K34 tribes


To all the tribes in k34

we are all fighting eachother while tribes like NMS and WASP are moving in on us to secure this K for their own war, we should be working together and holding this K

T.N, TC, SICKER, UDF and any other influences in this area should be allies so we can hold this place, all of this infighting is just going to weaken this area and it will all be overun if we dont do something about it.

All these big tribes merged together so why dont we do the same

I say we just put together all our top players, internally noble out all the weakplayers in k34 and merge into a large tribe, these guys all do it so why dont we ???


Excellent idea, french. Out hug the huggers, a daunting task indeed.


We're all fighting each other? That's news to me. If you want to unite K34 I would advise you do it by the sword rather than through words, much more likely to last if there is no-one around to dispute the top tribes claim.


We're all fighting each other? That's news to me. If you want to unite K34 I would advise you do it by the sword rather than through words, much more likely to last if there is no-one around to dispute the top tribes claim.

Just going off of TWstats, everyone seems to be taking eachothers villages, I guess with you guys its mostly internal, but alot of others are fighting eachother.

I dont mean all out war but there are still alot of villages being nobled back and forth, I just want us all to put aside some of the bullshit and consolidate some power around here. why waste your neighbours skills, why not use him to fight the enemy


Or why not use them as something to hone your skills against?


soooo use my neighbors strenght and their neighbors strength and so on and so fourth till the only enemy is the grey on the map?


Hey, those gray ones hit back, hard. How do you think I've been able to build up this ODA?


soooo use my neighbors strenght and their neighbors strength and so on and so fourth till the only enemy is the grey on the map?

not really to that extent, but there are alot of good players in k34 and most of us are just unfortunate enough to have had a rough start cause all we did was fight amongst ourselves for k control, there have been way too many tribes here and way to much infighting, we should have been working together to keep the other tribes out, its not too late and I just wanted to see if anyone felt the same. I dont want to leave and I am going to do whatever I can to stay longer.

I failed with my old tribes, same issues, no one could get along or stay together and alot of them were nobled out, and what was left were some of the best players in k34, and even now we are all in different tribes and fighting eachother when there is a much bigger threat picking up the pieces and moving in to our home ground.

Lets put all the crap aside and deal with them before they take us all out