now can we please get back to the topic at hand which is Jager vs TDA. I am tired of all this bickering.
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I apologize for the hostility but I do enjoy flaming debates! :p

Just here to have some fun, and we do it the proper way so I don't appreciate anyones efforts to verbally knock my tribe down because they're on the receiving end.


Back on topic then?

[SPOIL]Side 1: Tribes: Jäger
Side 2:
Tribes: TDA

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 34
Side 2: 33
Difference: 1


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 0
Side 2: 2
Difference: 2


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 150,254
Side 2: 107,921
Difference: 42,333


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 0
Side 2: 8,412
Difference: 8,412



2-0 to TDA, would have put since the time and date of the dec instead of 48 hours but nobody has even posted that either :icon_rolleyes:


*Sigh*What is your ingame, littleone? Lets compare ODA before you try to talk with the grown ups. I don't expect you to understand the benefits of 10% pop bonus villages, but with time will come knowledge. Unless you are like stealthy.

So how much pp did you actually spend on that village? Especially since you held it less than 48 hours.

See dear little wee one I do have a clue and trying to get on another tribe's back line or near it at least, would be smart if you actually were dealing with an inactive tribe/players that don't pay attention to their maps. But looking at the players in that area I see some powerhouse names you seem to have neglected to look at or know. Maybe you were actually cocky enough to think it wouldn't matter. But I guess we all have to be humbled at some point, I just thought you would have learned your lesson after you lost that other barb you tried taking near a different tribe. I am really curious how much pp you spent on this village. The new owners seem to be happy with the improvements to their former farm.

Gorth Kirgar

Don't really get the bashing on Cekseh. Sure he has stats that make you scratch behind your ears. A good player couldn't possibly be doing what he's doing, right!?.....Wrong! Maybe some forgot; but a good player can also play without aiming for a top 10 spot directly and have fun in playing the game a bit differently.
(crapping on him for using pp is just bs btw. He earned that pp on this world)

And I can tell you: Cekseh is one of those few guys I've played with whom I would always want on my side. If I would ever need a sitter on this world, he would be my nr1 choice by a mile.

Stats are almost always a good indication to make sure if someone's a formidable player, but in a lot of cases it's not a good indicator to tell if someone really sucks at the game. It's tough for a crappy player to look good in the stats, but it's easy for good player to look crappy in the stats.


If he had spoken with knowledge he wouldn't have gotten flamed tbh. And it is someone from Jager that was pp hating earlier in one of the threads, I want to be sure they know they are playing with pp users in their own tribe.

And let's get real if you are playing TW in a rank #1 tribe you better be taking the game seriously, unless you are saying that your own tribe is a joke.
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If he had spoken with knowledge he wouldn't have gotten flamed tbh. And it is someone from Jager that was pp hating earlier in one of the threads, I want to be sure they know they are playing with pp users in their own tribe.

And let's get real if you are playing TW in a rank #1 tribe you better be taking the game seriously, unless you are saying that your own tribe is a joke.

We are a joke. You seen it here first.

- Nubzz
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