You know I find it funny that the good players in simple realize they are going to loose this war, so they try to defect to the other side, and the leader of simple gets them banned. That's really classy
You know I find it funny that the good players in simple realize they are going to loose this war, so they try to defect to the other side, and the leader of simple gets them banned. That's really classy
That's cause you spew drivel rather than talk. :icon_rolleyes:
@topic-Good words coming from tank. This war is participated in by some smaller tribes in the world. No one should be shocked by the minimal caps specially since they are smaller tribes. We all started from somewhere right?
Good close war. I'm really enjoying its progress.
At the same time you lost your two best players, now whut?
Much like the Daleks, we prefer our ranks to be filled with pure, simple people. Not those that break the rules and show such complicated impurity. I hope you understand. ^^
Wait what happend?
We discovered some people within our tribe that were breaking the rules and reported them. They are now banned. Swag now thinks we are crippled because they are under the impression that they were our best players. A laughable assumption.
That about sums it up really.
that is not the whole truth. Everyone makes mistakes. when two of their players (im not saying they were simples best) defected to the side of swag, their leaders went and told on them for breaking simple rules that was just a mistake.
which means simple didnt "report people within their own tribe" they got only 2 people banned. and guess who those people were? two people thank joined the ranks of swag.
the leaders would of never told on them if they didnt leave to our tribe.
in my opinion that is a low blow and is just plain wrong. don't hold grudges because someone wants to join another rank... if something like that happens, you go and use your offense nukes to recieve payback and noble them....
you don't get them banned. thats just not right. its not like it was a bad offense, you just wanted your payback and you guys were just simply to afraid to earn in the right way. you revert to getting someone banned over something small and probably making them quit this game.
this game is for fun. remember that. and you prolly just ruined the game for them.
I had some respect for simple. I have no respect for them now. I'm actually disappointed. you would go so low to get someone banned over something small. just to get payback.
I had no idea that that was the rule breaking. that is a bad rule. and i agree they should not do that. if that actually is the reason they were banned. can't truthfully take your word on it unless you have proof. not saying your a liar, just can't be sure.
and no, i don't think we are upset at all. i think it was mean of you (unless what you said was true, then they deserved it). and i don't care about points... sure the front line thing would of been nice, but we coulda dealt with them. i mean we are dealing with you fine with or without them on our side
so nah, none of us are upset lmao. not at all.
And you think that Hotforu doesn't deserve to be banned for taking the mick out of disabled people on the externals and on his display picture?
You were just having a temper tantrum; and to be honest, whatever they done you still wouldn't have reported them if they didn't "back stab you" and personally I'm surprised that Mac didn't get banned earlier for his name, but at the same time YOU were just plain and simply butthurt of the fact you realized that your best players jumped ships.
The fact you even reported them on a game where it's supposed to be fun really says a lot about you.
Also because they were your players initially, it's no real loss, in fact you losing Mac as a blast shield really helps us, and I'm sure I speak for everyone else on my tribe that we simply thank you for your lack of a social life. <3
Wow, the bickering has exploded. It does not matter anymore of reasons why or who reported them. It is done. They are banned. The problem with trolls is they love to dwell on limited material. None of the players that have left are by any means "our best." I am not saying they were not good players, but more of the fact that they did not participate within tribal activities. All those that have left have shown their true colors of what it means to be in a tribe and persevere as one. It is cowardice. You can respect Simple or choose not to. Frankly, it does not bother me either way. The effort that Swag puts into discrediting my account is humorous. This is a game with one goal. To win. Achieving that goal by any means is a natural habit of those wanting to win. Do not consider me hot headed or irrational. I show the same respect that is distributed to me or my co. Finally, Lolgammes.. You're going to remark about a CoA that was in pure jest as a crime against disabled people? It is just silly. I do however, find it humorous that Kevzbad has reported me twice so far, to no avail. This silly bickering will get us nowhere. The fun should truly start now! Underdog! Btw, I do love you LOLgammes and MADieval Penguin.
the only thing i have to say about this post is when you said "the effort that swag puts into discrediting my account is humorous" swag puts no effort into discrediting your account. its one person... maybe two? not sure. but one, or two people do not speak for a whole tribe.
now im not speaking bad about my tribesmates about speaking bad about you. honestly i couldnt care less what they do .
im just saying the actions/thoughts/views of few do not speak for the actions/thoughts/views of the many.
and just so i can throw my own opinion in there cuz we are bickering... i also find hotforu's coa extremly offensive. but i dont, nor will i report it. im not a baby. i choose to ignore it
the only thing i have to say about this post is when you said "the effort that swag puts into discrediting my account is humorous" swag puts no effort into discrediting your account. its one person... maybe two? not sure. but one, or two people do not speak for a whole tribe.
the only thing i have to say about this post is when you said "the effort that swag puts into discrediting my account is humorous" swag puts no effort into discrediting your account. its one person... maybe two? not sure. but one, or two people do not speak for a whole tribe.
now im not speaking bad about my tribesmates about speaking bad about you. honestly i couldnt care less what they do .
im just saying the actions/thoughts/views of few do not speak for the actions/thoughts/views of the many.
and just so i can throw my own opinion in there cuz we are bickering... i also find hotforu's coa extremly offensive. but i dont, nor will i report it. im not a baby. i choose to ignore it