Keep her lit


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Reaction score
1. Best All Around Player:
Capt Morgan Freeman and -Assassin- are excellent in both attacking and defending and are honorable mentions. welsh celts has been very good too. I'd have to give it to Hilary Duff though. Jake and Trex did the majority of the (good) defending in Blue!. Their attacking is equally good and this shows through their war stats and timings in general.

2. Best Attacker:
13. krieger seemed to have the majority of incomings going to any account I sat during the Sass war. Good attacking and ODA to match.

3. Best Defender:
Hilary Duff is exceptional. They're a rock.

4. Best strategic player:
Chris/Smurfy certainly knows what he's doing and there is no doubting that that he's up there. I'd throw H0lly into the mix too. Regardless of everything, he's a strategic player and knows his theory and certainly has to have some strategic mind to deal with that SW area. He's put his tribe in a strong position.

5. Best Player that got rimmed:
Most of the players I know that got 'rimmed' didn't really get rimmed. Ryuuya gets the honour though I guess :icon_redface:

6. Biggest Barb Taker:
Majority of W2V.

7. Best Tribe:​
Best individual tribe - NAM

8. Runner up Tribe:​
Best individual tribe - Golden

9. The most enjoyable player to piss off:
Baldur. Obviously.

10. The player you never want to piss off:​
.Absinthe. Hands down. Extremely good account. Would not want them to come at me.

11. Best team (group of players):
Blue!/GOAT team.

12. Funniest Player:

13. Biggest ass hole (or Diva):
Trex is an asshole. Jake is a Dive. I love them both.

14. Best War:
I'm looking forward to the Golden/NAM war but so far the best war without a doubt was the GOAT/Freak war. It was extremely fun and could have gone either way. Thankfully we came out on the winning side.

15. Who would you most like to meet?:

16. Who's computer would you most like to break?
Probably Steve's. It'd make the world safer for all of us.

16. Who's computer would you most like to break?
Probably Steve's. It'd make the world a safer place.

17. Most over rated player:
Nebula. account. I feel the account could be put to much better use. Especially considering their position/competition.

18. Most Improved (went from noob to killer):
Gorts has done well. Not a killer yet though.

19. Most Annoying Player:

20. Luckiest Player:

21. Best Alliance:​
NBD/Golden :icon_redface:

22. Greatest Farmer:

23. Best mail:​
That mail AsylumEscapee sent Duke of Blood. at atart up. Funniest mail I've ever seen. 10/10. Must dig that up.

24. Most Dramatic:
All of GOAT but specifically Jake.

25. Most Paranoid:
Probably me.

26. Most Underhanded:

27. Most loyal:
Hilary Duff

28. Greatest Spy:
Not Turtle.Uk

29. Biggest Stat Padder:

30. Best Leader:

31. Worst Leader:
Last edited:


1. Best All Around Player:

Welsh Celts - little god account they are, keep going my little welshy

2. Best Attacker:

Captain Morgan Freeman - Rizz > All

3. Best Defender:

14.Krieger - Extremely active, well dedicated and very well coordinated defender

4. Best strategic player:


5. Best Player that got rimmed:

Pece (not rimmed as of yet) Pece has put up such a good fight and has been an honourable player to fight, thanks Pece :)

6. Biggest Barb Taker:

Nugget Putin > Barbs

7. Best Tribe:
Who else but NAM

8. Runner up Tribe:

INT, INT will win this world if NAM doesnt

trust me daddi

9. The most enjoyable player to piss off:

If you ever run out of salt to put on your food, call this guy

10. The player you never want to piss off:

Absinthe Account - Ara just goes on a mad one

11. Best team (group of players):

Who else but NAM

12. Funniest Player:


13. Biggest ass hole (or Diva):


14. Best War:

None, they've all been below par

15. Who would you most like to meet?:


16. Who's computer would you most like to break?


pure bantz

17. Most over rated player:

Nebula account

18. Most Improved (went from noob to killer):

Dunno really

19. Most Annoying Player:

20. Luckiest Player:

21. Best Alliance:

NAM and INT, INT are lil beauts

23. Best mail:

Ngazpha's mails are beautiful

24. Most Dramatic:

Darren Jones

25. Most Paranoid:


26. Most Underhanded:

27. Most loyal:


28. Greatest Spy:


29. Biggest Stat Padder:

30. Best Leader:


31. Worst Leader:


I dunno I haven't play very much but i still got shit to say always forever

1. Best All Around Player:
14. krieger

2. Best Attacker:
13. krieger

3. Best Defender:​
I dunno

4. Best strategic player:
07. Krieger beyond a shadow of a doubt

5. Best Player that got rimmed:
15. Krieger

6. Biggest Barb Taker:

7. Best Tribe:​

8. Runner up Tribe:​

9. The most enjoyable player to piss off:
12. Krieger

10. The player you never want to piss off:​
piss off every one

11. Best team (group of players):

12. Funniest Player:

13. Biggest ass hole (or Diva):
janjans haha because..err nevermind

14. Best War:
I dunno

15. Who would you most like to meet?:
H0lly but he refuses to have a drink with me.
16. Who's computer would you most like to break?​
no ones. thats mean

17. Most over rated player:

18. Most Improved (went from noob to killer):​
I dunno

19. Most Annoying Player:​
I'm That Guy. There just something about that guy I don't like. Why does he have to be that guy all the time?

20. Luckiest Player:​
I dunno

21. Best Alliance:

22. Greatest Farmer:

23. Best mail:​
That mail AsylumEscapee sent to the Duke of Blood. I've never read it, but I've seen it referenced numerous times. It sounds legendary.

24. Most Dramatic:
Probably Blue! but in a good way. An exciting way. The way tribalwars should be way.

25. Most Paranoid:
I dunno

26. Most Underhanded:
Whoever that person was who attacked me in the beginning of the world. so not cool man

27. Most loyal:
I dunno. i imagine alot of people are equally the utmost of loyal

28. Greatest Spy:
Probably someone we dont know about yet

29. Biggest Stat Padder:

30. Best Leader:
13. krieger

31. Worst Leader:​
I dunno...h0lly for being drunk all the time?



Honored to be mentioned :p

Dont have enough knowledge to type something on this

Enjoying reading the responses tho

Long live forums


"6. Biggest Barb Taker:"

Damn I am the Barb one recognize my talent. :(


You ate my inactive friend ayoszharrr. i was about to send 50 long range trains at him pfft


Add Best internaler to your list instead of best farmer guys.


1. Best All Around Player:
Capt Morgan Freeman

2. Best Attacker:

3. Best Defender:
14. Krieger

4. Best strategic player:
13. Krieger

5. Best Player that got rimmed:
Huh eastwood maybee, i dont know.

6. Biggest Barb Taker:

7. Best Tribe:

8. Runner up Tribe:

9. The most enjoyable player to piss off:
Nebeski :D

10. The player you never want to piss off:
14. Krieger

11. Best team (group of players):
NAM offensive force

12. Funniest Player:

13. Biggest ass hole (or Diva):
Otto (rekt now)

14. Best War:
Still to come....

15. Who would you most like to meet?:

16. Who's computer would you most like to break?
Kurtis, to prove the stories are all true.

17. Most over rated player:

18. Most Improved (went from noob to killer):

19. Most Annoying Player:
pure jonat (gotta love the village names changes - so 90s)

20. Luckiest Player:

21. Best Alliance:

22. Greatest Farmer:

23. Best mail:

24. Most Dramatic:
Sea Breeze (Ryan)

25. Most Paranoid:
Sea Breeze (Ryan)

26. Most Underhanded:

27. Most loyal:

28. Greatest Spy:

29. Biggest Stat Padder:

30. Best Leader:
NAM council

31. Worst Leader:


I'll do this from my own perspective on this world since I don't know many of you guys from past worlds.

1. Best All Around Player:

Grey wind and ghost

2. Best Attacker:
welsh celts ( persistent, annoying, just like attacking should be done )

3. Best Defender:

4. Best strategic player:
Ramsay Bolton

5. Best Player that got rimmed:
I'll go with Ben and Ann ( old Ragey owners ). they quit but I think if they stayed on the account it would have been hell of a fight.

6. Biggest Barb Taker:
Tons of barb takers can't choose one

7. Best Tribe:

8. Runner up Tribe:

9. The most enjoyable player to piss off:
Talli56 and sir Mayhem III

10. The player you never want to piss off:
GOTDestroyer ( although I kinda did haha )

11. Best team (group of players):
Golden's leadership, and I'll have to point out welsh celts, absinthe, Contraceptive and GOTDestroyer

This is from my own experiences thus far.

12. Funniest Player:
I really liked NBD skype chats, pure jonat, talli56, Josh etc

13. Biggest ass hole (or Diva):
Whoever is on that luxavism account

14. Best War:
None of the ones I have been can have the adjective best...

15. Who would you most like to meet?:
Pure Jonat and ulven

16. Who's computer would you most like to break?
Welsh celts

17. Most over rated player:

18. Most Improved (went from noob to killer):
Idk since I met most of the guys on this world

19. Most Annoying Player:
Luxavism and Hilary Duff

20. Luckiest Player:
Luxavism and Hilary Duff

21. Best Alliance:
NBD and Golden <3

22. Greatest Farmer:

23. Best mail:
Angel of Fire... Like every mail

24. Most Dramatic:

25. Most Paranoid:

26. Most Underhanded:

27. Most loyal:

28. Greatest Spy:
Ooguro freaking ryuuya and the guy who was spying for NAM ( I know there is someone! )

29. Biggest Stat Padder:

30. Best Leader:
Ramsay Bolton and overall Golden leadership

31. Worst Leader:
Angel of Fire


27. Most loyal:​
Hilary Duff

Im sorry this made me lol too much not to share.



Loyal to lux perhaps, loyalty doesnt need to mean tribe

Anything to jump on Blue lot aye?


I'm loyal to pizza, its my favourite. Does that mean I can betray a bunch of tribes and still be called most loyal?


Im sorry this made me lol too much not to share.


Talking the guy who sends 4 fakes every 3 days for a 100 hours travel distance :icon_rolleyes:. The smallest account in Golden sent more fakes at Nam than you did.


A bit off topic, irrelevant and wrong. You don't know how many fakes I sent at other people. Also I sent enough for this not to be dodged. Lol



I'm loyal to pizza, its my favourite. Does that mean I can betray a bunch of tribes and still be called most loyal?

arge - 9 tribe changes.
Contagious - 8 tribe changes
Cool. - 9 tribe changes
Nine Inch Males - 6 tribe changes
tresdevil1 - 5 tribe changes
Kate 2 - 8 tribe changes
El.Asesino - 5 tribe changes
lamber - 5 tribe changes
Dream* - 6 tribe changes
lavim - 6 tribe changes
TableForOne - 9 tribe changes

Sick tribe then?