Just why..........

Babylonian Talmud

Skilled Soldier 2017
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Back when I used to play this world I remember being in a room with Escape and DEFY leadership. I remember some fairly strong conversations where Escape insisted you were a spy; that you would feed info to OBEY and when the time was right you would join them. The members of Escape who knew you from previous worlds were 100% convinced this would happen, there was absolutely no doubt in their minds.

DEFY seemed to agree it was a strong possibility, however weren't prepared to act on the situation.

So while I can't say exactly how the situation played out, I can say this end point was predicated very accurately. History has a habit of repeating itself it seems.
Hey look its our old friend Matt. <3 Can you guess who he is talking about? (sun)


You have so much to learn young one. I did keep sufficient troops at home because of my large front with mezonis as any smart player near mezonis would do. However half my d troops were still out supporting. When I left the tribe and Defy members started to attack I was dangerously low on troops and if their attacks weren't predictable I probably would have lost at least 1/4 of my villages until I went to local Obey members for support. It was a near thing, I came out on top but I was sweating. Then I got my d troops back and it became easy. I see no point to spying if I don't like you I'll just fight you up front.

Ah, that last part. explains why you waited to each a bunch of internals, wait to their collapse, and them safely jump ship. No one is buying what you're trying to spin. You abused Defy players for your own self-interested and did very little to help. Defy's duke even said so and he already lost this world, I see no reason to not believe him.


Ah xcyber still spewing nonsense. Even when presented with irrefutable proof to retort his claims he pretends it doesn't exist. Wonder what it's like to be so willfully ignorant.


Ah xcyber still spewing nonsense. Even when presented with irrefutable proof to retort his claims he pretends it doesn't exist. Wonder what it's like to be so willfully ignorant.

What's this proof? His "opinion"? I mean, irrefutable is one way to put it I suppose.


What's this proof? His "opinion"? I mean, irrefutable is one way to put it I suppose.

You ever hear of twstats? Tribal wars map.com? Do some research and you'll find bit cloud did plenty of fighting for defy. I was in council before I quit a month ago since almost the start of the world. Bit cloud never spied for us. If he did he would not have been recruited. We prefer to kill spies and turncoats. Ask jakoba or flower power or whatever other scum players we have killed through the world.

=Bit Cloud=

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Back when I used to play this world I remember being in a room with Escape and DEFY leadership. I remember some fairly strong conversations where Escape insisted you were a spy; that you would feed info to OBEY and when the time was right you would join them. The members of Escape who knew you from previous worlds were 100% convinced this would happen, there was absolutely no doubt in their minds.

DEFY seemed to agree it was a strong possibility, however weren't prepared to act on the situation.

So while I can't say exactly how the situation played out, I can say this end point was predicated very accurately. History has a habit of repeating itself it seems.

So your post goes like this. Some people in Escape didn't like me because I fought them fair on another world while they fought me as dirty as they could happily recruiting some of my tribemates while I fought on for months and then kept fighting on a different account. Thus having a hand in them losing the world. So on this world I'm undoubtedly a spy with not a single thread of evidence to the contrary. Funny thing about ODS is you only get it if the villages you support get attacked, if your tribemates get tricked by fakes......but thats beating a dead horse. So again Murph and his cronies spread their lies on another world trying to attack the character of another player just because they didn't like how past worlds turned out for them. Although those same players are some of the dirtiest players I've come up against.

Thank you come again back to my beer.


So your post goes like this. Some people in Escape didn't like me because I fought them fair on another world while they fought me as dirty as they could happily recruiting some of my tribemates while I fought on for months and then kept fighting on a different account. Thus having a hand in them losing the world. So on this world I'm undoubtedly a spy with not a single thread of evidence to the contrary. Funny thing about ODS is you only get it if the villages you support get attacked, if your tribemates get tricked by fakes......but thats beating a dead horse. So again Murph and his cronies spread their lies on another world trying to attack the character of another player just because they didn't like how past worlds turned out for them. Although those same players are some of the dirtiest players I've come up against.

Thank you come again back to my beer.

I couldn't care less what happened on other worlds. My point was 'Murph and his cronies' predicted exactly what you would do, months before you did it.

Then you did it, now you're arguing about your reasons for doing it. However it's irrelevant. You did it. As predicted. Enjoy that beer sunshine.

=Bit Cloud=

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No I was accused of spying and working against Defy while I was in the tribe which is false. However the truth has never mattered to the players leading the "coalition" so why should it start now. If they need to feel like white knights thats cool still waiting for some proof I worked against Defy tho.


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No I was accused of spying and working against Defy while I was in the tribe which is false. However the truth has never mattered to the players leading the "coalition" so why should it start now. If they need to feel like white knights thats cool still waiting for some proof I worked against Defy tho.

Same thing as on W90. Pathetic. No one respects you. Done in the most cowardly way possible. Stop trying to justify it. Everyone sees through your lies.

Gwaihir aka Bluetomahawk

We prefer to kill spies and turncoats.

oooooh i just had to point this out... cwl lol

i mean when GT says that, and few other players i can understand, but you, who argued so much with me first how everything was clean and later how nevertheless everything is fair in war doesn't make any sense. you should try to be more honest to yourself... lol


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No one respect Murph and Xcyber all they spew is full of lies ingame...

Serious George

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Same thing as on W90. Pathetic. No one respects you. Done in the most cowardly way possible. Stop trying to justify it. Everyone sees through your lies.

I'm not sure how w90 was the same thing. You guys were attacking Farm and they were allied with us for a couple of months before they were recruited. We recruited more than we originally said we would but then several quit and one flipped over to TEA.

Adam did not spy on w96 for Obey. Call him a turncoat all you want for switching sides but he was never a spy.


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I'm not sure how w90 was the same thing. You guys were attacking Farm and they were allied with us for a couple of months before they were recruited. We recruited more than we originally said we would but then several quit and one flipped over to TEA.

Adam did not spy on w96 for Obey. Call him a turncoat all you want for switching sides but he was never a spy.

Just a garbage person


oooooh i just had to point this out... cwl lol

i mean when GT says that, and few other players i can understand, but you, who argued so much with me first how everything was clean and later how nevertheless everything is fair in war doesn't make any sense. you should try to be more honest to yourself... lol

Not sure why you are having a problem comprehending things. It is fair to use spies and recruit from the enemy or to use any other tactic in game but we try to avoid those tactics for th most part. We have turned down so many offers through the world it's not even funny but to dim witted outsiders like you if we reject 99 spies and someone in the tribe without any permission or discussion with council uses a spy, oh all of obey is dirty now lol.

You guys crack me up. We don't care if you think we are dirty for #1 and #2 the morales and principles we practice are to satisfy our own styles of playing. We are more interested in a fun world and a good fight than getting a cheap win that's all. I guess you guys in the coalition are the opposite and it explains why you don't understand.

Babylonian Talmud

Skilled Soldier 2017
Reaction score
Not sure why you are having a problem comprehending things. It is fair to use spies and recruit from the enemy or to use any other tactic in game but we try to avoid those tactics for th most part. We have turned down so many offers through the world it's not even funny but to dim witted outsiders like you if we reject 99 spies and someone in the tribe without any permission or discussion with council uses a spy, oh all of obey is dirty now lol.

You guys crack me up. We don't care if you think we are dirty for #1 and #2 the morales and principles we practice are to satisfy our own styles of playing. We are more interested in a fun world and a good fight than getting a cheap win that's all. I guess you guys in the coalition are the opposite and it explains why you don't understand.
GT quote:

I am going to noble you all.


I find it funny how salty you guys are about BitCloud. It's minor in comparison to BornReady, Magmarr, Jakoba, grasvandeduivel, One Last Goodbye and Sasuke. Quit whining.