Khan declares war on ANY & NAM coalition

  • Thread starter DeletedUser118436
  • Start date


Why are we playing this game, why are we spending our time here on pc for long time, why we are killing our phones batteries.. To win, to fight or just for fun?. Everyone has their own reasons to play this game.

What would you do to win, to have fun or whatever reason you re playing TW?
Would you cheat?
Would you betray your friends?
Would you make pacts with your enemies and leave your allies to death?
Would you sell your honor to devil?
Would you accept your enemies bully and bend over?

My answer would be "to fight"..

Fight to protect our brother and sisters honor,
Fight to end dictatorships,
Fight for revenge,
Fight for freedom,
Fight for fun..

ANY(aka royale), the tribe leaded by 13. Krieger (aka lady mistress, 14. krieger, cougar1) has been our enemies in every world. We always fought against them. Although krieger knows we do hate him more than any human being, he always tried to get us on their side. He doesnt talk from his own acc but he talks from his other accs (just as 14. Krieger 'his english is shit just as 13. Krieger'). But we know what he was actually aiming. His strategy has always been the same, recruit everyone around and use them on his own purpose and rim them if they have no other use. He has been always a mass recruiter, a dictator and a liar. The worst you can find in TW history.

We do love fighting against him as he is my favorite enemy. We know how he play his cards. All his multi accounts, his anger, his fury, his vision (horse vision), his faking, attacking n defense strategy.

We were fighting against ANY with our ex allies NAM. Then NAM napped with ANY and left us to die while ANY was 7 times bigger than us. What they didnt know was khan is more than they can imagine. They just thought we would give up. But we didnt, we fought and defended against ANY for a long time. Then we heard that they will attack us. We saw how honorless a tribe can be. And they did attack us with no success while ANY is attacking us like hell. We killed a lot of ANY nukes, defended our villages against both tribes. Even INT, bitch tribe of NAM, attacked us. They ve seen the consequences of attacking us and stopped later on.

I cannot say all NAM are shit, as I know some honorable ppl who were not happy with this idiot leaderships decisions, who sniped and supported us. NAM leadership is that dumb to not even checking our area as they ve never seen the snipes and support rolling in our villages. I respect those who has honorable blood in ther veins.

After his last 3 op on us with no gain and with losing more than 400 nukes, krieger became so angry, he knew that he cant defeat us just with his entire pathetic army and decided to try alternatives and started taxing NAM, as kamadhenu gifted 3 villas to krieger and to his slaves lately as tax to join any.

Now we declare war on this stupid coalition. All khan crew will be fighting against you, all honorless ppl.
We will not let ANY or ther accompices win this world.
We will not let it be.
We will fight till the last spear broken..

We die today not only for our friends and family but for our gods and for our forefathers and men before them, so we pray to them to make us victorious, but khans never die as we always revive.




Why are we playing this game, why are we spending our time here on pc for long time, why we are killing our phones batteries.. To win, to fight or just for fun?. Everyone has their own reasons to play this game.

What would you do to win, to have fun or whatever reason you re playing TW?
Would you cheat?
Would you betray your friends?
Would you make pacts with your enemies and leave your allies to death?
Would you sell your honor to devil?
Would you accept your enemies bully and bend over?

My answer would be "to fight"..

Fight to protect our brother and sisters honor,
Fight to end dictatorships,
Fight for revenge,
Fight for freedom,
Fight for fun..

ANY(aka royale), the tribe leaded by 13. Krieger (aka lady mistress, 14. krieger, cougar1) has been our enemies in every world. We always fought against them. Although krieger knows we do hate him more than any human being, he always tried to get us on their side. He doesnt talk from his own acc but he talks from his other accs (just as 14. Krieger 'his english is shit just as 13. Krieger'). But we know what he was actually aiming. His strategy has always been the same, recruit everyone around and use them on his own purpose and rim them if they have no other use. He has been always a mass recruiter, a dictator and a liar. The worst you can find in TW history.

We do love fighting against him as he is my favorite enemy. We know how he play his cards. All his multi accounts, his anger, his fury, his vision (horse vision), his faking, attacking n defense strategy.

We were fighting against ANY with our ex allies NAM. Then NAM napped with ANY and left us to die while ANY was 7 times bigger than us. What they didnt know was khan is more than they can imagine. They just thought we would give up. But we didnt, we fought and defended against ANY for a long time. Then we heard that they will attack us. We saw how honorless a tribe can be. And they did attack us with no success while ANY is attacking us like hell. We killed a lot of ANY nukes, defended our villages against both tribes. Even INT, bitch tribe of NAM, attacked us. They ve seen the consequences of attacking us and stopped later on.

I cannot say all NAM are shit, as I know some honorable ppl who were not happy with this idiot leaderships decisions, who sniped and supported us. NAM leadership is that dumb to not even checking our area as they ve never seen the snipes and support rolling in our villages. I respect those who has honorable blood in ther veins.

After his last 3 op on us with no gain and with losing more than 400 nukes, krieger became so angry, he knew that he cant defeat us just with his entire pathetic army and decided to try alternatives and started taxing NAM, as kamadhenu gifted 3 villas to krieger and to his slaves lately as tax to join any.

Now we declare war on this stupid coalition. All khan crew will be fighting against you, all honorless ppl.
We will not let ANY or ther accompices win this world.
We will not let it be.
We will fight till the last spear broken..

We die today not only for our friends and family but for our gods and for our forefathers and men before them, so we pray to them to make us victorious, but khans never die as we always revive.




[video=youtube;GfPg5LjGYz8] qe7Q7JPbU&index=29[/video]


Mate, I thought you guys are not allowed to drink.

On a serious note though, obviously that paragraph where you claim NAM supported you and sniped against is rather.. funny.

Big majority of NAM accs were sat during that time at one or the other occasion and someone would surely notice something.

But what baffled me most was your last paragraph.

Kul, you do realize that this is a game right ? You dont die here for your forefathers and I doubt your gods give a damn about villages in tribalwars. You need to get back on earth. This is seriously unhealthy.

And last but not least, how many times did the dictator Krieger rek you untill now ?

And surely you will revive again wherever they are. lol


KulTigin is my dad

"After 400 nukes" is a little late to declare?
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Michael Corleone.

"Khans never die but always revive." Yeah tell that to ghengis khan.i guess he ran out of revive item in his poke bag


I love these kinds of threads! Here are my answers:

What would you do to win, to have fun or whatever reason you re playing TW?

I don't really play Tribal Wars for fun anymore, only reasons I'm still kicking is because the game is addicting as hell and cute boys keep dragging me back to play with them. I would probably do whatever it takes to win... you hear that ANY/Golden/NAM dukes? Anything...

add my snapchat: bigb00tyTWb1tch

Would you cheat?

I personally wouldn't, but you should ask my ex-boyfriend.

Would you betray your friends?

Not in a million years. My friends are probably the only reason I continue to play Tribal Wars. I usually get bored of TW and move on after a few months unless I have people in the world I want to fight for.

Would you make pacts with your enemies and leave your allies to death?

*cough* Freak & Blood. *cough*

Would you sell your honor to devil?

These questions are getting weird... Probably depends how much h0lly is offering.

Would you accept your enemies bully and bend over?

What do you think???



If we lose one more village....

We have been in war for almost 4 months now. Thanks for finally declaring after 374 lost villages.



We have been in war for almost 4 months now. Thanks for finally declaring after 374 lost villages.


Lol you couldn't do it when NAM was fighting you guys too. Funny how there has to be such a drastic change in offer to successfully get caps


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
good luck khan. one of the few tribes whose stuck by their word


Most of the answers are coming from useless brains. I saw lots of unhonorable ppl here that we call friends once. As all of you know how pathetic tribe you ve become, so you became bitching other tribes. NAM you are nowhere near to be compare yourself with us. I remember the times we were fighting against contra (some of ther team is now in NAM) Turkmen alone rimmed 5-6 accounts, you opped him for months with no success.. Also you again called your daddy krieger to attack us, all turkmens villages targeted with at least 2 trains, one by contra one by numb royale. No village lost and soon after contra disbanded and you called your other daddies w2v who loves your mamma and merged under w2v.

In every world same shit happens, we stop any growth and another tribe wins. Is that because w2v(w71), NAM(w77) is the best tribe? No way. Because they hugged everyone, even their enemies against us. Because everyone know, a khan is much more stronger than a whole tribe full of shit.

We have been in war for almost 4 months now. Thanks for finally declaring after 374 lost villages.

Do we have to declare if my name is kül tigin and my tribe name is khan? I dont think its necessary. Krieger knew we were gonna fight him. NAM knew we were gonna strike em after the betrayal. Now we have not much power to rim you both but this will be the reason for your rim. Believe me, if ANY was not attacking us, I certainly believe we could rim all NAM players with this few ppl, nukes and villages.

One final note, I do know any is supporting NBD against NAM, so NAM, you are a certain pathetic bitch..

Another note about 13th girl. That krieger know he cant rim us with his whole tribe so he wanted villages deep in our cluster from NAM. This shows two things.
1. Krieger lost his hope to rim us just with his armies and tactics.
2. Players like marshy and kamadhenu are that pathetic, they know they cant do shit to us so they called their daddy or grandma 13. Krieger aka Lady Darbanville..
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