

so are they completely merging into fear?! or its just some dissatisfied members leaving?


that didn't take long was wondering if someone would post.... ;)


I would have made it, but I've been pretty thrown every insult in the book at randy lol


They will be joining us in FEAR and the remaining will go to booty.


one done 2 to go:D
so tell me rich, fear is not an elite tribe anymore or kiltom had 20 something elite players?:p


one done 2 to go:D
so tell me rich, fear is not an elite tribe anymore or kiltom had 20 something elite players?:p

lol, like Prime are in a position to mock other tribes :icon_rolleyes:


one done 2 to go:D
so tell me rich, fear is not an elite tribe anymore or kiltom had 20 something elite players?:p

Never said fear was elite that title is thrown around by prime not fear members were the little guys giving you guys the finger!

Isn't it 2 done 2 to go? (AOS, Kiltom)

yeap guess you could say that congrats you beat AOS 12 member tribe well actually berry beat them with his actions. but we expected prime to consider that a victory. those players are still about and still giving the finger, lol...

Kiltom was a broken tribe and never really had a chance cause of there set up too much responsibilities in to few hands leads to what happened to kiltom. and is also the reason why you where beating them... will take some good losses i imagine of the next few weeks before support and op's can catch up. but now that they will be all attacking, support and hitting prime i would venture the guess that the war in the north will become much more fun for both sides involved.

Guess FEAR?! is just doing the same as they've always mocked us for *LOL*

Oh and how is that, you were mocked not cause you recruited but because you recruited your enemy in the middle of a war.

we recruited a failing tribe that were allies.... Your flaming a tribe for increasing its top forty that is hillarious and the stupidest flame i've seen since dorin posted, lol...


Never said fear was elite that title is thrown around by prime not fear members were the little guys giving you guys the finger!

yeap guess you could say that congrats you beat AOS 12 member tribe well actually berry beat them with his actions. but we expected prime to consider that a victory. those players are still about and still giving the finger, lol...

Kiltom was a broken tribe and never really had a chance cause of there set up too much responsibilities in to few hands leads to what happened to kiltom. and is also the reason why you where beating them... will take some good losses i imagine of the next few weeks before support and op's can catch up. but now that they will be all attacking, support and hitting prime i would venture the guess that the war in the north will become much more fun for both sides involved.

Oh and how is that, you were mocked not cause you recruited but because you recruited your enemy in the middle of a war.

we recruited a failing tribe that were allies.... Your flaming a tribe for increasing its top forty that is hillarious and the stupidest flame i've seen since dorin posted, lol...
its easy to recruit from allies when you are allied and naped to the entire world unlike prime:icon_rolleyes:


Guess FEAR?! is just doing the same as they've always mocked us for *LOL*

That didn't take long.... You invite enemies. We invite allies. Big difference. Nice try though.

its easy to recruit from allies when you are allied and naped to the entire world unlike prime:icon_rolleyes:

Oh boo hoo. What's your point? The entire world is against Prime, what difference does it make that they are now under one tribe instead of three? Does Prime feel left out that they didn't get any recruits out of this :icon_rolleyes:


Well, FEAR?! want to fight Prime, right? Well recruiting KilTom is a good move for several reasons:

1. Gets new recruits, keeps activity up.
2. Gain new Ks for FEAR?!
3. Allows FEAR?! members to noble into ex-KilTom area, to get on frontlines with Prime
4. Gets FEAR?! more into the war with the KilTom refugees.
5. A KilTom/FEAR?! merger was always going to happen when KilTom picked there side. And for me, it was always going to be KilTom merging into FEAR?!


its easy to recruit from allies when you are allied and naped to the entire world unlike prime:icon_rolleyes:

I laughed quite hard at this....

I think your memory is pretty weak there prime and having allies...

Trouble is as soon as you got what you wanted prime ignored them and they came to fear?!

All were doing is unify to fight our common enemy. going to the strong tribe with the most organization.... seems like an obvious/smart choice to me.


yeap guess you could say that congrats you beat AOS 12 member tribe well actually berry beat them with his actions. but we expected prime to consider that a victory. those players are still about and still giving the finger, lol...

Kiltom was a broken tribe and never really had a chance cause of there set up too much responsibilities in to few hands leads to what happened to kiltom. and is also the reason why you where beating them... will take some good losses i imagine of the next few weeks before support and op's can catch up. but now that they will be all attacking, support and hitting prime i would venture the guess that the war in the north will become much more fun for both sides involved.

let's see what you will come up when fear is gone in 2 month;)

Oh and how is that, you were mocked not cause you recruited but because you recruited your enemy in the middle of a war.

we recruited a failing tribe that were allies.... Your flaming a tribe for increasing its top forty that is hillarious and the stupidest flame i've seen since dorin posted, lol...

they recruited players from a failed tribe too, I don't think the players they invited had any incomings from Prime at the time of invite:-?? can't be sure thou, I didn't
but I remember you were fighting kiltom, suddenly you had a ceasefire (maybe because you guys are as bad as kiltom and you couldn't beat them) then you become allies and then you fooled them into attacking Prime:D and look were that lead them, wake up ex-kiltom players, look where you are going

conclusion: two noob tribes can never beat each other, so let's merge and make a bigger noob tribe so we can have the second place for sometime:D
don't worry BSM soon you will get back to your place;) but I am afraid you can not keep it for long

Oh boo hoo. What's your point? The entire world is against Prime, what difference does it make that they are now under one tribe instead of three? Does Prime feel left out that they didn't get any recruits out of this :icon_rolleyes:

the difference is those two other tribes failed against Prime:-??


let's see what you will come up when fear is gone in 2 month;)

they recruited players from a failed tribe too, I don't think the players they invited had any incomings from Prime at the time of invite:-?? can't be sure thou, I didn't
but I remember you were fighting kiltom, suddenly you had a ceasefire (maybe because you guys are as bad as kiltom and you couldn't beat them) then you become allies and then you fooled them into attacking Prime:D and look were that lead them, wake up ex-kiltom players, look where you are going

conclusion: two noob tribes can never beat each other, so let's merge and make a bigger noob tribe so we can have the second place for sometime:D
don't worry BSM soon you will get back to your place;) but I am afraid you can not keep it for long

I would take what you say with some consideration if you had any clue whats so ever on what is happening or what did happen.

1. Kiltom called cease fire as they thought and new you guys were a threat. We were and did win that war... Just took time for the world to see what was happening... We won 12 of 16 weeks in that war with 6 weeks with 150+ village advantage.

2. semantics on incoming or not you had attacked them. cause they didn't attack you means you weren't there enemy? Please that is the stupidest Spin i've ever seen. They new that they could hit some close range village and beat some inactives but defeating 20 6+ player from the oringal hulk wasn't gonna happen so you recruited and became the big boys with the target on your back.

3. you can deflect all you want you were a traitor too so many and flocked to the closest red dots to you....

Do you really think prime has any room to talk with having some noobish members... lol please i can see why your clueless its cause your heads up your arse so far you can't see day light.

the difference is those two other tribes failed against Prime:-??


and why did they disband hmmm

one was a 15 member tribe fighting a 250 mill point tribe....

the other had no leadership going on ....

both real tough, breg all you like, keep thinking your going to win just makes it all the sweeter when we make you eat those words....
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