Khan declares war on ANY & NAM coalition

  • Thread starter DeletedUser118436
  • Start date


Oh, someone is worried about khan :p You better, because khan is not alone. We called many friends to help us from We will never walk alone. Even all the world against us. We have turkish fighters, kurdish fighters, even my russian gf helping us against these serbian and russian b(p)ricks..

OMG krieger talked, she(!!) can talk it seems. Girl you are nowhere near to compare yourself with us. A single khan can kick your butt..

As I stated before all my crew is focused to fight against cheaters and dictators. We are risking our accounts get rimmed in this fight. Thats our honor to fight against dumbs.. Also your leader is not different. Also he has no honor for asking my friendship in every world. I ll give you only my full power against all of you.

Stop being so salty mate, you aint done shit this world, enjoy getting nobled out.


OMG krieger talked, she(!!) can talk it seems. Girl you are nowhere near to compare yourself with us. A single khan can kick your butt..


Michael Corleone.

Oh, someone is worried about khan :p You better, because khan is not alone. We called many friends to help us from We will never walk alone. Even all the world against us. We have turkish fighters, kurdish fighters, even my russian gf helping us against these serbian and russian b(p)ricks..

yeah can we stop making this ethnic wars and focus back to the game itself? I don't think the whole world is against you however. Just a feeling I have.


Could I receive some clarification?

My jumbled understanding of events:
1) NAM & Khan were working together, from the start at least! (My last period of activity) (W83)
2) Kul 'quits' then they tell me many months later they were playing in NAM. (W77)
3) Members of Venus & Khan work closely, some of Venus are in NAM (W71)
4) The Zee's (Gracie & Krazy) get on with budding partners W2V & NAM. (General knowledge)

My impression over the years is in some form or another Khan have a close connection with the regular no haulers and from my understanding of previous world events. ANY were outplayed, manipulated and trolled by their allies NAM with elements of W2V. Not an intended slight, just an observation of events and facts.

When I was playing for ANY their sole intention was to noble NAM due to previous events, there was no mention of Khan because Krieger said they weren't worth the attention.

Yet here I am reading ANY & NAM are working together, in order to noble out Khan. I am very confused. My first idea from reading the turn of events is that ANY were simply finding Khan too difficult to noble, I have faced both tribes in combat in the past and won succesfully so I know their abilities. I would say they cut an amazing deal to get NAM to break their relationship but this is purely a speculative moment, which is not what I wanted to get at here so my apologies for that.

So what happened?


When I was playing for ANY their sole intention was to noble NAM due to previous events, there was no mention of Khan because Krieger said they weren't worth the attention.

It is actually a very simple answer. I tried to motivate you to work with us. We all know you dislike Sam, as we were finding yourself under fire from NAM and Khan (which you were once part of it, even co-leader as I know), there was no need for me to motivate you to work with us by telling you that Khan is our real enemy. Instead, I suggest you Sam's tribe was, which I guess motivate you enough to join us with your crew and I hoped it would keep you motivate enough to work as part of the team for the long term.
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Your motivation was misinterpreted. I have not held any leadership positions in the aforementioned tribes nor do I dislike anybody. Yes, I question their motives when the first message Sagar at 1'o clock in the morning is: Why is roman not in Sass? I want to know where he is <- pretty much.

However you have avoided the question, and instead attempted a change in discussion to make me the centre of attention which is appreciated but unneccesary. I've indulged you. All I wish to know, is what changed.

If you want to discuss my time in your tribe Kriegsies, there is a PM feature.


You mentioned first your time in ANY and my talks about Wasted/Khan there, not me lol

Everything else is not your concern really.


I just dig out this one

[10/22/2015 1:02:50 PM] Krieger: you still do not like SAm and his tribe ?
[10/22/2015 1:04:35 PM] I.Roman.I: Very prickly question, we do not get along no

Michael Corleone.

Could I receive some clarification?

My jumbled understanding of events:
1) NAM & Khan were working together, from the start at least! (My last period of activity) (W83)
2) Kul 'quits' then they tell me many months later they were playing in NAM. (W77)
3) Members of Venus & Khan work closely, some of Venus are in NAM (W71)
4) The Zee's (Gracie & Krazy) get on with budding partners W2V & NAM. (General knowledge)

My impression over the years is in some form or another Khan have a close connection with the regular no haulers and from my understanding of previous world events. ANY were outplayed, manipulated and trolled by their allies NAM with elements of W2V. Not an intended slight, just an observation of events and facts.

When I was playing for ANY their sole intention was to noble NAM due to previous events, there was no mention of Khan because Krieger said they weren't worth the attention.

Yet here I am reading ANY & NAM are working together, in order to noble out Khan. I am very confused. My first idea from reading the turn of events is that ANY were simply finding Khan too difficult to noble, I have faced both tribes in combat in the past and won succesfully so I know their abilities. I would say they cut an amazing deal to get NAM to break their relationship but this is purely a speculative moment, which is not what I wanted to get at here so my apologies for that.

So what happened?
You've combated both tribes successfully? When?


You've combated both tribes successfully? When?

I'm sorry, I have no intention of shattering my obviously pretentious ego and little to no skill facade.

Especially on behalf of harrassing randoms such as you. I've not met you, and like others you have posted unwarranted comments that aim to degrade and insult.


Oh, someone is worried about khan :p You better, because khan is not alone. We called many friends to help us from We will never walk alone. Even all the world against us. We have turkish fighters, kurdish fighters, even my russian gf helping us against these serbian and russian b(p)ricks..

OMG krieger talked, she(!!) can talk it seems. Girl you are nowhere near to compare yourself with us. A single khan can kick your butt..

As I stated before all my crew is focused to fight against cheaters and dictators. We are risking our accounts get rimmed in this fight. Thats our honor to fight against dumbs.. Also your leader is not different. Also he has no honor for asking my friendship in every world. I ll give you only my full power against all of you.

I assume this is your friend aswell, right eh ?


Michael Corleone.

I'm sorry, I have no intention of shattering my obviously pretentious ego and little to no skill facade.

Especially on behalf of harrassing randoms such as you. I've not met you, and like others you have posted unwarranted comments that aim to degrade and insult.
You claim that you have combated both tribes successfully. I asked you when and you cannot even answer the question straight up. Don't claim something and talk in circles not able to back it up. I have no issue with what you claim if you can provide when you combated both tribes "successfully."