Could I receive some clarification?
My jumbled understanding of events:
1) NAM & Khan were working together, from the start at least! (My last period of activity) (W83)
2) Kul 'quits' then they tell me many months later they were playing in NAM. (W77)
3) Members of Venus & Khan work closely, some of Venus are in NAM (W71)
4) The Zee's (Gracie & Krazy) get on with budding partners W2V & NAM. (General knowledge)
My impression over the years is in some form or another Khan have a close connection with the regular no haulers and from my understanding of previous world events. ANY were outplayed, manipulated and trolled by their allies NAM with elements of W2V. Not an intended slight, just an observation of events and facts.
When I was playing for ANY their sole intention was to noble NAM due to previous events, there was no mention of Khan because Krieger said they weren't worth the attention.
Yet here I am reading ANY & NAM are working together, in order to noble out Khan. I am very confused. My first idea from reading the turn of events is that ANY were simply finding Khan too difficult to noble, I have faced both tribes in combat in the past and won succesfully so I know their abilities. I would say they cut an amazing deal to get NAM to break their relationship but this is purely a speculative moment, which is not what I wanted to get at here so my apologies for that.
So what happened?