Kata vs w40 (stats)


Kataklysmic DevastatioN v tribes 3-20 in the past month.

Note that we haven't been eating villages from every one of these tribes, but it does show how our 94 accounts are significantly out-performing the remaining 302 non-members.
There have been some major deletions under fire recently, including the long-term duke of =CB= - iDesiR.
Also a number of players have become tribeless :)

Side 1:
Tribes: Kata, KataX
Side 2:
Tribes: -WM-, T.B.K, K.O.H, T29, L-T-W, HUG!!!, BlackX, AA, the SR, LW, =GA=, *DCN*, HAWK, KCD, -ARMY-, =CB=, Relax, ~Howl~

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Side 1: 7,579
Side 2: 2,658
Difference: 4,921


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 3,413
Side 2: 115
Difference: 3,298


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 69,048,849
Side 2: 20,960,028
Difference: 48,088,821


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 31,636,256
Side 2: 1,079,685
Difference: 30,556,571



would like ta see updates from these waters! how ol' WM holdin up now that Kata creeps evar too close!


Side 1:
Tribes: Kata, KataX
Side 2:
Players: twird82

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 1,754
Side 2: 224
Difference: 1,530


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 224
Side 2: 2
Difference: 222


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 16,191,720
Side 2: 473,299
Difference: 15,718,421


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,319,072
Side 2: 13,437
Difference: 2,305,635



Side 1:
Tribes: Kata, KataX
Side 2:
Tribes: -WM-

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers:

Side 1: 7,881
Side 2: 1,406
Difference: 6,475


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,500
Side 2: 36
Difference: 1,464


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 73,223,895
Side 2: 10,451,487
Difference: 62,772,408


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 15,311,585
Side 2: 339,128
Difference: 14,972,457



Someone doesn't like Twird.
I played W40 and rather failed horribly but I still like to check up. Kata could only be taken down by a change in diplomacy (KataX joining the otherside but that might npt even help) or a mutiny within. Otherwise they've got it.


sorry mate you cant win them all!!! But you sure can annoy them !!!!!!!!


Side 1:
Tribes: Kata, KataX
Side 2:
Tribes: -WM-

Timeframe: Last month

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,325
Side 2: 107
Difference: 2,218


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 23,068,984
Side 2: 1,025,287
Difference: 22,043,697



Twird, you lost your touch :(

I see a lot of folks get banned for mild or moderate posts but when you take into consideration all the crap that you throw into these forums(wherever I go to, I always find it...), it amazes me that your still around!??
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Yes Toxification is a troll.

To address his proposition that twird lost his touch: it should be noted that myself & others never saw twird as a major threat (too few troops per village, low ODA, low nuke proportion of overall villages) & so never mounted a serious operation against him. Until fairly recently all major attack sequences against twird were designed to move troops around or to intimidate rather than to do major damage.
Once a few of our members decided to start taking villages in earnest we decided to start taking his built villages now rather than later - hence the missing millions of points as he loses 12K villas & eats 2K ones.

Side 1:
Tribes: Kata, KataX
Side 2:
Players: twird82

Timeframe: Last 3 months

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,131
Side 2: 15
Difference: 1,116


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 12,313,537
Side 2: 155,400
Difference: 12,158,137


Most Points: 13,279,709 13th January 2012
Most Villages: 1,111 13th January 2012

Current Points: 3,326,302
Current Villages: 992


you dont get over 300 million odd from a player the opposition didnt fear


Yes Toxification is a troll.

To address his proposition that twird lost his touch: it should be noted that myself & others never saw twird as a major threat (too few troops per village, low ODA, low nuke proportion of overall villages) & so never mounted a serious operation against him. Until fairly recently all major attack sequences against twird were designed to move troops around or to intimidate rather than to do major damage.
Once a few of our members decided to start taking villages in earnest we decided to start taking his built villages now rather than later - hence the missing millions of points as he loses 12K villas & eats 2K ones.

What phoenix means by this is that when i had other tribemates around me they didnt dare attack me and they waited til i was on my own and completely isolated and out numbered 10-1. really i class that as cowardly. and its still took over 300 million of there troops to get where they are now. they are not as good as they make out


And yet 'they' are winning.

Guess that makes everyone else worse than they make out.

And any player that is all defense and with other players defense in his villages can get 300 mill ODD when they are getting all of their villages taken. I was #1 ODD on world 30 for about a year after I was nobled out from that world. You won't even have that privilege.
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#202 Today, 18:39 Top And yet 'they' are winning.

Guess that makes everyone else worse than they make out.

And any player that is all defense and with other players defense in his villages can get 300 mill ODD when they are getting all of their villages taken. I was #1 ODD on world 30 for about a year after I was nobled out from that world. You won't even have that privilege.

Bushy i wouldnt bank on it you havnt taken kata wont get this villa. theres over 100 million odd in there. number 1 spot is still there for the taking


No there isn't. Because when our noobs take all the barbarian villages of the now deleted players that sent you that defense it will take 2 nukes to clear. Plus I'd send Manjak defense and then attack those villages just to deny you that much satisfaction if I had to.


Troll and proud!

Pootleroot, please don't message me privately unless its not bs. ;)

Coming out of someone who fed "BS" to anyone and everyone they were speaking to..
You really shouldn't speak where you do not have room to.
