Wasn't thinking about writing anymore and just watch and read, but oh well...
To start with, I still get bad vibes from reading some posts, clearly people need to rephrase their sentences a bit and learn to talk in a more respectful manner. Many people here aren't even small kids anymore, so re-think before you press the "submit reply" button next time. And for the love of god, don't create new forum accounts to go and hate on others... :icon_idea:
Actually who would trust you fake alias? You have some proof about W2V planing to recruit Royale members? I doubt it. W2V is not Khan to desperate trying to recruit players from other serious tribes around. They are not Khan to mass mail other tribe members to leave their tribe and join them or make another puppet tribes to them. They are not Khan to trying to spread disinformation's in order to get upper hand or to ruin other tribes relations to each other. That is standard Khan policy. And that why i assume your from Khan.
You guys recruited h3rlihy (LifeGoesOn?) from us (Khan which is a serious tribe, ehh). There will always be players jumping ships between serious tribes and it has probably happened to all the tribes on W71. Wouldn't make a statement about another tribe being more desperate than others to recruit players from serious tribes, because I believe Khan isn't. To my knowledge, many of the players that have joined Khan from other tribes are old friends to the core players in Khan. :icon_idea:
We had 1 occasion on which a mass mail was sent out to RoyalE (and I guess it was probably more of a test to see how the morale was/for lulz according to what I remember after learning about this myself) and it can be seen in rodelz signature. I'm not saying that I am proud of it, but oh well... we have also gotten similar mails in our tribe from others earlier. A simple mail doesn't hurt a serious tribe one bit thought, just creates a few smiles among the people reading it. But yeah, I admit this dirty little thing that was done by a player in Khan and I feel the shame. :icon_redface:
If tribes which we have a relation to are considered a puppet tribe, then RoyalE is our puppet tribe just as much as our sister/academy tribe Khan! at the moment. :icon_rolleyes:
I don't know where you got that last part from. When, where and how did Khan spread disinformation and destroy other tribes relationships? Give me names of the tribes and proof. :icon_confused:
From my point of veiw it's strange to call it standard Khan policy when most of what you wrote is just accusations and obvious exaggerations where you name as many dirty things one can do that comes to your mind. :icon_neutral:
And why is your first thought that it's someone from Khan who made an account just to bad-talk the leader of RoyalE?? Wouldn't LifeGoesOn himself or a friend of him be more of a first thought when it comes to that since it's him and you guys from RoyalE who are fighting and not Khan??? The only connection Khan has to this is that RoyalE recruited h3rlihy from us and we got him from GOTR (spelled it right?) before that. Thought, don't see how that connection has anything to do with the fight between LifeGoesOn/h3rlihy and RoyalE. :icon_idea::icon_rolleyes:
Apart from all the bashing and hating on Khan, I agree on W2V being one of the more honest and fair and square tribes on W71 that mostly treat others with respect.

I guess that's why a few players think they deserve to win the world. Not that the world has given up yet thought. :icon_rolleyes: