k75 Tribes Vs Insan3


haha Blood heres how i define my point further to you... attack DOA and take the k over then. Stop saying there not a part of any plan and take them out, otherwise your further proving your tribe intended to use them for this purpose

*sigh* Why would we attack them just because you want us to attack them? Sure your a little testie over their apparant betrayal towards you.

The NAP is mutually benificial for both tribes otherwise both tribes wouldnt of agreed towards it, /End


twigy, this is an A and B conversation so C yourself out of it :)


and Daph you only agreed to a NAP so they would clean up your garbage, they agreed because there p*ssies... you guys are more out to lunch than them.. if you had a strangle hold on the k like has been implied and said, why would you quit mid swing and agree to a NAP


no im glad you did but obviously something doesnt add up here, like i said a tribe that has a strangle hold on a k stops mid swing (mid war) to agree to a NAP? why


twigy, this is an A and B conversation so C yourself out of it :)

Ahh so your one of those people who resorts to totally unrelated comebacks. It totally makes you look so much smarter. Good work..

and Daph you only agreed to a NAP so they would clean up your garbage, they agreed because there p*ssies... you guys are more out to lunch than them.. if you had a strangle hold on the k like has been implied and said, why would you quit mid swing and agree to a NAP

So what you are saying is that we agreed to NAP so they could clean up the rest of k75? I didnt realise we were going to stop nobling in our home k, but i guess you know more than me..Also just read Bloods posts, it fairly easy to understand..

no im glad you did but obviously something doesnt add up here, like i said a tribe that has a strangle hold on a k stops mid swing (mid war) to agree to a NAP? why

I get the impressions that you think there is some grand diabolical scheme behind this NAP..All it is a benifically agreement, again i point out to the fact that it wouldnt of been made if it wasnt benifically.

This is such a pointless discussion :icon_neutral:


So stop posting back then daph i didnt ask for your opinion i was giving an update.....


So stop posting back then daph i didnt ask for your opinion i was giving an update.....

Ahh another splendid reply, the best part of it was how you just referred to the last sentence i posted, Bravo! I didn't realise that i had to be asked to give my opinion, ehh guess i learnt something new today, thanks :)


egyptian,your making a fool out of yourself on externals,was getting destroyed that big of a hit to ur ego?i mean seriously,accept utter defeat,take it like a man,and move on.if your such a man and a strong warrior,why did u RESTART when we were about to rimm you?to keep your dignity?and if so,why start in the opposite direction of us and not southeast to rejoin the coalition YOU supported and pushed for? your just a sad player in a leadership position that wants everyone else to end up like you,the only difference is,most of the other players involved have outsmarted you,outlived you and out skilled you. nuff said...


Oh emperor if you only knew the truth behind your sea of lies. Your the one embarassing yourself. I never endorsed or supported the coalition, I actually thought the duke of cent was pretty clueless. Being a good player though I backed the unanomous decision in house and rolled with it. Because ONE of my villages was a casualty of war must make you feel you feel suprerior and dominant. I did what I had to so that this war wouldnt be lobsided stats speaking. Now speaking on you, why dont you grow a set, man up, stop getting your newly NAP tribe to do your dirty work and finish the whole war and run the k. otherwsie really you can keep talking in this forum but it shows me that your just a joker with a fake cause, a caveman attitude and a potty mouth.


why dont you grow a set, man up, stop getting your newly NAP tribe to do your dirty work and finish the whole war and run the k.

LOL finish what work?you have an odd sense of reality. you mean we asked doa to finish our work and noble the rest of k75?what prove do you have of this?i wonder,where do you get your info from?surely your source is very bad :( i think the better question here is why don't you grow a set,return to k75 and rim us all?because as you stated to me before through mail:

Egyptian-I-Sac today at 05:58
i gaurantee you have never seen as far into a world as me NOOB

oh mighty one,please shed some light on all of us on how to rule a k :p...oh wait,you have none to rule do you? :p


Man your like a broken record the same garbage comes out of your mouth every post. We will see how far you make it into this world. BTW stop declaring war on tribes that are almost ten times smaller than you guys ,it doesnt show strength as much as it does weakness


lol,we did not start the war,as i believe,the smaller tribes began the coalition to remove us,not the other way around ;)

We have an all out battle with most of the top k75 tribes involved. As the title says, K75 tribes vs insan3. Anyone have thoughts?

i think this says it all. good luck on the rim though,maybe next time you will make wiser decisions
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Again with the rim stuff, it doesn't bother me. Your repetitive... and who declared war on who?


haha this is some funny stuff wish i was in this k would be fun to start even more drama


egyptian-i-sac said:
BTW stop declaring war on tribes that are almost ten times smaller than you guys ,it doesnt show strength as much as it does weakness

There was a time when we were only 20 members, warring 300+ members total. And most of us didn't even have nobles when these 'wars' started. .. I can name the rest of the tribes we've warred along the way if you'd like.

TWS, Jus, BAT-ME, RP, TWBiA, D.O.A., BAT-ME DOA (one tribe), Vector, Boo!, CENT, CENT2, CENT3, CENT4, BiA, BiA3, & BiA4 etc etc. So don't ask us why we're warring tribes smaller than us. We simply outgrew those old enemies, and made them smaller than us.
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Again with the rim stuff, it doesn't bother me. Your repetitive... and who declared war on who?

egyptian, i get really and i mean really bored with reading all your posts. try adding a profile pic or a siggy or something to get my eyes off the text.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
There was a time when we were only 20 members, warring 300+ members total. And most of us didn't even have nobles when these 'wars' started. .. I can name the rest of the tribes we've warred along the way if you'd like.

TWS, Jus, BAT-ME, RP, TWBiA, D.O.A., BAT-ME DOA (one tribe), Vector, Boo!, CENT, CENT2, CENT3, CENT4, BiA, BiA3, & BiA4 etc etc. So don't ask us why we're warring tribes smaller than us. We simply outgrew those old enemies, and made them smaller than us.

Hehe well said!