Kstrl Wents War With D M U


KSTRL doesnt get us to do crap so get your facts straight. We canceled your nap because we saw it as useless to us. I am the one who led to most of the canceling so if you have a problem with it, you can blame me not BDR


well there you go gula your question is answere looks like we're not as strong as you thought we were as you stated in your comment earlier on, BDR did this out of their own wishes and we had nothing to do with,


KSTRL doesnt get us to do crap so get your facts straight. We canceled your nap because we saw it as useless to us. I am the one who led to most of the canceling so if you have a problem with it, you can blame me not BDR

Then you go mail me. YOUR tribe deals with diplomacy like a toddler.


And To the New leadership of Kstrl and to my friend Jesus. I apologise for acusing your tribe of getting bdri to join in. I am wrong on that. I was very angry yesterday and just should have been quiet and re-thought everything when I have calmed down. Lets get back to this War lets play fairly and see who will do the best


I dont think we deal with diplomacy like toddlers. If a tribe is not seen as having any useful diplomacy you remove them, and if need be noble them. that is the way it is on any world. We were only NAPs which is hardly a very strong agreement. now if you were allies that would have been different


dont be mean about asimere

he is a good leader, just has some bad members


D M U and its Fam was Allys with BDR fam i worked it out With MJ so we wernt NAPS


I dont think we deal with diplomacy like toddlers. If a tribe is not seen as having any useful diplomacy you remove them, and if need be noble them. that is the way it is on any world. We were only NAPs which is hardly a very strong agreement. now if you were allies that would have been different

Let me start by saying you suck at handleing diplomacy for one we D M U had an allaince with BDR and family and in the flash we are now being attacked. Also I tryed to talk with asimere786 and this is the reply it get.

asimere786 today at 01:12
well your not useful allies any more, and all your players do is noble barbs around usy i get

First of all you should look a little harder into K78 and see who is nobling all the barbs NOT US.

Also for asimer786 why do you LEAVE your tribe saying you need a brake and then rejoin what kind of leader ship is that.
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dude watch the double post. This is getting really interesting though. Trash talk is the best part of the wars when you're not in it.


Kstrl will get this long talked about war with D M U and it will be fun. So one side is D M U vs. Kstrl, KesII, and KesIII.

D M U -points -4.170.516 up against Kstrl Family -points -29.364.454

I like those odds

Just looking back at the original post.

22 D M U 4.931.736

17 Kstrl 11.071.078
35 KesII 1.777.913

If we were reporting any stats to this war normally, we would say DMU has way out performed the Kstrl family. DMU has grown during the war by 700K, Kstrl family has more than halfed in size.

So from an outsider looking in - way to go DMU.



Just looking back at the original post.

22 D M U 4.931.736

17 Kstrl 11.071.078
35 KesII 1.777.913

If we were reporting any stats to this war normally, we would say DMU has way out performed the Kstrl family. DMU has grown during the war by 700K, Kstrl family has more than halfed in size.

So from an outsider looking in - way to go DMU.
Actually when this war first started D M U was 4mill right.

Soon after we dropped down to 2mill lowest of 1.8mill due to people leaving in the heat of war and also Biger players deleting in our tribe.

So infact D M U has grown alot more then 700K during this war but only counted from when Buick wrote this.


Side 1:
Players: buick77
Side 2:
Tribes: Kstrl KesII kes II
Timeframe: Last month
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 9
Side 2: 10
Difference: 1

Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 71,186
Side 2: 82,914
Difference: 11,728


BDR Family

I do not want to see you guys in here discussing Family business
Or arguing about anything you find in these forums, please just report them back
to the council, we can always vote with our troops

The Council


I do not want to see you guys in here discussing Family business
Or arguing about anything you find in these forums, please just report them back
to the council, we can always vote with our troops

The Council

What are you going to try to gangbang me like you doing to a couple of my players? you guys play with no honor.


What are you going to try to gangbang me like you doing to a couple of my players? you guys play with no honor.

So now you have the whole of Kstrl family and the whole of the BDR family attacking you guys! this does not seem like a fair and honourable fight.

Next thing you know, Kstrl and BDR and possibly a third tribe will be merging :icon_wink:. Then they may all attack this much smaller family..hmmmm.


WB had a nap with them which I can prove still existed a day before they attacked kinghoney. BDRI claimed when I mailed them that they got rid of the NAP awhile ago, making me make my comment from before they then canceled the allaince with D M U because of muy comment claiming the allaince was only a NAP. They play dirty


So now you have the whole of Kstrl family and the whole of the BDR family attacking you guys! this does not seem like a fair and honourable fight.

Next thing you know, Kstrl and BDR and possibly a third tribe will be merging :icon_wink:. Then they may all attack this much smaller family..hmmmm.

Yea thats right now BDR wents some. So now the odds are 6 tribes vs 2 The odds just keep getting better. BDR wil get what is coming to them very soon and will fall apart just like Kstrl is doing now. Also for those tribes around BDR and Kstrl they are fresh meat or atleast I would start eatting.


buick it's the leadership not the tribe they are nice while the leadership is bad