Jeg's W48 Awards


and you figure these, how?
Since I took over from where rc left, eQu has been going down the hill instead of taking advantage of the situation where we had just lost our leader and was fighting a lot of different fronts.Also mummsy should have been able to hold the fort with her council members who have left her and reformed a new tribe:icon_idea:

LW, well he is your baron and one of your main players but he wont even bother to tag the incs we send to his vil even when he knew we were going to target his k74 vils.So how should I consider him a good player if he is too lazy to tag 5k incs?The only thing he is good at is posting something for me to read at your council forums:icon_rolleyes:

Most of you council only tries to ask others to make an OP.But no one has put enough time to conduct one.Even the one you made against simon was pretty sad.So the failure of a tribe in turn reflects the failure of a leader or a bunch of leaders, mummsy and LW respectively:icon_sad:


In Game Awards
Best player: Walshaw
Worst player: Fyrestorm7
Biggest Point Whore: The guy who led that southern tribe, who eventually got gang banged by SubV and Flame/Risen alliance
Most promising player for the future: I'm the only first world player I me???
Best tribe: Wombles
Worst tribe: Xwolf1
Most promising tribe for the future: XIII
Best leader: RevengeComing
Worst leader: Fyrestorm7
Most Aggressive Tribe: Wombles
Most Memorable Moment: Robin's epic stand
Most Unexpected Turn of Events: the 3 tribe mega merge called Pirana
Best Diplomatic Tribe: Syn
Worst Diplomatic Tribe: I would say Pirana, but they're actively trying to get allies now dunno possibly us?
Best Recruitment Tribe: Wombles
Worst Recruitment Tribe: Pirana
Favorite leader: Walshaw
Most overrated tribe: Nobody overrates Pirana anymore, so I'm not sure lol
Most underrated tribe: XIII maybe????
Favorite Tribe COA: Don't look at tribe coa's anymore, I miss the gnomble coa :(
Favorite Player COA: Don't look at player profiles either
Biggest mistake made by tribe/player: Angels Death declaring on us without being ready to accept the consequences

Forum Awards
Favorite Tribe: SubV has my favorite posters
Best Forum Poster: Walshaw
Worst Forum Poster: That loser who keeps thinking he's an anime character
Best Avy/Sig combo: i vote rep because Edward is the man
Favorite Thread: We still have threads here?? I go with auto updating maps i guess!
Spam Award: This forum has to be active to have spam, right?
Flame Award: Walshaw
Troll award : Repinski
Favorite PnP poster: Doc Linus when he was here
Least favorite PnP poster: Those bad kids from AND and T~U who keep trying to make forum declarations against us without actually doing anything in game
Best PnP (can be a long dead one): GNOME vs AOP


Hey Freaky since your here, mind filling the list out? It'd be interesting to see what a leader of PIRANA has to say about the world and the external posters.


lol...we just need to get DD on here to change this bama.

I wouldnt mind that actually lol
Idk if you read it or not but on the rate the player tread i said i would like you to rate me


I wouldnt mind that actually lol
Idk if you read it or not but on the rate the player tread i said i would like you to rate me

I didn't read it...but when I get a chance I'll try to come up with a response for you


:| Freaky why did you ignore me? I wasn't trying to take a shot at you. I actually am interested in your opinions due to my history with you and your current position in PIRANA. You and Death both forgot so fast that Bama and I were your friends but we ended up leaving the tribe(s) for our own reasons.

Death claims I cowarded out on the Puttah account but I left the world for a few weeks when I left CORE. And Bama has his reasons for leaving PIRANA.


Hey Freaky since your here, mind filling the list out? It'd be interesting to see what a leader of PIRANA has to say about the world and the external posters.

Didn't intentionally leave you out rep...I was just pressed for time and didn't see it until now. I'll also try to fill this out when I get a chance. Very busy these days.


Alright sounds good freaky. Maybe if your feeling especially generous you could get DD55 to fill it out and stop by. :icon_wink: Drop me a mail some time if you want to chat. Just cause were enemies doesn't mean I don't think your a good guy still.

Although I doubt he would...


Yea, same here freaky feel free to mail me anytime ig since you blocked me sometime ago and I cant talk to you :icon_cry:

I mean I expected Death to block me because hes still pissy about the whole thing but idk why because its in the past and honestly its just a game. He should hold a grudge since me and him used to talk constantly but I guess its whatever :icon_cool:


@Zrip: Matie i really liked ur rating. it made my day. specially worst leader-Fyrestorm ha ha .lol


Final Results

In Game Awards

Best player:
RC (6)
Worst player: NA*
Biggest Point Whore:codgamer (2)
Most promising player for the future: NA*
Best tribe: SubV (8)
Worst tribe: Piranha (5)
Most promising tribe for the future: XIII (4)
Best leader: RC (5)
Worst leader:
Kurlnova (3)
Most Aggressive Tribe: SubV and Womble (4 each)
Most Memorable Moment: Piranha Super Merge (2)
Most Unexpected Turn of Events: Piranha declaring on various tribes (2)
Best Diplomatic Tribe: Brave! (5)
Worst Diplomatic Tribe: Piranha (4)
Best Recruitment Tribe: SYN, Womble, XIII and SubV (2 each)
Worst Recruitment Tribe: Piranha (4)
Favorite leader: Walshaw/
Bunnub (3)
Most overrated tribe: SubV (3)
Most underrated tribe: Brave! (6)
Favorite Tribe COA: SYN (5)
Favorite Player COA: NA*
Biggest mistake made by tribe/player: NA*

Forum Awards
Favorite Tribe: XIII (3)
Best Forum Poster:
Walshaw (4)
Worst Forum Poster: NA*
Best Avy/Sig combo: Bama (3)
Favorite Thread:
Nickjer's Map (3)
Spam Award: Bama (3)
Flame Award: Rex (3)
Troll award : Rep (4)
Favorite PnP poster: Rep (2)
Least favorite PnP poster: NA*
Best PnP (can be a long dead one): NA*

(#) is the number of votes received
NA* means wasnt more then 1 vote for each subject
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Here the new list I promised. Isnt as long as the last but I didnt expect it to be. But I will try to fill it out soon

Player Awards

World's Best Internaler:
Most Aggressive Player:
Unsung Leader:
Friendliest Player:
Most Annoying Player:
Biggest Noob of Top 50:
Best Defender:
Best Attacker:
Favorite Name:
Most Competitive:

Tribe Awards
Best Supportive Tribe
Best Organized Tribe
Most Unpredictable Tribe:
Predictable Tribe:
Most Likable Tribe:
Favorite Name:
Tribe you would wanna control and why:

PS freaky feel free to the old list or this one. I will update totals if you change anything

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Player Awards
World's Best Internaler: HanWarChief hands down, this guy was amazing, ill never forget posting an inactive in the tribe forum, clicking map, clicking the vill i was gonna claim... then BAM! hes already claimed it and 4 others. I sent him a mail and when i came back 5 hrs later he had already taken 3 and claimed another 4 -.-
Most Aggressive Player: rep for effing with my D/O ratio -.-'
Unsung Leader: pady with bellum, it takes heart to fail so hard. i have a feeling it was his recruitment policies lmao (i keed! <3 ya pady)
Friendliest Player: cant remember his name off the top of my head and rep is hogging the acct atm >:| but i rimmed this 1 guy with 10 vills and had a lovely chat with him, he practically thanked me for sending him back to the netherrealm of K2 from K22
Most Annoying Player: Bama for the fakes he sends me when hes bored -.-'
Biggest Noob of Top 50: hes probs not top50 and cbf'd checking but stepgib is defs the biggest noob i know ^.^
Best Defender: robingoodfellow fo sho, so far anyway
Best Attacker: any1 i have lost a vill to ;)
Favorite Name: ilovewilly, nah i dunno... probs nuketech... im a bit biased
Most Competitive: well me nd red competed so hard we even compared penis's on webcam to see whos was bigger (i won of course) so im gonna go with red. (disclaimer: this story is true no matter what red says ^.^)

Tribe Awards

Best Supportive Tribe: asd;ofina;sdrjfb;asdovbg;asssssssssdnflnd
Best Organized Tribe: SubV probs, wait, "best" or "most" organised... coz subv are too organised to be best organised... u gotta have a bit of chaos around to keep u on ur feet... the odd 4hr late support or 1 day early op coz sum1 cant friggen use a calender... just to keep things interesting ;)
Most Unpredictable Tribe: defs XIII haha not even we know what we are doing ^.^
Predictable Tribe: the old rogue, mainly coz we had that many spies we knew before the entire tribe what decisions were being made.
Most Likable Tribe: SYN are a pretty perky bunch, XIII have their ups and downs, some of the SubV guys are fun too. I just love every1 ^.^
Favorite Name: The Turtle Club (it hasnt caught on yet but it will, and when it does you shall all bow at my feet ^.^)
Tribe you would wanna control and why: XIII... i miss my baby :\ 8 more days and ill be back :D ... if step and the guys will have me :\



Player Awards
World's Best Internaler: HanWarChief hands down, this guy was amazing, ill never forget posting an inactive in the tribe forum, clicking map, clicking the vill i was gonna claim... then BAM! hes already claimed it and 4 others. I sent him a mail and when i came back 5 hrs later he had already taken 3 and claimed another 4 -.-

I really miss that guy...

Megadeth... on 06.02. at 22:04
What happened to you man ? you left on w48 without saying anything, thought you were dead

HanWarChief on 06.02. at 23:07

Megadeth... on 07.02. at 15:22
you alive why you quit

HanWarChief on 07.02. at 15:41
boring then quit
that all
how r them now?


Hey r them now? Did their eye go red for a few day and they can't online?